The_Donald 内の elguapo23 によるリンク This is the type of ideology were up against folks. The regressive left strike again.
The_Donald 内の theunstumpable によるリンク Don't forget John Oliver's wise advice to Europe - "If Europe doesn't let more migrants in, THIS is what Europeans will look like"
AgainstHateSubreddits 内の 75000_Tokkul によるリンク /r/the_donald has gotten to the point of stickying a chemtrail, clinton flag, illuminate, anti-vax, NWO conspiracy theorist because he doesn't like "cucks". Since the top mod also mods /r/conspiratard we can safely assume he won't be deciding to stop the racism or hate speech. Popularity > Conscious
subredditcancer 内の SomewhatNeutral によるリンク Try to correct misleading information on Sanders in /r/The_Donald? That's a deletin'...
DonaldTrump2016 内の CantStumpTheTrump によるリンク Welcome to /r/DonaldTrump2016, your subreddit for supporting Donald Trump for president.
subredditcancer 内の CantStumpTheTrump によるリンク Head mod of /r/The_Donald, who pretends his subreddit isn't a troll, calls his own mod team "bitches."
The_Donald 内の Booshybu によるリンク Today, a prominent Black Lives Matter activist made threats to incite a riot on Twitter. “Dear white people if Trump wins young niggas such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go. Just so you know,” Tef Poe tweeted today.
The_Donald 内の rahoot によるリンク Failing rag New York Times model predicts Trump wins 16 of 19 remaining states; on track for 1300 delegates! HIGH ENERGY CHART
The_Donald 内の CisWhiteMaelstrom によるリンク Communist mods of /r/SandersForPresident are now trying to redistribute Donald Trump memes.
The_Donald 内の westofeden87 によるリンク We are now the #2 most active sub. r/politics btfo. Askreddit is next
CameronLeeWorldwide によるリンク CENTIPEDES!!! I couldn't find a decent NIMBLE NAVIGATOR t-shirt, so I designed my own. Check 'em out! Go to the comments and let me know what you'd like to see next. I've never seen a more HIGH ENERGY meme-factory than this dom! Made in the USA. Free US shipping. MAGA!!! [広告リンク]
The_Donald 内の Vic5511 によるリンク Belgian Teacher: "How do you teach a class when all the Muslim children in your class are applauding?" #terrorist_attacks #Zaventem
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