
Guess Which Virtual Sex Doll Women Want The Most?

March 22, 2016 by CH
In Japan, a burgeoning “fake anime boyfriend” market is capturing the hearts of Japanese women and overseas American women.
Since the 90s, Japanese women have been playing otome (“maiden”) games, which allow the player to pursue virtual relationships with several virtual hunks. In the interest of journalism, I spent over $60 flirting with emotionally manipulative anime characters, and it fucking ruled.
So what kind of virtual boyfriends do nipply Nipponese and sassy statesiders prefer? Take one guess.
When I asked Gray which character types tend to perform best, she told me that the “sadistic but charismatic” archetype is beloved in both Japan and the US.
Chicks dig those charismatic jerkboys.
She pointed to Eisuke Ichinomiya, which she says is the most popular character in Kissed by the Baddest Bidder, Voltage’s top-grossing game in the US. […] On Eisuke’s character profile, he is billed in glittering pink and purple script as a “cold-hearted narcissist.” His quote is “I’m going to make you mine. And you don’t get to say no.”
What’s revealing about this dating simulation (aka female pornhub) is that it is essentially the female version of sex dolls for men. Women aren’t aroused as much by the visual and tactile inspection of men’s bodies as they are by the emotional and psychological inspection of men’s personalities. And when choosing male archetypes, the jerkboy narcissist is number one pulse amplifier in the arterial transverse between a woman’s heart and vagina. This is why real world feedback continually proves the efficacy of Game to the goal of seducing women: Game is the creation of sexier male personalities.
“Usually [this character is] sadistic and mean to you, but sometimes, when you and him are alone, he becomes so sweet and very kind to you,” Gray explained.
Vulnerability Game. A girl wants a challenging man (i.e., a man with a lot of poosy options) who can’t help but occasionally, and reluctantly, succumb to her erotic charms.
Also like Voltage’s millions of other customers worldwide, I was really only interested in the mean and sadistic gentlemen—which is weird, because I actively avoid mean and sadistic men in real life.
Fantasy is inward projection of outward sexual desire. We know this because no woman in the history of the world has ever fantasized about a reliable beta male in pleated khakis. Hence, the reason there’s a maxim stating “watch what women do and ignore what they say”. The details of female desire are quite disturbing to idealistic minds when seen up close, so much so that even women recoil from a cogent awareness of their own sexual urges. Which is why women are gifted with an ability to flim flam themselves whenever they are asked about what they want romantically.
This woman quoted above, when alone with her virtual tingle generator, chooses a badboy for her stimulus. “In real life”, she claims otherwise. But that’s the source of the fantasy’s power; in real life, most women don’t have the goods to attract and tame the badboys who turn them on, so in moments of introspection they fall back on sour grape-isms to rationalize the parade of dependable boring betas that is their lot in life. Or, oppositely, they have been burned by badboys so often in the past that avoiding them must be an “active” process rather than the more natural, unplanned pursuit that doesn’t require active effort typical of women who don’t have a dating history littered with alluring assholes.
Gray insisted that most of Voltage’s users “think that their real life and romance in our apps are totally different.” However, in the same response, she acknowledged that an elision between fantasy and reality does often take place. “The user who has a boyfriend plays our app to fill in the unsatisfied part of her boyfriend. Playing the app makes her happy and it helps to prevent fights with her boyfriend,” Gray told me.
Virtual alpha widows. Literally cucked by an anime lothario.
There is no bottom to the romantic humiliations that beta male boyfriends can suffer.

54 Responses

  1. on March 22, 2016 at 7:39 am | Reply Captain Obvious
    > “Game is the creation of sexier male personalities.” ——— HB6s slather Coco Chanel & Christian Dior all over their faces [and don a padded push-up bra & a spandex-reinforced girdle] in order to attract men; Betas swallow the Red Pill and man up and grow a pair and get control of their emotions [and the trembling in their voices] and they learn to mix a just little obnoxiousness & a touch of empathetic cruelty into their openers…

    • on March 22, 2016 at 7:52 am | Reply Captain Obvious
      Game == Cosmetics for Men.

      • on March 22, 2016 at 7:56 am Captain Obvious
        But then can you take the next step, beyond the cosmetics? Turn your back on all the Pretty Lies; make at least an uneasy peace with the Horrifying Truths, reconstitute your Inner Frame; own yourself; ZFG…

      • Great analogy, except with one caveat. Game can literally be resultant in a complete reversal. A “Youth In Revolt” style about-face from nerd to playboy.
        Cosmetics might make the 6 appear as a 7.5 on a good day and in the right light. Men have much more control over their SMV.

      • on March 22, 2016 at 8:59 am Captain Obvious
        Yeah, men can work on re-constituting their Inner Frames, and, to a certain extent, and with a sufficiently powerful exercise of the Will, re-invent themselves as something new. But chicks seem to be fundamentally enslaved to their hindbrains’ Hamsters [for the entirety of their lives, even, rather paradoxically, AFTER menopause], and so it seems to me that the only way a chick can re-constitute herself is by pushing out the l!ve b!rths. And then, 20 or 30 years later, in being a kind & l0ving & helpful Grandma to her chillunzes’ l!ve b!rths.

  2. I’d rather jerk off to teenage Swedish girls than fuck chubsters too so I don’t blame them they’d rather play an animé game than fuck losers who couldn’t attract iron with a magnet.

    • “I’d rather jerk off to teenage Swedish girls”
      If you do it in the shower, Plumpjack has assured us your pipes can take it…

  3. on March 22, 2016 at 8:01 am | Reply Wrong Side of History
    This blog is just depressing me these days.

  4. “We know this because no woman in the history of the world has ever fantasized about a reliable beta male in pleated khakis.”
    lolz…pleated khakis

  5. It’s been written here before about the coming of sex bots. I see one disgusting step further: USB sex toys where you connect with others over the internet for live pay sessions.

  6. on March 22, 2016 at 8:37 am | Reply Captain Obvious
    On the previous thread, Johnny Redux had said this: “Look over to the car in the next isle unloading the family. Both girls are hypnotically staring at their iPhags. I wonder, “How will either of these girls making a fully functioning adult, let alone a fully functioning mother who has to GIVE her attention to another human being for more than 30-second blasts?!”

    • on March 22, 2016 at 8:42 am | Reply Captain Obvious
      Sorry, was supposed to have been a reply to Ripp above, but the iPhag/Scrotial-Media addiction might be a greater threat to the survival of the First World than would be a serious plunge into a really bad Ice Age. There is a portion of the population which simply cannot pull themselves out of the allure of the online poisoning, and I don’t see how they will ever get around to procreating. And then you throw in online Scrotial-Media coordination of localized sexbots?!? Prepare to say adios to your fertility rates…

      • “And then you throw in online Scrotial-Media coordination of localized sexbots?!? Prepare to say adios to your fertility rates…”
        id bet its under development right now. some VC jew funding backing a company based in SF bay area…where a bunch of asians and indians being managed by a couple of white cucks are inventing a device that will destory the goyim even more.

      • on March 22, 2016 at 9:12 am Captain Obvious
        Did you see the picture of Phuckerberg with the cucks in his virtual reality headsets?

      • ya ive seen that. its a scary picture.
        zuckerjew with his jew smirk and the beginnings if his jew pattern baldness controlling his room of cucks

      • One of the most dangerous men in the world. followed closely by the Jooglers.
        I’ve had the great displeasure of explaining to my 12 YO boy this past week of how everything thing he sees on a screen is designed with someones point of view in mind. He was shocked about the Tommy DiMassimo incident, how this guys was portrayed as a civil rights hero… and I had to walk him through all the false reports and deconstruct everything, going backed to the sourced Twitters and Instagrams and other activities of the protester, the Soros links etc..
        Him saying in all innocence and earnestly, pointing to a MSM news article on the screen “but why would they post that if it wasn’t true?” broke my heart a leetle bit…

      • @Sentient
        good man for red pilling your son. he will remember nuggets like that and he’ll be better equipped for the future.
        most dads dont do shit and let the cuck MSM raise their kids.

      • @Ripp/Sentient,
        Reminds me of my pops and knocking sense into me when needed. If something silly was on TV, he’d call them idiots. Make fun of them or the like.
        Or, if I’d tell him what some fellas at school were up to, he’d make a similar statement. Always strong words like “idiot” that stuck to me. (In fact, he’d bash Chrysler/Jeep, saying Iacocca was a crook and to this day, I can’t look at a Jeep/Chrysler with any regard.)
        Didn’t know about his ways until reading about dads teaching their sons via this site and a few others.
        That you say something goes a long way.

  7. I can’t help but wonder if the virtual sadistic jerkboy doesn’t also possess a few other attributes that aren’t being mentioned.

  8. If I was making a dating profile, I would use those quotes.

  9. Wake up to news of another Muslim slaughter of Whites in the heart of Europe. How long before some lisping race-cuck diversity-worshipping faggot politician stands in front of a TelePrompTer and insist that we “must” “embrace” “diversity” and not “give in” to “intolerance” and “hate” . . .
    Meanwhile White children are being slaughtered and raped by foreigners and our civilizations are being dragged into third world status.
    We must? We must what? The only thought that goes through my head on a morning like this is — ENOUGH! We must start preparing for the fast-approaching time when bullets will be put into skulls.

  10. Many women seem to be up-in-arms about sexbots – at least the female ones.
    You don’t suppose they’re afraid of being made obsolete, do you? Naaah!

  11. I admit it I would have guessed wrong.

    • From the article… I cracked up:
      “Remember, brothers, this famous poem:
      First they came for the Mexicans, and I said nothing because I was laughing too hard to talk.
      Then they came for the Moslems, and I said nothing because I was blasting Motörhead’s “Ace of Spades” so loudly that no one would be able to hear me if I said something.
      Finally they came for the Jews, and I said nothing because people can’t talk while they’re chugging champaign straight out of the bottle.
      Then they stopped coming, so I played X-Box with my neighbor and then went to the gym. Then later me and my girlfriend and my cousin played Scrabble while listening to jazz music and trying out some different types of cold cuts and cheeses we bought at Whole Foods.”

  12. A man making an article on something similar would have been ridiculed.
    But remember, we live in a “misogynist” society.

  13. Is it a 6’2″ Nordic blond?
    Oh wait, that’s what Faggot Within’s sex doll looks like,
    Faggot within rape!

  14. bill burr nails it:
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  15. on March 22, 2016 at 12:36 pm | Reply Laguna Beach Fogey
    “Game is the creation of sexier male personalities.”
    Hellz yeah! This.

  16. OT. I would like to make an entry for the BOTM contest:

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