The_Donald 内の mivvan によるリンク Reddit gives advice 4 days ago. [REUPLOAD] - personal info removed

[–]mivvan[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

So what would you suggest instead? For example currently sidebar rule IV. is "No releasing of personal information"

The_Donald 内の mivvan によるリンク Reddit gives advice 4 days ago. [REUPLOAD] - personal info removed

[–]mivvan[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Reddit chose to include the reddit usernames in their definition of "personal info" for whatever reason. If you post a screengrab from here you have to remove the usernames, just as if it were facebook etc.

The_Donald 内の mivvan によるリンク Reddit gives advice 4 days ago. [REUPLOAD] - personal info removed

[–]mivvan[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Ok but look at again at the first commenter. He is not only worried about terrorism, but all possible threats/dangers like simple street crime, which certain districts of Brussels have. Also Belgium is a tiny country compared to the US, this has to be factored in as well. If 30 out of 100 die in a place you would be worried right? If 30 out of 10 million (Belgium) maybe less so and if 30 out of 330 million or however many then you'd say there is no threat at all. But you can't just look at it like 30 people died here 30 there so it is equal. You have to look at it like 30 people out of how many. Think about this: lots of people died in the airport and got injured. This guy was sure to pass through the airport, he was likely to use the underground rail system as well. So it is even different for people in different parts of Belgium. Some rural town guy in Belgium might percieve that there were never any danger at all.

The_Donald 内の mivvan によるリンク Reddit gives advice 4 days ago. [REUPLOAD] - personal info removed

[–]mivvan[S] 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

"do most people here disagree with the sentiment linked in the picture?"

But what is the sentiment? To berate someone for asking a legitimate question and downvote him? To pretend that Brussels is perfectly safe? To pretend that it is laughable that any danger or terrorists are present in Brussels. One of them even directly mentioned Molenbeek the section of the city where all the terrorists were hiding before and after the Paris attack. Saying, "are you serious?" like Carl did that one time?

The_Donald 内の rwkZub によるリンク Smug Liberal Comedian Man Has No Grip On Reality Confirmed Yet Again

[–]mivvan 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)




The_Donald 内の mivvan によるリンク Reddit gives advice 4 days ago. [REUPLOAD] - personal info removed

[–]mivvan[S] 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

holy shit, this is just tooo close, I had to read the original again, just to make sure if this was an actual quote or not.

The_Donald 内の mivvan によるリンク Reddit gives advice 4 days ago. [REUPLOAD] - personal info removed

[–]mivvan[S,M] 26ポイント27ポイント  (0子コメント)

you make a valid point but this rule comes from above (reddit admins) and they include reddit usernames in the 'no personal info' category.

The_Donald 内の mivvan によるリンク Reddit gives advice 4 days ago. [REUPLOAD] - personal info removed

[–]mivvan[S] 35ポイント36ポイント  (0子コメント)

Credit goes to the original uploader /u/Jasoncy .

when uploading screen grabs of social media all names/usernames and other personal info must be blacked out, this includes reddit and reddit usernames (probably so they don't get bombarded by PMs), this is a site-wide rule

The_Donald 内の TrumpWinner によるリンク Good luck from Hungary, YOU NEED TO WIN THIS!

[–]mivvan 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

You can also set your flair, Hungary is available as an option.

"Yes, things are a little better now, the other V4 countries are showing some support, and Austria is also getting a little bit more accepting I think. "

The more important story is the opinions of the population, in the UK , Germany, France there are tens upon tens of millions of people who vehemently disagree with the open border policies, invitations and selfies with migrants and all that stuff.

The_Donald 内の TrumpWinner によるリンク Good luck from Hungary, YOU NEED TO WIN THIS!

[–]mivvan[M] 9ポイント10ポイント  (0子コメント)

"Europe needs Trump just as much as you do. "

  • Accurately said, fellow Centipede, you are not alone when you think this.

The_Donald 内の turboregina によるリンク [REPOST] | Chokehantos paid for/supported by Soros. Further proof who is pushing these protests

[–]mivvan 33ポイント34ポイント  (0子コメント)

She really is media savvy. She became a meme sensation overnight for the price of a short trip and that bike lock.

Guaranteed Soros funding for life now. Soros won't just let such starlets walk away.

The_Donald 内の supertopbop22 によるリンク ☐ Not REKT ☑ REKT

[–]mivvan 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yea this is a repost, the original was better.

The_Donald 内の sandmanviscera によるリンク Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "So the highly overrated anchor, @megynkelly, is allowed to constantly say bad things about me on her show, but I can't fight back? Wrong!"

[–]mivvan 82ポイント83ポイント  (0子コメント)

I was just about to post this very recent tweet about crazy Megyn, but turns out I was already late by 3 minutes. Nice energy level in here.

The_Donald 内の shawnesty によるリンク I'd tell you you're fucking annoying!

[–]mivvan 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

See this is what is the crucial difference between the two campaigns.

I donate to Donald Trump's campaign every single day in the amount of $0.00 and can still afford to match the donations of several of my fellow centipedes.

And it is perfectly enough that I donate the above money, I don't have to phonebank, facebank, fakebank, truckbank or whatever else is there.

AND instead of watching a candidate losing state primaries time after time, my donations result in several big wins. Not to mention the complete collapse of the campaigns of the guac bowl merchant, little marco and others all due to the successes of the Trump campaign.

The_Donald 内の Voat_Donald_Trump によるリンク Clint Eastwood is going to campaign for Donald Trump in Nevada, California, and Arizona ("Are you feeling lucky, cuck?")

[–]mivvan 49ポイント50ポイント  (0子コメント)

What was the reaction to this news you ask? When Ted Cruz heard about this, he didn't come out of his Arizona campaign office for an hour. After a few campaign staffers went in to look for him, they realized that in fact:


The_Donald 内の sandmanviscera によるリンク Flip-Floppin' Hillary

[–]mivvan[M] 173ポイント174ポイント  (0子コメント)

That's just Shillary for you. Bought and paid for.

The_Donald 内の sandmanviscera によるリンク You know the drill, I'm going back to bed. Too tough.

[–]mivvan 88ポイント89ポイント  (0子コメント)

This image is inaccurate

Bill wouldn't even leave a courtesy note. It would be more like a house of cards type situation where Bill just appears with the latest girl to breakfast and nobody says anything about it.

The_Donald 内の sandmanviscera によるリンク If Hillary were a republican

[–]mivvan 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

This is not wrong. The DOJ, ran by Obama appointees will decide on whether to indict.

The_Donald 内の sandmanviscera によるリンク Talk about greedy...

[–]mivvan 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

Is she allowed to do this? This could be an explanation why everyone is just "suspending their campaign" all the time instead of outright ending it. They may want to take out any leftovers with some similar shenanigans.

The_Donald 内の sandmanviscera によるリンク Hillary's new roommates

[–]mivvan 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

I don't think even Democrats deny that she violated the laws, they just claim that it was more convenient / others did it as well.