全 5 件のコメント

[–]drinkthepaintwaterChad's crusty waifu pillow 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

Buh... but... muh sidebars. This doesn't agree with the side bar and the sidebar is right because the sidebar says so. You can't argue with that. Getting AWALTs is like catching fish. You don't ask fish how you catch fish [mutters other inconherent predatory false analogies]. Anyone who begs to differ is betta. Don't trust AWALTs fish. m'kay?

I think your problem is that you had shower thoughts. Those happen when you shower. Getting water on you is too close to being underwater, and therefore thinking like a fish (like bettas do). You need to be more alpha. Don't bathe. AWALTs like the alpha stench musk.

[–]PorterDaughterenters discussions vagina-first 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

No, actually. According to their "sex economy" thing women are also incentivized to prevent men from being successful with women because it lowers a man's worth and increases a woman's worth.

Of course, according to this, "sluts" should actually be encouraged and celebrated, but they aren't because when a woman is sexually experienced she might expect him to put some effort in which will shatter his manly alpha masculinity I mean, because terpers are so socially conscious they want both men and women to have high value! Yes, That's the reason, haha, nothing else.

[–]F_S_RocksCrying Hamster Friends 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Inb4 you don't ask the prey how to catch and kill it. You know because women are animals /sssss

Well I feel dirty for writing that.

[–]OmLiLiEndorsed Manchild 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Why do people treat dating like a competition, I never understood that.

On The Red Pill they give each other dating advice because they want to look like Alpha Male Lords of the Neg and collect souls of upvotes like ringwraiths and return them to GayLubeOil to get his approval and more Alpha Male Points.

All of the advice on TRP is simply hearsay, and a lot of it makes sense if you don't go outside and experience the real world for yourself. Anyone who actually has experience with the opposite sex will not buy into all of that bullshit.

It's just them circlejerking and pretending they are good like PUAs.

[–]operanonthe last bluepill part left in this now MGTOW Adonis 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

There are several people here who entertain the thought at least a little, that TRP exists to willfully give men terrible advice so as to either make them as miserable as they are, or remove competition