全 3 件のコメント

[–]Renevat 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Most managers will try out a system, and it it doesn't work out they will proceed to evaluate the players at hand and try and play a style of football that suits those players.

We have a manager that is forcing a certain system on a group of players that clearly don't suit it. It doesn't help that this particular system is incredibly outdated, and hasn't been used to any significant success by that particular manager since the 90s.

[–]OGdankers 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I don't think we have many "really good players" to be honest. Martial, De Gea, Scheiderlin, Smalling, Shaw, possibly darmian and depay - apart from that, I think we need new players for every position. New striker, 2 new CMs, new RB, wingers. Long way to go before we have a squad like city, juve, psg etc. Long, LONG way to go before we can match barca Madrid and bayern

[–]RedDevilAndy 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Who are the really good players?