The_Donald 内の WolfofAnarchy によるリンク Based Putin was completely right, years ago, on immigration and Sharia law.

[–]richmomz 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Just like how the media labels Trump a rogue candidate. Yes, I can see these two getting along just fine.

The_Donald 内の freeasabee1 によるリンク Americans Think the Stock Market Will Soar Under President Trump

[–]richmomz 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

The globalist corporations and big outsourcers will take a big hit, but companies that create jobs and opportunities within the US will do great. I'm totally ok with that.

The_Donald 内の WolfofAnarchy によるリンク Based Putin was completely right, years ago, on immigration and Sharia law.

[–]richmomz 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think you're the one making false comparisons here - Russia has different term limit rules than we do (and our limits were only put into place after FDR stayed in office for three consecutive terms) - I don't see how that's relevant.

Yes, if Putin wants to push something through the Duma he can do so easily because his party is currently in the majority. Just like how Bush had no problem pushing things through Congress the first six years he was in office because the Republicans controlled both the executive and legislative branch. And Obama could push his reforms through the Democrat dominated Congress after he was elected.

The only valid point I see here is that Russia doesn't have a viable second party, but as I pointed out already that has nothing to do with Putin and everything to do with opposition support being divided between two extremist parties. If opposition supporters moderate their views and embrace the Social Democrats then we could see the emergence of a competitive centrist-left party. But right now people are either ok with Putin, or want something more extreme. You seem to be implying that this is by design but I don't see anything to support this theory.

The_Donald 内の WolfofAnarchy によるリンク Based Putin was completely right, years ago, on immigration and Sharia law.

[–]richmomz 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

That's generally the case everywhere. President Obama openly collaborates with Democrats in Congress to pass legislative reform (like Obamacare), and Republicans did the same when Bush was in office. Our executive branch doesn't exist in a vacuum, and neither does Russia's.

The_Donald 内の WolfofAnarchy によるリンク Based Putin was completely right, years ago, on immigration and Sharia law.

[–]richmomz -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

There is party opposition - they're just populated by lunatics. The biggest one by far is the Communist Party, followed by ultra-right wing Tsarists. Social Democrats don't pose any opposition because they simply don't have much public support (somewhere around 10% last I checked).

The_Donald 内の WolfofAnarchy によるリンク Based Putin was completely right, years ago, on immigration and Sharia law.

[–]richmomz 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

Just to put things in perspective, this law was in response to Pussy Riot breaking into a church and screaming obscenities at people attending a service. I'm pretty sure they would have been arrested if they had done the same here.

I don't agree with the scope of their law personally and think it's very anti-free speech, but the Russians have the right to decide how they want to go about protecting their culture from SJW stupidity.

The_Donald 内の WolfofAnarchy によるリンク Based Putin was completely right, years ago, on immigration and Sharia law.

[–]richmomz 15ポイント16ポイント  (0子コメント)

Putin banned hundreds of NGOs from Russia because he saw them as 'foreign agents' trying to disrupt his regime.

He's not wrong - some of them did actively try to advance foreign interests on Russian soil (which is the whole reason why Soros is banned). Most others actually aren't banned, but they are required to register with the Russian government (incidentally the same is true in the US, where foreign lobbyist groups are required to register with the DOJ).

He also directly opposes democracy.

Putin is a democratically elected leader, and I've never seen a credible source that demonstrates your claim. In fact, Putin has one of the highest domestic public approval ratings of any national leader (typically between 60-80%) and has been verified numerous times by independent polling. Yes, their political system is sketchy as fuck, but I have yet to see any evidence that Putin does not have the consent of the governed to rule. Meanwhile here in the US the GOP is openly plotting to modify primary election rules to throw out primary votes for Trump in favor of a non-democratic candidate appointment procedure (via an extremely sketchy delegate selection process that would make even Putin blush). We really shouldn't criticize anyone about democratic standards if that happens.

There are a lot of reasons to criticize Putin, but these issues aren't among them.

The_Donald 内の Duke217 によるリンク I am seriously fucking scared right now...

[–]richmomz 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

We've already reached the tipping point - people are waking up to what's happening here and in Europe, and Trump's success is proof of that. I think everything is going to work out fine, but things might get a little bumpy along the way.

The_Donald 内の skinnywhiteblonde によるリンク Scott Adams on Twitter: "Watch Trump turn the women on The View into supporters. Call it The Belgium Effect. Act three is solved."

[–]richmomz 18ポイント19ポイント  (0子コメント)

They're realizing that political correctness and SJW stupidity don't provide solutions to real-world threats.

The_Donald 内の Redditation88 によるリンク Hillary says Obama's plan to bring in 10,000 Syrian Refugees is a "good start", but she would bring in 65,000

[–]richmomz 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think the goal is to break cultural identities to make society more malleable to the idea of regional/global government. Not just here but in Europe as well (and we're now witnessing the result of that globalist policy).

The_Donald 内の Redditation88 によるリンク Hillary says Obama's plan to bring in 10,000 Syrian Refugees is a "good start", but she would bring in 65,000

[–]richmomz 9ポイント10ポイント  (0子コメント)

There are a few idiots claiming that it would be economically beneficial to the country (with no credible studies or economic analysis to back it up, of course). When I ask 'if that's really the case, then why don't we just raise the legal immigration quota or issue temporary work visas?' I just get a blank look, or appeals to emotion that we have a responsibility to help disadvantaged people. When I point out that we can't even take care of our own poor and homeless people, that's typically when the hyperbole ("you're just a RACIST!") starts.

The only plausible benefit I can think of is that it might technically raise overall GDP from increased economic activity. But nearly all of that benefit would go to the people benefiting from depressed wage growth while everyone else suffers. You get a bigger wage gap, higher unemployment, higher racial/cultural tensions, lower wages, and probably more crime (as a secondary effect from these other problems). No thank you.

The_Donald 内の MrTinkerbell によるリンク Thanks, Obama.

[–]richmomz[M] [スコア非表示] stickied comment (0子コメント)

Removed - shitposting is fine but you need to at least put a little effort into it.

The_Donald 内の WolfofAnarchy によるリンク Based Putin was completely right, years ago, on immigration and Sharia law.

[–]richmomz 51ポイント52ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm pretty sure President Trump and President Putin are going to get along pretty well.

The_Donald 内の WolfofAnarchy によるリンク Based Putin was completely right, years ago, on immigration and Sharia law.

[–]richmomz 302ポイント303ポイント  (0子コメント)

Slightly off-topic, but he also banned Soros and his companies/NGOs from entering Russia. Putin saw that cuck's race agitation and SJW bullshit for what it really is a long time ago.

The_Donald 内の lookingfornycapt によるリンク HIGH ENERGY BELGIAN

[–]richmomz 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

You could in theory, but in practice it's very difficult to find examples of left-wing government representatives that embrace that theory. I can't think of a single one, in fact.

The_Donald 内の lookingfornycapt によるリンク HIGH ENERGY BELGIAN

[–]richmomz 10ポイント11ポイント  (0子コメント)

Europe needs to purge their governments of globalist cucks and replace them with proper representatives who put the interests of their own citizens first.