PurplePillDebate 内の Atlas_B_Shruggin によるリンク Is this "mockery" and "satire"? or witchhunting and "bullying"?

[–]_wingnut_ [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

let me find you an example of a wingnut post. Here is a place where she calls out someone and says, "being 300 lbs and unmarried at 40 is worse". How is that ladylike? How is that respectful? And what about that " purported feminine value of empathy"?

LOL as if that was the worst thing i ever said to someone on the sub. WHO TOLD YOU MORONS ON TBP OR TRP THAT RPW WAS ABOUT BEING "LADYLIKE" AND RESPECTFUL TO ANYONE BUT OUR OWN MEN? can NONE of you even pretend to know what the sub is about before pontificating on it? we have a sidebar and a wiki and a culture. you will see ZERO MENTION OF OTHER WOMEN or being "ladylike" in some vapory Victorian way. you all make that up. you all make up RPW without any regard for our openly stated beliefs and purpose, or our methods

RedPillWomen 内の loko_kolo によるリンク Story of my weekend

[–]_wingnut_ 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Lol "at this point I am so wet I can't concentrate" thanks for the laugh

RedPillWomen 内の TempestTcup によるリンク Be Light

[–]_wingnut_[M] 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

This isn't your blog

PurplePillDebate 内の OhGodWhyyyyyyyy によるリンク Male promiscuity and infidelity: Turns out, male sluts are just as bad.

[–]_wingnut_ 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

this is a myth. attractive men most often cheat for strange. no amount of being a good woman will stop a determined man from cheating on you when you get middle aged. thats life

PurplePillDebate 内の ProbablyBelievesIt によるリンク CMV: The main Redpill subreddit is a program to help immature men and women learn the glories of topping from the bottom.

[–]_wingnut_ 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Please find anything on RPW that supports your ridiculous contention that this is what RPW is about and paste it here in response to my post.

RedPillWomen 内の [deleted] によるリンク Got drunk on date... Scared and don't know what to do (21)

[–]_wingnut_ 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

it was a typo for looking, which is blatantly obvious. you have no RP advice to give, get off my sub

RedPillWomen 内の [deleted] によるリンク Got drunk on date... Scared and don't know what to do (21)

[–]_wingnut_ 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

hes not right and this is not RPW advice, it sjust what you want to hear

RedPillWomen 内の [deleted] によるリンク Got drunk on date... Scared and don't know what to do (21)

[–]_wingnut_[M] 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

So it's RPW proper advice for girls who are looking to be seen as good LTR/marriage material to behave like this?should we advise women to behave like this in order to be seen as anything as a pump and dump? Explain to me how what you posted us good RP advice for women

RedPillWomen 内の [deleted] によるリンク Got drunk on date... Scared and don't know what to do (21)

[–]_wingnut_ 12ポイント13ポイント  (0子コメント)

im curious what kind of red pill reasoning leads you to believe she's "just fine here"?

RedPillWomen 内の Kittenkajira によるリンク So Who Does the Dishes?

[–]_wingnut_ 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

She doesn't understand the concept of her doing it herself if she doesn't like it my way.

tell her that, then dont do the things anymore

marriedredpill 内の RPAlternate42 によるリンク [Editorial]: Why RPW Hates MRP, or, How All of You Failed a Large-Scale Shit Test. Inspired by the recent PPD thread and BPP's Subsequent Post

[–]_wingnut_ 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

You, and RPW, don't have anything to offer married men in improving themselves or their marriages. You have no actionable, useful advice.

we give men the EXACT SAME advice all RP gives men, RP advice from RP sources, when we DO give men advice, which is rare. this is of course bullshit. RP advice is RP advice no matter who it comes from, we dont give men "rpw" advice. and of course, no one was GIVING MEN ADVICE AT ALL, in any of these threads, they were analyzing TRP , RPW and MRP approaches

The drama was created when BPP schlepped an argument from PPD into MRP and misrepresented the views of his interlocutor and her sub and then when MRP inexcplicably allowed rpalternate42s post bitchign and moaning abotu RPW (something that would be IMMEDIATELY pulled on RPW, btw, and HAS been, if it was in the reverse)

how is bitching about RPW and interactions with RPW on OTHER subs, which has nothing to do with ANY of you or your sub "helping men do better with women"?

RedPillWomen 内の Thenextprince によるリンク Questions for Red Pill Women

[–]_wingnut_ 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

1) Does your SO/H know about RP? If you are single, does the man you are most interested in dating exclusively know about RP?

no my husband does not specificlaly "know about RP"

2) Have you showed TRP to your man? What was his reaction?

no but we discuss RP ideas naturally because being an experienced, masculine man hes come to most RP conclusions on his own

3) Do you think he would benefit from learning about TRP?

no, hes already masculine, dominant and attractive

4) Has it been easy or hard for you to learn about female nature and rp ideas? How?

no, from the moment i saw it it was perfectly obvious to me it was true

5) do you believe in hypergamy? If yes, do you have to supress urges to go after a man who is more alpha/ cheat with a more alpha man?

hypergamy is female nature, hypergamy is RP 101, we are red pill women, we believe in the red pill descriptions of male and female nature. if you have a man who basically sates your hypergamic instinct youre rarely tempted to cheat or branch swing, thats the whole point of LTR/marriage RP

RedPillWomen 内の profHoneybee によるリンク Compatibility with Betas

[–]_wingnut_ 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

its about finding a normal masculine man and having a harmonious relationship with him that takes male wants, needs and nature into account as well as female.

rp women hate rp men because they're playing with a stacked deck

dont know where you pulled this out of your ass from.

RedPillWomen 内の profHoneybee によるリンク Compatibility with Betas

[–]_wingnut_ 15ポイント16ポイント  (0子コメント)

it seems curious that RPW and TRP claim to be partners

no we dont

RedPillWomen 内の cherries13 によるリンク What's wrong with initiating contact?

[–]_wingnut_ 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Which is when he will dump her for a better model. Women should look for established men

RedPillWomen 内の cherries13 によるリンク What's wrong with initiating contact?

[–]_wingnut_ 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It is terrible advice to tell women to initiate contact ever

RedPillWomen 内の cherries13 によるリンク What's wrong with initiating contact?

[–]_wingnut_ 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It is terrible advice to tell women to initiate contact ever

RedPillWomen 内の [deleted] によるリンク Married, pregnant... And being hit on?

[–]_wingnut_ 40ポイント41ポイント  (0子コメント)

Why are you having Flirty texting exchanges with this man and then acting shocked he's being sexy with you? Does your husband know you text things like "pics or it didn't happen" with cute young coworkers?