The_Donald 内の Bustinguplaughing によるリンク NeverTrumps bulletproof plan to finally take down r/the_donald
The_Donald 内の 80sArcade によるリンク Why do liberals want illegal aliens to have rights, to not get deported etc?
The_Donald 内の Bustinguplaughing によるリンク NeverTrumps bulletproof plan to finally take down r/the_donald
The_Donald 内の strawberrydoughnut によるリンク Low Energy CNN Anchor says Donald Trump has Tourette's syndrome after AIPAC Speech.
The_Donald 内の doodleyze によるリンク LIVE Donald Trump AIPAC Policy Conference Speaks FULL SPEECH HD 3-21-16 ✔
The_Donald 内の theblakkmamba によるリンク I need to get in touch with the Trump Campaign ASAP. I think something is happening in Utah
AskTrumpSupporters 内の forgetful_storytellr によるリンク genuinely curious: If Trump were to select a qualified Black muslim transgender woman for VP, would you vote Trump?
The_Donald 内の Buck_U_Fitches によるリンク Top BLM Activist - We will incite riots everywhere if Trump wins.
The_Donald 内の cliffjumpers57 によるリンク Trumps opinion on condensing US suicidalsocial services into one unified system?
The_Donald 内の DaddyRichStL によるリンク Does any high energy nimble navigator have all three of the glowing eyes memes? If so, MAGA.
The_Donald 内の cornflares によるリンク In light of Trump's speech at AIPAC, something to keep in mind:
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