@RedIssue let's pray for that lads
As reported on Sat on http://redissueforum.co.uk Mourinho was told last Fri post-Anfield he will be next Utd manager. Nothing signed yet though
89 いいね
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@PeterBengtsso11@RedIssue yep, been following for a while now, been spot on with near enough everything0件のリツイート 0 いいね -
0件のリツイート 0 いいね
@RedIssue it's getting a it silly this fellas , you said it was a done deal then it was off then it was giggsies then possibly poch ,0件のリツイート 1 いいね -
@RedIssue those who doubt redissue, don't have a clue. The team there have so many contacts in so many places.0件のリツイート 0 いいね -