The_Donald 内の fishinthepond によるリンク I don't care if this gets deleted I just want to say something

[–]doggynamedjasper 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Rule X: New Centipedes must assimilate.


Follow the rules so clearly delineated in the sidebar (as I have every faith you will do), and you will receive much love from our community.

The_Donald 内の tumblrgallll によるリンク Meanwhile in Hungary..

[–]doggynamedjasper 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

Fucking top kek, this is the kind of shit we need more of on this sub.

The_Donald 内の Duke217 によるリンク I am seriously fucking scared right now...

[–]doggynamedjasper 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)



BannedFromThe_Donald 内の GregorianChants によるリンク banned from The_Donald

[–]doggynamedjasper 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Where am I crying? I came to this little dump because someone else came here to moan about how unfair a ban was, and it was all a load of bullshit.

My sub and I were being attacked here as racists because we agree with Trump. You chose to ignore that aspect of the conversation in your post.

BannedFromThe_Donald 内の GregorianChants によるリンク banned from The_Donald

[–]doggynamedjasper -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Probably because you posted it.

John Oliver is a cuck.

This sub is a circlejerk about HOW MEAN THE MODS ARE OMG!

Respect us and our rules and you won't have a problem. Don't, and you'll get banned.

BannedFromThe_Donald 内の GregorianChants によるリンク banned from The_Donald

[–]doggynamedjasper 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

You were banned because a mod made a hasty mistake, then you come to this sub and write libelous shit about our sub like "It's a racist sub I guess..."

BannedFromThe_Donald 内の GregorianChants によるリンク banned from The_Donald

[–]doggynamedjasper 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Temporary ban on Muslims immigrating to the US when you have the CIA director and the Director of National Intelligence both admitting that yes, the refugees have been infiltrated by ISIS and yes, ISIS plans to carry out terrorist attacks in the US and EU.

Build a wall to stop the flow of drugs from Mexico to the US. Build a wall to stop the flow of illegal immigration. 80% of women who cross the border illegally are raped. It's fucking disgraceful, and a humanitarian crisis. Open borders are only loved by the far left and neocons, because one gets a wedge issue and the prospect of basically a slave class of , and the other gets just slave labor.

Building a wall is not racist, and if you're seriously interpreting Trump's comments to include all Mexicans, you're being a moron and you know it.

You were banned for this post, according to you:

When you come to our sub and try to troll and denigrate us (like how you've come to a subreddit entirely dedicated to doing so), you're going to get banned.

The_Donald 内の Backpacks_Got_Jets によるリンク Donald Drumpf, LOL!

[–]doggynamedjasper 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

Nobody who's objectively been to GB and seen chavs, soccer hooligans, or the outside of a bar after 11pm would claim superiority of the English over Americans.

I love the English, Scottish, Irish. Been all over, get along with and love all of them (especially love Australians); but no, your average Anglo abroad is not superior to your average American.

The_Donald 内の theunstumpable によるリンク /pol/ discovers the truth about liberals.

[–]doggynamedjasper 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I wear glasses, but only because I read The_Donald so much.

BannedFromThe_Donald 内の GregorianChants によるリンク banned from The_Donald

[–]doggynamedjasper 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

That's because it's also filled with posts like "Clinton destroys Sanders in recent New York Polls, We need to get voter registration drives going Now"

The adults on S4P are the same people who use IRC chats and complain to strangers about how their lives suck and how they're on disability. S4P is also filled with subtly racist posts like "WOW WHY CANT THOSE BLACKS JUST VOTE WHAT'S BEST FOR THEM???"

S4P is a low energy cesspool. The_Donald is actual fun. Maybe not your fun, but considering how we're massively outpacing S4P growth and are one of the most active subs on reddit, it sounds like I MIGHT be sharing more than an opinion.

The_Donald 内の Backpacks_Got_Jets によるリンク Donald Drumpf, LOL!

[–]doggynamedjasper 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

Globalist liberal cunts. The "everywhere is better than America, anything is better than American" crowd.

BannedFromThe_Donald 内の GregorianChants によるリンク banned from The_Donald

[–]doggynamedjasper 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'd have to turn those same questions back to you on your comment.

You commented on yada yada yada policy, volunteering, whatever. We have contacts with the Trump campaign. When they contact us for help, it gets stickied. Voter registration info is usually on the top of the homepage. Sidebar has campaign info, major Trump policy info, "why Trump" opinions of some of our esteemed members, and access to Trump live streams.

If you're not a troll and if you use the sidebar, and you won't get banned.

runescape 内の Crizpywaffle によるリンク Decided to go for 120 mining, XP waste is not an option.

[–]doggynamedjasper 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

A+ xp game. I only had orientation in the towers, I lived on CA my whole time there.

BannedFromThe_Donald 内の GregorianChants によるリンク banned from The_Donald

[–]doggynamedjasper 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's a racist sub I guess..

Aaaand you just guaranteed you aren't coming back.

BannedFromThe_Donald 内の GregorianChants によるリンク banned from The_Donald

[–]doggynamedjasper 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Bitching like an old wife isn't going to get you unbanned.

BannedFromThe_Donald 内の GregorianChants によるリンク banned from The_Donald

[–]doggynamedjasper -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

I posted the rules of THIS sub.

No Bernie Bots is because you have dicks like the guy who, in this thread, called me a fascist and said "our fun is in the way of progress" or something ridiculous like that. It's because you have degenerate Bernie bros who spit at and verbally assault Trump supporters, destroy their property, and even physically assault them for no reason other than supporting Trump. It's because /r/The_Donald isn't where you go to spout your bullshit and attack Trump supporters. It's a rally, not a Q&A.

BannedFromThe_Donald 内の GregorianChants によるリンク banned from The_Donald

[–]doggynamedjasper 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I didn't ban you, but I did remove the other post because you're right, it was anti-semitic. Appeal your ban. A lot of the mods are new, you're right; message the mods, explain that you're a true centipede and one of the new mods made a mistake, and chances are one of the higher up mods will revisit your ban.

Unless I'm mistaken, you're the account that's the mom/son account, correct? I remember you. You asked around about what a Trump rally was like.

Appeal your ban. I'll message one of the mods for you.