The_Donald 内の Merkelsmellslikepoo によるリンク HUGE CALL TO MAKE THE LYING AND DISRESPECTFUL CUCK john "current year" oliver RESIGN FROM HIS SHOW

[–]PoliticsOnReddit 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Just don't watch his show. Don't subscribe or give him views anywhere. Ignore him.

Same with Megyn Kelly.

The_Donald 内の ItsATedAndRandParty によるリンク Good News for France=> 25% of French Teenagers are Muslim - 1 in 5 Support ISIS

[–]PoliticsOnReddit 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I thought they made the minimum wage like 8 dollars or something? Which imo and others is low considering the taxes + price of things there.

Or am I wrong? I thought I read an article. Ether way thanks, this wasn't something I was aware of. I knew it was pretty bad in Germany but I didn't know it was that bad.

The_Donald 内の afraidsometimes によるリンク I'm turning coat. Time for Trump

[–]PoliticsOnReddit 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

You should read Trumps policies. Look into his interviews, articles, books, and rallies. If you need videos or anything, you can PM me personally.. I have saved tons. Or you can go to /r/asktrumpsupporters and ask about issues there.

Welcome though.


The_Donald 内の ItsATedAndRandParty によるリンク Good News for France=> 25% of French Teenagers are Muslim - 1 in 5 Support ISIS

[–]PoliticsOnReddit 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

So medical isn't a necessary program but police are?

I didn't say that. However medical care needs to be dealt with at a state and local level also. Which Trump is talking about. There needs to be competition between states to lower prices. Which also Trump has talked about in his policies here. Obama, Bernie, and Hillary want it to become more of a socialist program, which isn't working now and will never work. BECAUSE socialism doesn't work. Bernies plan is a disaster. It will raise taxes, cause companies to move more overseas, cause the companies that are here to only hire part-time, raise the prices of items, also tons of people will lose jobs around 3 million people that work insurance companies or anything to do with that. Also doctors and nurses will lose jobs, and hospitals will shut down. To give you an idea in 10 years we have lost 3 million jobs to China. That is considered a disaster. To lose 3 million more jobs in a less amount of time? It's just crazy.

Police and fire departments are at a state, and local level.

I could be wrong but isn't Bernie for medical and college tuition. Those seem like essential programs.

College isn't and should never be free. I agree it needs to be cheaper and that a lot of things aren't needed that cause the prices to go up, but it should never be free.

The issue is a lot of jobs after college that you would use to pay back the college loans or w/e, are being taken from people from other countries through visas and what not, because they will work for less (slave labor), which Trump has also talked about here. It's an issue of not being able to get jobs after college, not exactly an issue of paying for college.

Also things like Obamacare, make jobs only take part time. I mean we have a huge issue with only part-time jobs in America at the moment. That's another issue. Socialist programs do this type of shit, that is why they are bad. There needs to be more power in local and state and more power with the people and less with the federal government.

The_Donald 内の ItsATedAndRandParty によるリンク Good News for France=> 25% of French Teenagers are Muslim - 1 in 5 Support ISIS

[–]PoliticsOnReddit 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

They aren't socialist programs, they are social programs. There is a difference.

USA police, and fire departments are there to provide essential services to society.

Socialist programs are other stuff like wealth redistribution for example, that aren't essential. Another great example of a socialist program would be Obamacare. It's a complete wreck.

Social programs work because as society we all agree we need them, that they are essential. Socialist programs don't work because they go against what the people want, they give more power back into the government without the peoples agreement and ext.

There is a huge difference. I know Bernie would make it seem like their isn't, because he is a complete scam.. but there is.

Another point I'd like to make is these programs are at a local or state level. The programs that the government try to get more involved in, for example Education... not working so well. Common Core is just horrible. Insurance is bloated.. private is better. I mean in every program the more the federal government is involved the worse the program becomes.

Socialism doesn't work.

The_Donald 内の darthskids によるリンク This is why I support Donald Trump: Politicians like Bernie Sanders taking money from the poor and donating it to the rich [X/POST from BSS]

[–]PoliticsOnReddit -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

The sad thing is, I think he was in credit card debt. Like $64,000 or something.

All I know is he is a scam. He also is really bad with money, just looking at his campaign. Why would anyone trust him to be the president is beyond me.

The_Donald 内の darthskids によるリンク This is why I support Donald Trump: Politicians like Bernie Sanders taking money from the poor and donating it to the rich [X/POST from BSS]

[–]PoliticsOnReddit 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

They got scammed by Bernie

He asks for money, he gets like 115 million dollars. Then he wastes it all. He then gets on Reddit and asks for 40 million more dollars from the same people he says "are one paycheck away from poverty". He is a scam.

The_Donald 内の ItsATedAndRandParty によるリンク Good News for France=> 25% of French Teenagers are Muslim - 1 in 5 Support ISIS

[–]PoliticsOnReddit 30ポイント31ポイント  (0子コメント)

I was speaking out against socialism yesterday. Some people commented saying

"What about France? Germany? Italy?" and a few other countries.

People actually think these places are doing great.

No, their economy is crumbling in most of the countries. Even in Germany where the economy is doing okay and unemployment is low, they have a huge issue with the homeless, and the increase in poor is going up. Mostly because jobs are only offering part-time, and the wages are low vs how much the prices of things are and how much taxes they pay.

Socialism doesn't work people. It's sad I even had to explain this to people. I could get a teenager on here that could explain why. So it's astonishing to me that there is a large amount of people for it.

We are supposed to learn from history not repeat it, over and over again.

Edit: Also things like the police department and fire department are not socialism. They are social programs we as society agree that we need. They are dealt with at a local and state level. Things that are socialist programs are Obamacare, common core, which are both complete wrecks clearly. The more the federal government gets involved in things, the worse they become. Socialism does not work. It never has. It never will. It's a complete failure anywhere it is tried. They teach this shit in elementary school guys. Honestly. It really is sad that me or anyone has to explain this to you.

Here are some great links to watch:


The_Donald 内の kenja-time によるリンク Wow, Cruz blames Trump for Brussels

[–]PoliticsOnReddit 15ポイント16ポイント  (0子コメント)







The_Donald 内の ItsATedAndRandParty によるリンク Three Washington DC Students Arrested with Bomb-Making Equipment in Dorm room

[–]PoliticsOnReddit 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

W/e if you see something or have suspicions report it. It was most likely used for drugs, but at the end of the day it's better to be safe then sorry.

The_Donald 内の Om_ShantiShanti によるリンク Trump pledges to betray the United States for Israel, loses my (and countless others') vote

[–]PoliticsOnReddit 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

First off this happened in 1967. Both America and Israel concluded it was a mistake.

Israel apologized for the attack, saying that the USS Liberty had been attacked in error after being mistaken for an Egyptian ship.[6] Both the Israeli and U.S. governments conducted inquiries and issued reports that concluded the attack was a mistake due to Israeli confusion about the ship's identity,

Second off

In May 1968, the Israeli government paid US$3,323,500 (US$22.6 million 2016) in compensation to the families of the 34 men killed in the attack. In March 1969, Israel paid a further $3,566,457 to the men who had been wounded. On 18 December 1980, it agreed to pay $6 million as settlement for the final U.S. bill of $17,132,709 for material damage to Liberty herself plus 13 years' interest.[8]

Third off Israel has always backed us. With their intel they have most likely saved tons of American lives. They vote with us in the UN, even controversy stuff. They would fight with us in war. They are fair traders. We have military bases in their country. They are the only country we should back 100%.

Finally, you haven't been credible from the start to me. "Israel is a leech" you lost me there.

The_Donald 内の Om_ShantiShanti によるリンク Trump pledges to betray the United States for Israel, loses my (and countless others') vote

[–]PoliticsOnReddit 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm American. American enough to know that when a country backs us 100% in free trade, military, gives us intel constantly that saves Americans and helps us, a country that would go to war beside us and die for us, a country that votes constantly in the UN for us, even in some of the more controversy stuff, we don't tell them to fuck off.

We back Israel 100%. It would be completely stupid to not support them. Let them fight their own wars like Trump said, but we should always back Israel 100%. We should also try to find some sort of peace between them an Israel, and make a deal if we can (would be extremely hard). It's the most we could do for them, since idk THEY DO A LOT FOR US?

The_Donald 内の Om_ShantiShanti によるリンク Trump pledges to betray the United States for Israel, loses my (and countless others') vote

[–]PoliticsOnReddit 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

ALL foreign countries that aren't the United States are leeches.

Not Israel. That is why we should back them 100%. They back us. If we would cut them off, it would be detrimental to the intel we get from them, and having military set up there. They fight for us. THEY ALSO vote for the U.S. in the UN in every fucking matter. They have always had our backs. They are fair traders.

And that won't change my mind. Israel said it was a mistake. They made a mistake. Japen fucking bombed Pearl Harbor and they leech off of us. They won't even fight for us.

So you telling me a country makes one mistake but gives us loyalty through out everything and fair trade, and losing them would harm our military strength in that region, and you say fuck them?

and look

n May 1968, the Israeli government paid US$3,323,500 (US$22.6 million 2016) in compensation to the families of the 34 men killed in the attack. In March 1969, Israel paid a further $3,566,457 to the men who had been wounded. On 18 December 1980, it agreed to pay $6 million as settlement for the final U.S. bill of $17,132,709 for material damage to Liberty herself plus 13 years' interest.[8]

FOR A FUCKING mistake they paid so much back. America even agreed it was a mistake and they still paid the families back. They still did everything they could to make up for it. They still are loyal and have our backs through everything. They even warned us of an attack in 2001 that was going to happen on our soil. They didn't have to do that, but they did.

Because they are loyal. They are fair. They actually do care about the US unlike the other countries.

We back them 100%.

The_Donald 内の Om_ShantiShanti によるリンク Trump pledges to betray the United States for Israel, loses my (and countless others') vote

[–]PoliticsOnReddit 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

No they aren't. Other countries leech. Other countries fuck us over. Other countries wouldn't fight with us.

Israel is none of those. They back us 100%. They have warned us of threats. We are able to corporate with them for intelligence. We have a military base set up in Israel, and much more. They are fair traders. They give us military strength in that region, that we wouldn't be able to get from any other country like that, especially because of loyalty. They back us every time in the UN by voting for US. THEY are very fair to us, and we should continue to be fair to them.

The_Donald 内の Om_ShantiShanti によるリンク Trump pledges to betray the United States for Israel, loses my (and countless others') vote

[–]PoliticsOnReddit 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

You're a complete idiot. Israel is ONE of the only countries left that seriously 100% fair trades with us, gives us intelligence (warned us about an attack on our soil on 2001, would fight for us, and they constantly vote in the UN for US even vs controversy issues.

Israel we should support 100% over any other country.

The_Donald 内の Om_ShantiShanti によるリンク Trump pledges to betray the United States for Israel, loses my (and countless others') vote

[–]PoliticsOnReddit 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Israel is the one of the only countries that has had fair trade with us, and has always backed us. More than France, or any other country. They also respect our ideals. Israel is the strongest military presence in that region. We get nothing in return from other countries (literally unfair trade everywhere), some countries wouldn't even help us if we went to war (Japan), yet Israel stands with us. They constantly vote for the US at the UN, even controversial issues. They corporate with us on gathering intelligence. They even warned us of an attack that was going to happen to us on our soil, in 2001.

I'm with Trump 100% on this. We should back Israel 100%.

Edit: Also he said that Israel and Palestine needed to work the issues out on their own, however he would try to make a deal between them to settle it. But honestly if it came down to it Israel 100%

The_Donald 内の facereplacer3 によるリンク the establishment (fixed)

[–]PoliticsOnReddit 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)


Yes, let's look at France. France has huge issues with unemployment. Here

Since 1990, according to the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, France’s per capita gross domestic product has grown more slowly than that of any other wealthy nation but one (Italy). The country’s manufacturing output today is lower than it was in 1990.

There are tons of people that call France out. They call it a failed socialist experiment. Who would have guessed? .-.

Germany has low wages, and is full of part time jobs. They were called out a year ago about this There is other sites, but I grabbed this one first.

Sure the economy has grown slightly, and unemployment is low.. but more and more people are becoming poor. I wonder why. MAYBE IT HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH THE JOBS ONLY OFFERING PART TIME JOBS AND PAYING LESS ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Socialism = failure

The_Donald 内の Trumpisawinner2 によるリンク John Oliver is nervous. Redditors are angry. Bernie is losing everywhere. Trump is winning everywhere. Fuck me, this is like Christmas everyday.

[–]PoliticsOnReddit -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

I didn't watch this episode. I watched a few of his previous ones to know that his show is one sided (a few at the start, his church one, and his previous Donald Trump video). I then refused to ever watch it again, because it doesn't deserve my views.

Of course I've had to have saw previous videos to know that it is one sided. If most of his previous videos are one-sided, I'd guess this one is too. Regardless he lost me watching it.

The_Donald 内の facereplacer3 によるリンク the establishment (fixed)

[–]PoliticsOnReddit 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I didn't say it was. I'm just saying that he himself is a socialist.

He is trying to push socialist ideas.

Socialism has never worked. Ever.

I mean one of Bernies main points is massive wealth redistribution. Did we not learn anything from the countries that played around with socialist concepts? Do we have to play around with it also, to see that it doesn't work? How can anyone say they are for the American people, when they are pushing something that continues to fail, and that also gives more power to the government?

Was my whole point in the first comment basically.

The_Donald 内の facereplacer3 によるリンク the establishment (fixed)

[–]PoliticsOnReddit 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Bernie is a socialist. He wants to put more control into the government and less with the people.

He is not for the people. He is not fighting for the American people. He has seriously scammed you guys, or he is a complete idiot. One of the two. Any one who has read up on basic history can tell you that.

You can watch this:

& This:

Edit: Fixed a bit.