The_Donald 内の tumblrgallll によるリンク "No media reported the over 200 muslims throwing bottles at police to prevent the arrest of terrorist Salah Abdeslam" says the current Minister-President of Flanders
The_Donald 内の theunstumpable によるリンク Don't forget John Oliver's wise advice to Europe - "If Europe doesn't let more migrants in, THIS is what Europeans will look like"
The_Donald 内の theunstumpable によるリンク Don't forget John Oliver's wise advice to Europe - "If Europe doesn't let more migrants in, THIS is what Europeans will look like"
The_Donald 内の turboregina によるリンク [REPOST] | Chokehantos paid for/supported by Soros. Further proof who is pushing these protests
The_Donald 内の sandmanviscera によるリンク Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "So the highly overrated anchor, @megynkelly, is allowed to constantly say bad things about me on her show, but I can't fight back? Wrong!"
The_Donald 内の Voat_Donald_Trump によるリンク Clint Eastwood is going to campaign for Donald Trump in Nevada, California, and Arizona ("Are you feeling lucky, cuck?")
The_Donald 内の sandmanviscera によるリンク Flip-Floppin' Hillary
The_Donald 内の mivvan によるリンク Reddit gives advice 4 days ago. [REUPLOAD] - personal info removed
[–]mivvan[S] 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)