
The Four Sirens Of The Sexual Apocalypse

March 17, 2016 by CH
A long, long time ago, in a pleasure dome far away, CH introduced the idea that the West is currently besieged by the Four Sirens of the Sexual Apocalypse.
So why are women now the eager instigators of divorce? What changed in the culture? Four things, primarily: the pill, easy divorce, women’s economic independence, and rigged laws that make divorce a good financial prospect for women. The four sirens of the sexual apocalypse together have created the perfect sociological storm where a woman has every incentive in the world to ditch a husband to follow the whims of her heart once his usefulness has been exhausted.
Later, CH expanded on the Four Sirens theme.
  1. Effective and widely available contraceptives (the Pill, condom, and the de facto contraceptive abortion).
  2. Easy peasy no-fault divorce.
  3. Women’s economic independence (hurtling towards women’s economic advantage if the college enrollment ratio is any indication).
  4. Rigged feminist-inspired laws that have caused a disincentivizing of marriage for men and an incentivizing of divorce for women.
Two secondary Sirens were added to round out the list:
  • Penicillin (reduced the cost of contracting STDs)
  • Widely available hardcore porn.
Probably of all the CH scribblings on this subject of Western Decline, this passage gets to the meatiest heart of it:
So, a crib sheet of quippy replies if you ever need it to send a feminist or manboob howling with indignation:
1. The Pill
2. No-fault divorce
3. Working women
4. Man-hating feminism
5. Penicillin
6. Porn
Toss into a social salad bowl already brimming with an influx of non-European immigrants thanks to the 1965 soft genocide act, mix thoroughly, and voila!: a huge, inexorable, relentless leftward shift in American politics, an explosion of single moms, wage stagnation, government growth, upper class childlessness, lower class dysgenics, and a creaking, slow deterioration in the foundational vigor of the nation and the gutting of the pride of her people.
Into this pot pie of portent throw in the Skittles Man, Bring the Movies Man, Nah Man, and Disappeared Again Man, for whom girls have always swooned but who now, thanks to relaxed pressure from women themselves requiring men to put a ring on it before getting any huggy or kissy, and the incentivizing of risky sexual behavior by government policy and contraceptive technology, could enjoy sex without the entanglement of marriage or gainful employment.
Game, for all the shit it gets from the usual suspects, was just a rational response to a radically altered playing field. It didn’t cause this calamity; it just profited from it.
Meanwhile, beta males are left scratching their block-like skulls, wondering what the fuck just happened.
All well and good, says the reader, but where is the ¡SCIENCE! buttressing all this speculation and real world observation to satisfy sperg demands? How about right here. (Via The Cheapest of Chalupas)
Family structure in the United States has shifted substantially over the last three decades, [HBDer: MUH GENETICS] yet the causes and implications of these changes for the well-being of family members remains unclear. This paper exploits task-based shifts in demand as an exogenous shock to sex-specific wages to demonstrate the role of the relative female to male wage in the family and labor market outcomes of women. I show that increases in the relative wage lead to a decline in the likelihood of marriage for those on the margin of a first marriage, and present suggestive evidence that these effects are concentrated among less-desirable matches. A higher relative wage also causes women to increase their hours of work, reduce their dependence on a male earner, and increase the likelihood of taking guardianship over their children. These findings indicate that improvements in the relative wage have facilitated women’s independence by reducing the monetary incentive for marriage, and can account for 20% of the decline in marriage between 1980 and 2010.
BOOM THERE IT IS. CH WAS RIGHT. Female economic self-sufficiency decreases the marriage rate and increases urban slut factory churn, because self-sufficient women need beta male bux less and therefore can indulge the chasing of alpha male fux more.
SCIENCE! has confirmed the existence of Le Chateau Heartiste’s Third Siren of the Sexual Apocalypse.
It’s like some people think I make this shit up outta thin air. No, I’ve just spent a lot of time in the trenches of the dating market. I have seen much. I have learned much. And my wisdom is infinite. YUGE, even.
You only had to listen.
“Ok, enough crowing. How about a solution?”
Sure. Here it is:
Repeal the 19th Amendment.
Maybe slightly more realistically, get rid of Title IX and the rest of the man-hating, human nature denying, legal fictions shoved down our throats in the last sixty odd years by rancid feminist cunts and their lackey low T manlets. Culturally, real progress can be made by simply ending the GRRLPOWER propaganda and returning to teaching the virtues of the masculine ideal. Too many boys in STEM? Great! That’s what boys are good at. Too many girls preferring marriage and stay-at-home mohterhood? Great! That’s what girls are good at.
Simple truths and simple beauties have more power than labyrinthine lies and grotesque ugliness, as long as you hold them close to a heart that has banished cowardice.
Posted in Biomechanics is God, Culture, Girls, Ugly Truths, Vanity | 172 Comments

172 Responses

  1. Whorefinder brings his own, unique siren to every sexual encounter..
    take a guess what it is….
    And no Faggot Within, you are not invited….

    • on March 17, 2016 at 2:18 pm | Reply Captain Obvious
      “R@ping Me is His Prayer to God. It’s Allowed. It’s Halal.” A terrifying look at the Islamic State’s religious duty to r@pe. March 17, 2016 Hugh Fitzgerald “According to an obscure ruling in Islamic law, cited by the Islamic State, a man must ensure that the woman he enslaves is free of ch!ld before having int3rcourse with her.” http://freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3410285/posts

  2. […] The Four Sirens Of The Sexual Apocalypse […]

    • on March 17, 2016 at 2:23 pm | Reply Captain Obvious
      > “1. The Pill 2. No-fault divorce 3. Working women 4. Man-hating feminism 5. Penicillin 6. Porn” ——— I am firmly of the impression that iPhag/Scrotial-Media addiction is [or will prove to have been] at least as big an event in the extinction of the species as was The Pill. The iPhag is transforming women [and Betas] into something decidedly less than human [and utterly undesirable for mating purposes].

      • I have an easier simpler summation of this crisis, one understood by men of wisdom for the past 3,000 years: “Bitches be crazy!” The rest of that nice list just allowed the crazy bitches free will to do what they (75%) naturally are inclined to do. The only thing keeping them in check were strong laws, strong religious taboos, and even stronger men to enforce the rules. The chains have loosened, and finally removed, so no need for any of us here, well versed in the ways of women and the wise teachings of our elders, to be surprised.

      • on March 18, 2016 at 8:14 am Captain Obvious
        Fast-food CEO says he’s investing in machines government is making it difficult to afford employees http://freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3410780/posts

      • on March 18, 2016 at 8:16 am Captain Obvious
        “MILLENIALS LIKE NOT SEEING PEOPLE,” he says. “I’ve been inside restaurants where we’ve installed ordering kiosks … and I’ve actually seen young people WAITING IN LINE TO USE THE KIOSK where there’s a person standing behind the counter, waiting on nobody.”

      • on March 18, 2016 at 8:18 am Captain Obvious
        These are some seriously anti-Human pathologies which are being caused by iPhag/Scrotial-Media addiction.

      • on March 18, 2016 at 8:20 am Captain Obvious
        Of course, maybe the problem is that the customers are Whyte, and the employees are Nogs/Noggettes, in which case Millenials have decided that Kiosk > Dindu.

  3. Dear Penthouse Letters,
    I was walking to my job as a Media Studies Scholar for a small midwestern college when suddenly…

    • The comments section is, surprisingly, very anti-Click and very pro-1st Amendment.
      Of course, more than a few try to change the subject from her thuggery to Trump wanting to sue reporters for libel, or trying to equate the two, so that restores my faith that the Faggot Witihins of America are openly anti-free speech.
      Lefties are fascists rape!

    • In her WAPO article she tries to blame the “struggle” of getting her kids to the parade on time for her behavior… and she is ” also working to come to terms with how a few captured moments of imperfection could eclipse 12 years of excellence.”
      watch the entire 12 minutes of this. she enters at 7 minute mark… WARNING you will be triggered. Best save before the gym
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      will make you long for the days of attack dogs and water cannon… and billy clubs! Can’t forget those!

  4. Those infernal horn-rims. Will nothing stop this scourge?

  5. on March 17, 2016 at 12:27 pm | Reply Wrong Side of History
    I don’t use the word civilization anymore..
    I say patriarchy.

  6. “A higher relative wage also causes women to increase their hours of work, reduce their dependence on a male earner, and increase the likelihood of taking guardianship over their children. “
    Superb cheese! I expect they’ll be only too delighted to pay supportive sisterly taxes to those breeders less inclined to bust their pans out in the course of whatever light clerical duties pass for “work” among teh wimminz?
    Because Men are a notoriously busted flush on that score, no woman would dream of leeching via state support offa all them unwed, intolerable losers, would they?. Oh wait a bit ….

  7. What’s a man to do if he wants children? Eventual grandchildren? Adopt? Surrogacy? Embrace single-daddyhood?

    • on March 17, 2016 at 1:01 pm | Reply Wrong Side of History
      Join the Amish community.

    • There are still girls out there worth making your own and having children with.
      Stateside, I’d recommend the region known as Appalachia, in particular the Confederate part.
      Another quick-and-dirty way to find the best regions — look at the counties where Trump wins.
      But you’ve got to find her before the poz does, so focus on the 18-22 year olds.

    • on March 17, 2016 at 2:28 pm | Reply Captain Obvious
      > “What’s a man to do if he wants children?” ——— Man up, ratchet the masculinity into the stratosphere, improve the quality of chick you hit on, and have a zero tolerance policy for bu11sh!t outta her. [As in your @ss will be fifty shades of cherry red if you ever sass me like that.] More masculinity, stricter adherence to standards, higher expectations, and zero tolerance. When in doubt, double down on the masculinity.

      • “improve the quality of chick you hit on”
        This^^^, in spades. You’re only as good as who you choose. But quality deserves quality so be ready to pull the trigger.

      • on March 17, 2016 at 2:59 pm Captain Obvious
        Also, very early on [maybe even before the first date], start screening her hard for Pro-L!fe. She needs to be both 100% intellectually/legalistically and emotionally/gnostically Pro-L!fe. You simply cannot be dropping your seed in any w!tch who would even dream of swallowing a Plan B from the pharmacy, or of spreading her legs at Planned Murd3rhood for a D&C. Only allow yourself to develop feelings for the chicks who l0ve L0ve L0VE the little chillunzes.

      • “She needs to be both 100% intellectually/legalistically and emotionally/gnostically Pro-L!fe.”
        Not sure about 100%. I would make an exception for defects (e.g. Downs) — the White race already has enough problems as it is. Also she need not be opposed to blacks ab0rting early and often. What is imperative is that she demonstrates she would value YOUR healthy White kids more than anything.

      • on March 17, 2016 at 5:08 pm Captain Obvious
        110% Pro-L!fe. The making & raising of chillunzes is the ONLY reason to settle down with a beey0tch. And you do NOT want the m0ther of your chillunzes to be a friggin murd3ress.

      • “110% Pro-L!fe”
        Nah – that would mean she would put up a fight (or it’d break her heart) to terminate a defective; Whites are on a war-footing and no woman should be so against creating the burden of a retarded person right now.
        It would also mean that she’d be dead set against the ab0rting of dindus and others intent on wiping out the White race; I want my wife pleased at the thought of one less feral nog or raghead running around threatening to rape our White daughters, not dead set against it.
        She must be 110 pro bringing healthy White babies carrying YOUR DNA into the world; that’s enough.
        We’ll have to agree to disagree on this one.

      • on March 17, 2016 at 6:34 pm Belle Igerent
        It’s not hyperbole to say that I was lucky to work with a load of white (1 black) downies. Most families find themselves ‘blessed’ to have such harmless simpletons in their midst. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rGT7h29Lkc0 have more children to look after him/her, and a good community will also look out for them.

      • Women who make legalistic arguments are boring and shit. If slaying your healthy unborn children is prevented by some logical rationale instead of nurturing impulse, she might as well be pro choice. I’d rather date a girl that is intellectually pro choice and instinctively pro life. There are lots of such women.
        This being said, if you feel like devoting decades of your life to raising shit people like the shitheads having children with Downs, be my guest. Don’t expect others to care for it. If anything, having your shitty kids born instead of your best should result in them not getting any type of welfare for the rest of their lives and be banned from being covered by the health insurance of the parents. Don’t see why society should pay for you wanting to bring retards into the world.

    • Nothing. You’re fucked. You could, however, buy a truck and knock up an 18 year old in West Virginia, as Corvo says.

      • I didn’t say that. I know you’ve got a shite situation but stop being so fucking negative.
        There are White girls with strong families and the qualities necessary to be made into a good wife and mother; they just need a man to take them there.
        They’re scattered all over, but some regions seem to have more than others.
        And what’s wrong with a truck?

      • on March 18, 2016 at 1:27 pm Colonel Hogan
        Sarcasm? Really, you can usually get what you want if you focus on it. Not a feelgood platitude, just truth. And the idea of intellectually pro choice but instinctively pro life is probably the best bet.

      • @Colonel
        Totally agree — “intellectually pro choice but instinctively pro life” is the closest they get to sanity. The forebrain part aligns with the herd, the hindbrain part recoils at the thought because they’re imagining themselves on the table, losing their young.

    • It is just as important (when single for a while, and the urges are taking over in you) to make sure that you know what to walk away FROM as what you walk TO. Anyone on here for just a short time, and who looks at photos of libtards at protests, or listening to them at the coffee shops, running into them chatting at work, etc., knows a basic checklist of what to stay away from. Examples: Non-Whites (it is an absolute no-no, and you will be sorry if your children are not White), not conservative, dated non-Whites, tattoos, colored hair, foul mouthed, fatties, empty eyes, OK with abortion, drunkards, smokers, listens to Rap or R&B almost exclusively, etc. Make your list, and stick to it. Unfortunately, that list, even if basic, will eliminate 70% of the women you meet.

  8. This only gets worse.

  9. A man does nothing at this stage..

  10. Sure. Here it is:
    Repeal the 19th Amendment.
    the left’s plan is to repeal the 2nd, which oddly enough will result in the repeal of most of the others instead.

  11. on March 17, 2016 at 1:20 pm | Reply (((the man who withstood time)))
    Women aren’t completely economically self-sufficient. As a matter of fact they can’t be, due to their intolerance of the hard manual labor required to farm and construct buildings. Without food and shelter, the information economy won’t work. Those economic conditions still require men do the hard work of building the buildings that house the offices women work in. You can’t have HR without office space.
    If men were smart, they would charge more for farm labor and construction labor. AND it’s imperative that mexicans be blocked from this labor pool because all they have done is undermine what’s necessary to increase the cost of labor by flooding the labor market and not charging enough for their labor! Dumb spics.

    • Women are not as financially independent as you think. They can’t cut it still in alot of good paying jobs in the likes of engineering or even lawyers. I know alot of young women earning 40k to 50k in an area like DC which does not get you far. A few young hipster couples I know seem to be economic arrangements and t still the girl is on the prowl for the bigger fish like me.

      • Very depressing, buddy. After writing all this I believe that it is time to go and do my weekly shop. My depressed state of mind will make me even more frugal than normal.

      • Deep down they know. Shitlord is a hypermasculine wet-dream dreamt up by people whom no longer have much masculinity. Bankers are laddish in this same caricatured masculine way because there’s nothing gritty to them, their environment or anything they do. Hypermasculine is the decadent and effete persons idea of manliness – gay men love hypermasculine for a similar reason.

      • I have no data to support this, but….
        my observations suggest that women are crap at managing money. I’ve known scores of women that have earned good incomes for decades that have been, and always will be, flatfucking broke. Excepting the outliers, of course, women make bad decisions with their money.
        And don’t get us started on the decisions they make with their man’s money.

    • I’m not entirely convinced. Everyone is a dependent. A dependent on inheritance and technology. And we’d have a fucking good job trying to be build the London underground from scratch in 2016 even with the technology we now have. Men aren’t the men they used to be and without our cultural and technological inheritance we would all die.
      Anyway, regarding cheap labour i’m not convinced whether it drives down wages or retards scientific labour-saving development. You don’t find the next best way of doing things because the old manual way is so cheap and easy.
      The worrying thing is technology is making maleness redundant. When robots do all the real work the human economy will entirely revolve around consuming, talking and drawing attention to yourself. Just look at the difference between Carnegie and Trump to see that we’re half way there. One was a creator and Trump is a brand which produces nothing and entirely profits through today’s attention-based economy. Trump business doesn’t do anything masculine.

      • In future there will be an elite minority of extreme skill and IQ – which will be more male than female – and another massive group of careworkers – whom will be more female than male.
        Almost every other job in the future(if there are any)will be a complete phantom to avoid literally paying people to do nothing – like Keynes suggestion of paying the unemployed to dig holes in the ground. Human input will become so surplus to requirement that we invent non-jobs for people to do(I’d argue we already do this).

      • That’s an irony itself. The cutting edge of society is well aware that we won’t need too many people in future and yet progressives want to invite a legion of medieval fast-breeders into our midst. It doesn’t make sense.
        Forget cultural difference and racism when we’re well aware that we don’t want a vast quantity of people of any race or colour. Liberals are often talking about the problem of overpopulation and in the next breath they’ll call for open borders. Even under blank-slate everyone is the same bollocks liberals should be saying that we don’t any immigration because we don’t need any more people.

      • The absence of cheap labour is how social progress works. The renaissance was caused by the black death decimating the working population and the industrial revolution was spurred by the abolition of serfdom.
        When cheap labour isn’t an option the rest of society gets inventive and things start to progress. Let’s face it the foreign slaves are a subsititute for mechanical servants(a substitute for technology). If white workers weren’t losing their jobs to foreigners today then they’d lose them to a machine tomorrow.

      • Of course in the capitalists narrative a legion of foreign slaves picking strawberries and scrubbing toilets allows the natives to all become scientists, engineers and Mozarts.
        The belief is bollocks and of course this isn’t what happens. The slavemasters don’t become scientists, they become pet grooming entrepreneurs and society collapses in silliness, decadence and debt. At best this society simply coasts along resting on its prior success. Anyway, the thing about progress is that it only really happens when you need it to. When it’s a matter of life and death and a case of adapt or die. I’m convinced, for example, that the reason NASA came to ferry the challenger back and forth for thirty years is because of globalisation, consumerism and the lack of any real threat/competition from the Soviets. Doing that is symbolic of a people resting on its laurels and not advancing anywhere near as much as they could be.

      • UKIP,
        You understand the magnitude of the human problem.
        Pretty depressing, eh? It’s no wonder men take refuge in platitudes: the truth is extremely ugly.

      • Anyone who thinks that they’ll have a job for life if there weren’t any immigrants is sorely mistaken. Foreigners are triggering a premature redundancy and wage depression which is bound to happen.
        The truth is that 90% of the human race will be redundant and tomorrow’s economy will be 90% welfare and makework. The majority of us are going to be extremely dependent on noblesse oblige and diversity is the kiss of death to noblesse oblige. if you’r smart then social cohesion is the main and ultimate reason why you don’t want so many immigrants here,
        Atlas Shrugged is the final destination of diversity and liberals. To develop a cosmopolitan society with no sense of fellow-feeling or personal loyalty so that your economic value is your only value and then the 5% who are still useful to the future economy can shrug off the rest of us and reduce the global population down to a few hundred million. Following the Atlas Shrugged/diversity future to its logical conclusion and what is left is one brainiac with aspergers and a planet full of robots.

      • Very depressing, buddy. After writing all this I believe that it is time to go and do my weekly shop. My depressed state of mind will make me even more frugal than normal.
        “post it in the right place this time”

      • Obviously we’re both Jews for doubting the shitlordian advent.
        I think … I’ll go do some drugs. WHITE POWER.

      • (keep posting in the wrong place)
        Deep down they know. Shitlord is a hypermasculine wet-dream dreamt up by people whom no longer have much masculinity left intact. Bankers are laddish in this same caricatured masculine way because there’s nothing gritty to them, their environment or anything they do. Bankers were the dweebs at high school and hypermasculine is the decadent and effete persons idea of manliness – gay men love hypermasculine for a similar reason.

      • Considering what I’ve said earlier about our coming dependence on noblesse oblige it’s better for me not to refer to bankers as high school dweebs. After all any and all future robots not owned by the state will be owned by them(as well as all the land, property and shares)unless by some miracle the state becomes an apparatus we can rely on.
        Don’t piss off the land barons no matter how much I or anybody else may want to. Must nip banker bashing in the bud and be grateful although lord knows they could do with a smack in the mouth.

      • hey don’t you have some Muslim gang-rapes of English girls to go ignore or something? I’m all for White solidarity but you’re a fucking pansy. We’re all gonna die someday so what the fuck is your legacy going to be?
        Next time there’s a black Muslim beheading an Englishman in the streets while the sheeple look on helplessly (probably again tomorrow) why not just step up and volunteer and rid us of your doom and gloom?
        What was it that Derb said about Britain? An island in the North Atlantic where there once was a nation . . .

      • Case in point…28 year old hottie…masters degree so 6 years in college…191 000 in debt with a $900 payment each month. So this plus car payment, rent ($1,800), utilities, food, health insurance, on a $57,000 salary in DC.
        How the hell is she suppose to save for retirement, afford kids, pay for the kids college education etc. The Manosphere ignores this in proclaiming the demise of the beta provider.

      • on March 18, 2016 at 1:32 pm Colonel Hogan
        Another UKIP ejaculation. Stand back, men.

      • “.. build the London underground from scratch in 2016 even with the technology we now have. Men aren’t the men they used to be”
        And as a late St Pat’s Day hat-tip, none o’them canals, mines, tunnels, brick house cities, railroads and (shhh, sewers) would exist in Blighty without Irish Men.
        In their thousands, and their hundreds of thousands.

      • “a black Muslim beheading an Englishman in the streets while the sheeple look on helplessly” well oddly enough the time of day meant that Drummer Rigby’s murderers were confronted and engaged by a passing girl-scout Akela and a shouty London housewife with a buggy, IIRC. Sufficiently long for the cops to bother to turn up and shoot the fuckers. All the blokes in the city were at work, surprisingly. Caught with our pants down as usual.

  12. on March 17, 2016 at 1:37 pm | Reply Matthew Smith
    It’s basically the same situation here in Australia. I always tell my American friends that Australia is the USA of the Southern Hemisphere.

    • on March 17, 2016 at 2:31 pm | Reply Carlos Danger
      Britain moved to Florida

    • on March 17, 2016 at 7:56 pm | Reply Mean Mr. Mustard
      Australian women have World Class Entitlement Complexes and often exhibit a stratospheric levels of attention whoring, carouselling and general cuntery.

      • on March 17, 2016 at 11:22 pm Carlos Danger
        They went down hill really fast all at once too. When I was a boy, they were considered among the very best. British women too. How times change.

      • on March 17, 2016 at 11:57 pm Mean Mr. Mustard
        Carlos; feminism along with its mainstream media enabling has done quite a number on Australian woman.
        So much so, that from my experience, American women are friendlier and easier to talk with by comparison, or at least more polite.
        I am curious to hear what others from Heartise that have been Down Under have to say.

      • on March 18, 2016 at 12:02 am Mean Mr. Mustard
        I should add that Australia is experiencing an epidemic of single mothers/divorcees and slutty tattooed up carouselers.
        Never have the good looking, socially savvy Alpha males had it better.

      • At least, mercifully, there are very few niggers down there to make mudsharks.

  13. on March 17, 2016 at 1:56 pm | Reply Damn Crackers
    There is one more siren to add according to Fukuyama – automation/technology. Most labor prior to the 20th Century needed muscle. Now that most work can be done in a cubicle, male strength needed for back-breaking labor is almost gone. Thus, women could enter the labor market, become self-sufficient, and not need the use of men anymore for support.

  14. on March 17, 2016 at 2:26 pm | Reply Hugo Stiglitz
    ““Ok, enough crowing. How about a solution?”
    The solution is to do nothing. Let me explain. Throughout history, mankind has dealt with many near extinction level events.
    Not only did we survive these events, but grew stronger because of them. One of the reasons Whites are so effective as a group is because we prospered in harsh environments where others perished.
    The Poz , whether originating from Eskimos or whomever, is a natural progression of Christianity, and the Enlightenment. In my opinion, it was bound to happen.
    The Poz (like so many other failed ideologies) is a cultural dead end for obvious reasons, and is doomed to the dustbin of history.
    If you view US culture as an organism, you see that we are processing the Poz like your body would deal with an unwanted pathogen.
    You consume it, the pathogen replicates, you become ill, and then you eventually expel the disease. Once you expel the germ, you are now ( sometimes only partially) inoculated from it.
    As an example; Hungary , and other eastern European countries which were heavily infected with the Poz. They are now some of the most nationalistic countries in the world.
    They take no shit from Putin, or the EU.
    Obama, and his minions were simply a weakened version of this disease – perhaps too weak to fully inoculate us from the Bern. We will see.
    Either way, first make yourself and your Tribe as strong as possible. Then extend it to your neighborhood and community.
    Last, but not least: sowing pessimism and defeatism are weapons the enemy uses to weaken us. This has been known for thousands of years , so it should be of no surprise to the readers here.
    Deny the enemy these weapons whenever possible.

    • amen

    • “The Poz , whether originating from Eskimos or whomever, is a natural progression of Christianity, and the Enlightenment. In my opinion, it was bound to happen.”
      I agree, except that it’s a natural progression of the timeless perversion of Christianity, Gnosticism. Not trying to split hairs, but it’s important.

    • Gracias, Carlos

    • Great insight. However I disagree about Hungary and other eastern European countries being heavily pozzed. In fact an alien and deeply resented ‘culture’ was foisted foisted on the majority by the Communists (largely Eskimos) who seized power with Soviet help after WW 2. It was dumped as soon as they got the chance.

      • on March 17, 2016 at 7:34 pm Hugo Stiglitz
        ” In fact an alien and deeply resented ‘culture’ was foisted foisted on the majority by the Communists (largely Eskimos) who seized power with Soviet help after WW 2″
        Agreed. Though I am of the opinion that the strain of Poz that infected Eastern Europe was much more virulent than what we are currently being subjected to here.
        The delivery vector was completely different. With the US it was mostly ideological subversion. Where Eastern Europe had to deal with the three B’s: bribery, blackmail, and bloodshed.
        As far as infections go,I am absolutely convinced that this country is rejecting the Poz. For a multitude of reasons. One example I could give are comment sections .
        The gruesome specimens can’t even keep their comments sections open now. Read almost any shitlib article. They feed back is usually brutal.
        I first noticed this pattern developing during the 2010 midterms. I read tons of Lefty shit back then , and saw an occasional troll (besides myself).
        Now, wherever you go, there is an avalanche of realtalk burying these poor idiots under suffocating, corpse – strewn mounds of reality.
        Take the Chateau for instance. Does anyone ever get banned? Not to my knowledge.
        Despite that, all we have is a few drive by losers attempting the occasional pot shot. That’s it. Considering how infamous this place is, that is quite odd.
        This site should be a Piranha tank. Why is it that people don’t troll this place?
        I have my own hypothesis about that.

      • Eastern Europe is pozing fast. Many boomers here fantasized about the west to put up with communism so they created an environment where the countries are more susceptible than others to import American bullshit. The people born in the early 2000s will be almost as pozzed as westerners. And no, your ideological subversion is more effective. Sure, if you listened to radio free Europe and got busted, you’d lose your job, become a pariah(occasionally go to prison) etc. But people still did it far more than westerners hate speak to each other. You also didn’t lose any social standing because you opposed the government. Some might not want to associate with you because it’d be bad for their careers, but they wouldn’t find you contemptible etc. I’d rather live in a society that appreciates free speech, but has a censoring government than vice versa.
        You’re right about people trolling online far more. It’s called a preference cascade in economics.

    • Well, Christianity does originate from the Eskimos too. They turned a humiliating defeat and that babylonian exile into a source of national strength by inverting the moral system and have slave like qualities be good(e.g. Meek and weak, turn the other cheek etc). This helped Christianity spread not only because it made the shit people feel better about themselves, but because it was useful for the elites too. Sweden’s conversion to Christianity is quite comical. Their king basically decided that rather to be crusaded upon, he’ll crusade against Finland, enslave heathens to sell them to Christians and other such things. Charlemagne was the same in the sense he saw Christianity’s universalism as a way to unify his empire. It’s quite clear that most European rulers in the middle ages didn’t give a shit about Christian ethics. Heck, you had popes who didn’t give a shit for Christian ethics.
      But no, the Frankfurt school has to be blamed for Luther wanting Europe to be overran by Muslims because muh sins. Discussing this kind of history with Christfags is as useful as discussing the history of Africa with shitlibs though.

      • on March 17, 2016 at 11:17 pm Carlos Danger
        We didn’t have this problem until we gave up Christianity. You have a biased and incomplete understanding of the process and of history. Literacy was the biggest reason pagans converted in reality. But you can’t tell dissimulating jewboys anything.

      • on March 18, 2016 at 5:34 am Captain Obvious
        Pwn is an Eskimo. Chr!stianity is a very explicit & abject REJECTION of the Old Testament [“Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time…”, Sermon on the Mount] & denunciation of the Eskimos [“Ye are of your father the devil…”, John 8:44], and, as a result, the Eskimos demanded that Pontius Pilate execute Chr!st.

      • on March 18, 2016 at 6:40 am Hugo Stiglitz
        I usually take the time – out of common courtesy – to reply to a comment directed towards me.
        However, Pwn’s comments were all over the place. Refuting them point by point would have been pointless. TBH, I really didn’t understand exactly where he was coming from.
        Also, when commenters use terms like “Christfags”, I just ignore.
        With people such as this, attempting to point out the importance of Christianity with the formation and success of the West would be a fruitless endeavor.
        It is like explaining that water is wet and fire burns.
        For those of you who might accuse me of hypocrisy for using terms like “shitlib”, they are not insults – but proper descriptives of an observable behaviour.

    • Hugo,
      Have a look at this one exhibit and tell me to whom the future belongs.
      It isn’t the kid with the shotgun.

      • on March 18, 2016 at 11:27 am Hugo Stiglitz
        I could write a fucking ten book series, with each tome thick enough to beat a horse to death with, disabusing you of this notion.
        How’s this for starters.
        The largest single reservoir of fresh water in the World is located here..
        We have enough fuel to run the country for the next four hundred years. I am just talking fossil fuels. That is current estimations. Since “peak oil” our known domestic reserves of just petroleum have almost doubled.
        We have a population of over 300 million.
        Enough arable land to easily feed billions.
        We have enough nuclear weapons to make hell warmer.
        Through strict immigration policies, we could cannibalize almost any country we wish for their best and brightest. Under global economic duress the world is our bitch if we wish it so.
        If Whites don’t want to breed, what are you going to do? You cannot win if you don’t even show up.
        Short of Yellowstone erupting, there is nothing stopping us but chronic mismanagement.
        BTW- What the fuck are you even looking at that shit for? Are you guzzling cheap scotch and huffing paint too?
        Unless you are going to help those kids, you shouldn’t give them a moment’s thought.

      • on March 18, 2016 at 11:40 am Hugo Stiglitz
        To reiterate; the kid with the shotgun wins. Who’s going to go up there and fuck with him anyway?
        Just in case you don’t follow unconventional warfare, mountains = winning.
        Look to the Pashtuns , Nepalese, Swiss, and the Etymology of term “hillbilly” for clarification.

      • “He has got the shotgun, and they have not.”

      • I like how wound up you get.
        I could write my own ten books.
        Your first premise is that America is in a stronger position as far as its resources — and as far as that, of course I agree. I’m usually the one arguing that the “collapse” is not imminent, that the system has enough raw materials and resilience to keep going possibly into another century. I don’t believe that, but by those measures it looks possible.
        Why doesn’t this matter? Because sooner or later – as you know, my bet is on sooner – that Kenyan kid with the pickaxe who’s never seen a full plate of food and spends his free time studying the Koran, and hundreds of thousands like him, will find their way here. They don’t need all that much water: look at his body. It’s already parched. His body fat is what, 2%?
        In three decades, watch Kenya’s population almost double. As usual the official sources are low-balling it.
        What’s Nigeria up to — 120,000,000, ~75% of which are Muslims?
        Second premise: arable land to feed billions. Those billions are coming home to roost. And industrial agriculture has very real consequences that will catch up with us. Already are, really, inasmuch as this whole thing was made possible by it.
        “Through strict immigration policies,”
        Coming from where — four years of a Trump presidency in the best case scenario? Your optimism hangs on nothing more than a rather far-fetched precondition. It’s fine to sermonize about defeatism, and slyly imply that those who aren’t as manfully hopeful as you are must be actual political enemies, but it isn’t hard to poke holes in it all.
        I have the advantage here and this is why: your future world depends on the current state of affairs doing an about-face. My future world depends on a state of affairs already obtaining. Now, eventually, climate change and so on will force that about-face … but you can imagine how far along the present path we’ll be by then.
        “Just in case you don’t follow unconventional warfare, mountains = winning.”
        Everyone knows this. Chechens, Pashtuns, Nepalese, all honorable races. I should have gone to fight with the Chechens a decade ago and called it a life. I’d say however that Ruby Ridge is evidence enough that the kid with the shotgun won’t last very long against an inimical government, even with that ghillie nest. Further, I wouldn’t put him on the same footing as any of the mountain warrior races, used to living on far less than shotgun kid seems to be.
        Of course, they won’t even have to kill us: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/205293.pdf
        “BTW- What the fuck are you even looking at that shit for? ”
        Because the world is closing in on us, and it’s fascinating to know who they are. Look at the Palestinian girl whose brother martyred himself to kill Israelis. Look at that fat Israeli slug who spends his entire life studying how he and his people were chosen by God to rule over everyone else on earth. Look at the Kenyan again. Look at the Nepalese girl who breaks rocks six hours a day and probably consumes nothing but rice & butter tea.
        I’ll never forget this kid I saw in Guatemala. Up in the mountains near Coban. Me and a pack of dopey chattering blond tourists in a bus going up a steep grade all the way into a different biosphere (jungle to pine forest). We pass this boy of maybe seven who is carrying a bundle of logs on his back. No shoes, no shirt, going uphill. Not even breaking a sweat.
        We have guns, but we don’t have the license to use them against the more tenacious and expendable races who are pressing in on us. There’s really no talking around this fact without pretending everything will change overnight if Trump wins, etc. This doesn’t meet the most minimal demands of commonsense or political forecasting.
        Finally, it seems you thought I was making a sentimental point. I don’t give a fuck about them as people. The point is what kinds of people they are versus the kind of people we are. I don’t think whitey has it in him to fight off both the world’s surplus population and his own extremely well-armed and ill-disposed government.
        If this makes me a faggot Jew defeatist or whatever you gotta tell yourself, so fucking be it. But your counter-argument is weak.

      • NB: I don’t disagree with you & Corvo about how to order one’s affairs in the only life we have to do it in.
        I just can’t turn off the part of my brain that searches for reasons that it won’t work out for most of us. I’m sure you and yours will be fine, though.

      • on March 18, 2016 at 2:25 pm Colonel Hogan
        I checked the link. I also left a comment. There was only one comment there, so I’m guessing mine will never make it through their approval process. Some of the captions seem like they’re written by an ESL individual. Could be poor translation software. My comment touched on the greatness of western civilization and how maybe it’s not meant for all races

      • on March 18, 2016 at 3:25 pm Hugo Stiglitz
        “Why doesn’t this matter? Because sooner or later – as you know, my bet is on sooner – that Kenyan kid with the pickaxe who’s never seen a full plate of food and spends his free time studying the Koran, and hundreds of thousands like him, will find their way here. They don’t need all that much water: look at his body. It’s already parched. His body fat is what, 2%?
        WIC, the very first gibbsmedat program, was started by .gov because US children were too malnutritioned to serve in the military.
        They toiled in the fields, they rarely saw a full meal. They couldn’t fight.
        As soon as that kid reading the Koran( actually, most likely that kid will be illiterate, two standard deviations in IQ lower, and won’t be able to read a map, maintain equipment or follow any but the most basic orders. AKA a lousy soldier) gets anywhere near civilization, he will most likely be hit with a bio weapon that will target his phenotype. Killing him.
        If that kid were a strong fighter, he would need just as much resources ( calories , water etc,) as his opponent.
        By your logic, these guys should be ruling the planet:
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        Modern miracles like penicillin, and agriculture, as well as Western charity are what are making these population explode( such a sNigera, or Africa in general). Take these away, and they crumble into disease, famine and genocidal war.
        “Coming from where — four years of a Trump presidency in the best case scenario? ”
        Trump has nothing to with it. All this bullshit happening is only transpiring because we are so successful. Once the global debt write down happens, all bets are off.
        In other words; once we actually pay the consequences for our actions things will find balance. They always do.

      • on March 18, 2016 at 4:01 pm Hugo Stiglitz
        …con’t in mod..

      • on March 18, 2016 at 4:40 pm Hugo Stiglitz
        Uh, I had a long detailed, screed on why we are never going to have to fight the .gov.
        You have been denied my genius yet again. I blame the Jews.
        As far as me needing to paint a rosy picture because that is what my life needs. That is entirely incorrect.
        Throughout my life I have experienced many challenges. Defeating these challenges – challenges that would make a plurality of the population drown themselves in booze or jump off the top of bridge – has given me a different outlook.
        I am adaptable. I also observe. What I am observing has me optimistic.

      • “The largest single reservoir of fresh water in the World is located here..”
        Over Here it just falls out of the sky, day after day, all year round, tons and tons of it, usually on the verge of freezing. We spend an insufficient portion of our GNP just trying to get rid of/ build above the feckin’ stuff. Disgusting crap, its only natural use is in the production of whisky, and for giving to livestock.

      • on March 18, 2016 at 7:53 pm Hugo Stiglitz
        “Over Here it just falls out of the sky, day after day, all year round, tons and tons of it, usually on the verge of freezing.”
        Sorry to hear it. I hate the cold. Where I am, it just rains. Alot. Then you sweat. Alot. You also sweat when it rains.
        Once in awhile it rains at 100+MPH, and attempts to wipe civilization off the map.
        Good times.

      • Where are you, Hugo? I’m in St Pete.

      • on March 18, 2016 at 8:55 pm Hugo Stiglitz
        “What the fuck are you even looking at that shit for? Are you guzzling cheap scotch and huffing paint too?:
        Upthread, when I wrote that comment, I thought you had linked to some kiddie doom porn. Starving street urchins squatting among flyblown hovels. I have seen enough of that for a lifetime.
        That was my mistake. I should have paid more attention. The link was actually pretty cool , and I thank you for it.
        St.Pete? Great place. One of the best places in Florida to be. How long you been there?
        I am further North.

    • “first make yourself and your Tribe as strong as possible. Then extend it to your neighborhood and community.
      Last, but not least: sowing pessimism and defeatism are weapons the enemy uses to weaken us. This has been known for thousands of years , so it should be of no surprise to the readers here.
      Deny the enemy these weapons whenever possible.”
      Great points, Hugo. (You’ve been making some good comments that I haven’t had time to respond to lately.)
      It starts with each one of us making the necessary improvements in our own lives; extend that out to your family; then your circle of friends and neighbors . . .
      There’s a guy I’ve seen at the gym for a few years, he’s been bringing his teenage son for a couple years and that kid has gone from a skinny twig to a strapping young man in about 2 years. The kid came up to me in the locker room last night and complimented my TRUMP shirt and said he had a TRUMP hat; I could sense the excitement in his voice at finally having a no-apologies White man who is standing up to the CultMarx regime. I complimented him on his improvement and told him that he had a good father. That’s the kind of stuff we all need to be doing.
      Reject the doomsayers peddling demographic projections — White men built the world we’re living in.
      “We have got the Gatling gun and they have not.”
      It’s become a running theme in my house with my 9 year-old son, every time we’re talking about some technolog or how something works etc., I’ll throw out the question “And who do you think invented (whatever we’re discussing)?”
      And he knows the answer: “A White man.”
      Physical strength, martial arts training, and firearms training are all important. But so is reminding our boys of what their grandfathers and great-grandfathers built with their minds.

      • on March 18, 2016 at 6:29 pm Hugo Stiglitz
        Immersing yourself in combat training at one point is a good idea. I don’t believe it is useful to keep too keen of an edge unless it is to supplement an existing program. Say, for instance PT.
        Unarmed combat and firearms training can easily eat up huge amounts of time and resources.Especially if your reasoning is mostly academic, like mine.
        Considering the likelihood it will be used, I think agricultural, medical and survival training ( living raw) would be a much more prudent use of time after competency in violence is achieved.

  15. on March 17, 2016 at 2:58 pm | Reply Wrong Side of History
    I had a year-long relationship that ended in 2012. Besides an attempt by her to get in contact with me through FB, we’ve mostly parted ways.
    I’ve received word from a mutual acquaintance that this girl: has kept pictures of me, still brings me up in conversation (to the chagrin of later hook-ups), is in her 30s now but just broke off an engagement..
    Have I created an alpha-widow?

    • on March 17, 2016 at 3:04 pm | Reply Captain Obvious
      > “Have I created an alpha-widow?” ——— Sure sounds like it. ||||| > “is in her 30s now” ——— It’s not quite too late yet, but that clock is ticking furiously. The worst tragedy is if she gets to 40 & men0pause & The Wall with zero chillunzes of her own.

    • on March 17, 2016 at 3:53 pm | Reply Carlos Danger
      Don’t worry. I have several.

  16. on March 17, 2016 at 3:08 pm | Reply Enfant Terrible
    If you want to find a potential wife, then look for girls that are from good families. Family oriented women are the ones that grew up in a strong family with siblings, cousins, uncles, aunts, grandparents, parents. It’s the ones that come from a screwed up family background that one should be weary of.

    • yep, just ask a girl how she feels about her dad and you’ve got the answer to what kind of mate she will be.
      girls who bash on or hate their dads are problems from day one.

      • on March 17, 2016 at 4:41 pm Enfant Terrible
        No doubt about that. The relationship a woman had, or didn’t have, with her father, is a huge influence on how she deals with men as a grown up.
        Healthy relationships between men and women that lead to a loving family environment are the best for society, and for raising good human beings. We had this in spades in the west, and threw it all away with the fvckin evil feminism bs.

      • Absolute truth.

    • I have considered several women in the past who turned out to have SEVERELY dysfunctional (and downright scary) families. I was glad to be patient. It takes at least 2-3 weeks before little kernels of true to final come out of little Princesses’ ‘innocent’ mouths. My jaw has dropped a few times (drug usage, criminal in or associated with the family, depression/mental issues of mother and /or siblings, etc.). When in a strange territory, it is better to holster your pistol and scout the area for a few days, instead of rushing in quickly with guns a blazin’ and fall into a serious (Custer-esque) mistake.

      • That’s why being apparently non judgmental is a tenant of the secret society. Getting people to spill their beans helps you get what you want.

      • My stock line for “Don’t judge” is “That means you fear judgement: which means you’ve already judged yourself. Tell me what you’ve done that you find so reprehensible.”
        Looks like a mouthful but it tumbles out easily, I deflect them putting responsibility of tolerance on me, and we cut right to the “well in middle school I was raped by fifty black guys” etc.

    • on March 17, 2016 at 10:10 pm | Reply Mean Mr. Mustard
      This is about as good an indicator of her being wife material as you will get.

  17. And people were heavily influenced by what they saw on TV. There was a severe drop in child births when Mary Tyler Moore was a new show.

  18. And on cue, Stefan Molyneux comes out with a rebuttal to eHarmony’s 15 reasons to date a single mom.
    Awesome viewing!

    • on March 17, 2016 at 5:27 pm | Reply Matthew Smith
      What rebuttal? I only see “Free Will vs. Determinism: What They Won’t Tell You!” as his latest video. Do you have a link? It’d be interesting to listen to.

      • Don’t wanna bog down the blog with a youtube post.
        On YT, just search for Stefan Molyneux single mothers. It’s the 15 reasons to date a single mother rebuttal.
        I thought it was recent. Turns out it was from seven months ago.

      • on March 18, 2016 at 3:31 am Matthew Smith
        Checked it out. It was pretty good. Stefan tells it like it is. He doesn’t absolve women of responsibility – that’s what I like about him.

    • MILF, yay! Dating, nay…

      • Gotta a silky MILF in our office. She’s giving me the eye. Nice, tight body; girl-next-door look about her. Sweet, sweet ass.

  19. Anyone else think it’s really unattractive when a girl says “I don’t want kids”….think CH wrote about it somewhere. But It is very unattractive to me when a girl somehow slips in “oh yeah I don’t want kids” into one of her stories when she’s talking.

    • on March 17, 2016 at 4:38 pm | Reply Carlos Danger
      Fuck and chuck. Yes. It bothers me immensely and I don’t respect them.

    • on March 17, 2016 at 4:44 pm | Reply Enfant Terrible
      You need to probe to find out if they really believe in that sheat, or if they are just parroting the propaganda they have been indoctrinated into believing it’s good. Remember, most women don’t really know what they want, or what they believe in, they just voice out stuff they think it’s socially accepted to do so.

    • Yeah — That’s a defect in a woman, usually indicative of other problems.

    • on March 17, 2016 at 5:05 pm | Reply Captain Obvious
      At a bare minimum, it tells you that her father was not a Sh!tlord who has been warning her forever about the onset of The Wall and the fundamental importance of giving him plenty of grand-chillunz while she’s still pre-Wall.

    • on March 17, 2016 at 5:29 pm | Reply Matthew Smith
      I always tell my male friends that when a girl says she’s not into kids or doesn’t want to have them, then she’s only worth a pump and dump.

    • That is what I would call a first and last date. After a while, I would just flat out tell them, “Hey, if you don’t want children, I am not interested.” It saves time, and shames them for unacceptable and unnatural behavior. They are just contributing to the genocide of the White race, so have zero value to me.

      • on March 18, 2016 at 4:22 pm Captain Obvious
        > “just contributing to the genocide of the White race” ——— Say that to them: So why are you so he11bent on the gen0cide of the Whyte Race? Do you want Bald Eagles to go extinct? Do you want Polar Bears to go extinct? Do you want Beluga Whales to go extinct? Do you want the Siberian White Tiger to go extinct?

    • I find it a complete turn off, although I don’t care for kids that much. I’m simply uninterested in more than fun and sex when she says shit like that because she disqualifies herself instantly from ever giving me a reason to keep her around for more. Children are the only legitimate reasons for an exclusive LTRs as a man.

  20. If we don’t repeal the 19th amendment, we probably can’t do any of those other things.

    • on March 18, 2016 at 4:10 am | Reply Diversity Heretic
      Good point–the 19th Amendment, even more than the Federal Reserve or the income tax, will be the longest-lasting “achievements” of the progressives. It’ll take a revolution (Muslim takeover or mass religious conversion to a different patriarchal religion) to repeal it.

  21. Whatever happened to Greg Elliot ?

  22. Companies are now offering pet bereavement leave. I am not making this up.

  23. Fighting nature is always a senseless persuit! Sooner or later truth always wins. We shall not be decepted by all those lefties you cherish their illusions.

    • on March 18, 2016 at 5:51 am | Reply Captain Obvious
      > “Sooner or later” ——— The problem is if “later” is on the order of 500 to 1000 years, like in the Dark Ages. Or that awful Ice Age which almost wiped out our hominid ancestors.

  24. So much of what we put up with is due to the ever present, well funded, overly violent and unchallenged police. Lets see what a good ol’ fashioned currency debasement and or seriously out of control hyper inflation can do to that problem shall we?

  25. on March 18, 2016 at 5:44 am | Reply Captain Obvious
    WARNING: POSSIBLE CH!LD P0RN0GRAPHY: Outrage as Madonna pulls down 17-year-old fan’s top and exposes her naked breast http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/life/outrage-as-madonna-pulls-down-17-year-old-fans-top-and-exposes-h/

  26. Possible COTW winner over @ ZH:
    .or perhaps more accurately the populist/nationalist lineage drawn directly from Perot/Paul –> Tea Party –> Trump.

  27. adorable, ovulating Japanese girl begging Trump to notice her:
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