First, a bit of background.
Rust is a first-person survival/crafting/shooting game in the same vein as ARK (or, to a lesser extent, Minecraft). New players spawn naked with only a rock and a torch and must collect resources to build their own little base. A large amount of the gameplay comes from player interaction and the playerbase of Rust is pretty ruthless, so most interactions end with at least one person dead. For high-velocity ballistic negotiations at long distance, some players sit in towers and shoot the fresh spawns (affectionately referred to as "nakeds") that run by. Other players choose more combustible discussions and "raid" other players' or groups' bases with C4 and rocket launchers, which is what we'll be talking about first.
There are many reason to raid another base. You could be out to steal their resources, you could try to take over and use it as your own, you could send a statement about how you're the top dawg on the server, or you could just level it to the fucking ground because fuck those guys. Because not everybody is online all of the time, most raids happen when the defenders are offline. Offline raiding isn't the most popular of activities and many players in the community look down on players who do it as cowardly, sneaky, and lazy (but let's be honest, we all do it). When raiding an offline base, you don't have to deal with defenders shooting you or putting up additional walls you need to break through. One somewhat controversial practice defenders frequently use is they take all of their belonging and drop them on the floor so they despawn after ~5 minutes, meaning the attackers get no resources from the raid and net a loss from the explosives and equipment used attacking the base.
The OP of the thread starts by posting a screenshot of a chat message from a player being raided saying how he despawned all of his loot (the OP is likely one of the raiders). The OP asserts that the defender in this case is most likely one of the players that complains about offline raiding and then things go south.
People who get so absolutely butt hurt from getting owned that they have to despawn their shit are cancer.
Should legit be bannable. Doesn't increase the fun for anyone involved.
This literally happened to me and my team yesterday, we found a base in construction not even a 5 minute walk away from our base... and he wondered why we attacked him. he then deleted everything in his store room and proceeded to mock us as we made our way into his base to kill him multiple times and remove his spawn for being a jerk.
If its not in your bag, its not your stuff. He is free to do with it whatever he wants - if despawning his loot is his last resort to prevent you from getting his stuff, than so be it.
a legit tactic imo.
Minor other drama in a thread about roofcampers:
Calm down? Where was i ever worked up. Dont dismiss my words that easily especially if its the very first thing you utter. Holy shit calm down? Where the hell is that coming from.
Bonus barely tangentially related slight slapfight that perfectly captures this game's community: fuck up gay cunt. go play ark you homosexual little cretin