PurplePillDebate 内の OhGodWhyyyyyyyy によるリンク Male promiscuity and infidelity: Turns out, male sluts are just as bad.
PurplePillDebate 内の ProbablyBelievesIt によるリンク CMV: The main Redpill subreddit is a program to help immature men and women learn the glories of topping from the bottom.
The_Donald 内の Bageer によるリンク Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "I hope we never find life on other planets because there's no doubt that the U.S. Government will start sending them money!"
PurplePillDebate 内の Lonny_zone によるリンク Listen up FA Guy! Women have a different metric for sexual success.
marriedredpill 内の RPAlternate42 によるリンク [Editorial]: Why RPW Hates MRP, or, How All of You Failed a Large-Scale Shit Test. Inspired by the recent PPD thread and BPP's Subsequent Post
RedPillWomen 内の ReclaimingFeminity によるリンク Feminist says that submissive wives are "going to be domestically abused."
RedPillWomen 内の profHoneybee によるリンク Compatibility with Betas
PurplePillDebate 内の Atlas_B_Shruggin によるリンク Is this "mockery" and "satire"? or witchhunting and "bullying"?
[–]_wingnut_ [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)