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[–]28DansLater[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

Freedom is being allowed to fall flat on your ass if you want to. You can do that in the US.

Freedom is being allowed to voice unpopular opinions. You can do that in the US.

Freedom is being allowed to make as much money as you want. You can do that in the US.

Freedom is being allowed to defend yourself. You can do that in the US.

Minorities have a far better life in the US than any other country in the world. That's the reason so many of them risk their lives to reach our shores.

You're describing safety nets, not freedom. I'm not necessarily against a safety net, but we'll never agree on the size or scope.

[–]555-sparkles 6ポイント7ポイント  (1子コメント)

You're right, it boils down to a question of size and scope. You have public schools, a large military, a police force, court system, medicaid, national highway system, etc. All "socialized" programmes for the benefit of all citizens. Adding higher education and health care to that list doesn't mean becoming a communist hell-hole. Stop being overly dramatic and saying Sanders would confiscate all wealth and divvy up every loaf of bread fairly.

Minorities have a far better life in the US than any other country in the world.

Sorry, you have no idea. Your minorities are poor and incarcerated. Safety nets have bearing on quality of life you know.

Freedom is being allowed to defend yourself. You can do that in the US.

You are allowed to do that everywhere. Difference is, the bad guys don't have guns either.

Freedom is being allowed to fall flat on your ass if you want to. You can do that in the US.

The right to be homeless, that's a novel selling point.

Freedom is being allowed to make as much money as you want. You can do that in the US.

You are allowed to do that everywhere in Europe also, of course. The difference is just the tax rate, which you also have. And are you seriously feeling sorry for someone with 5 billion dollars because he doesn't have 6 billion? Progressive taxation is standard in all western countries for a reason.

But this is probably the most retarded sub to have a political discussion in, so I'm out.

[–]28DansLater[S] -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Stop being overly dramatic and saying Sanders would confiscate all wealth and divvy up every loaf of bread fairly.

Every one of his solutions involves raising taxes.

What's the connection between the wealthy in America and the high cost of college education? There isn't one. The wealthy aren't to blame. The reason the wealthy are targeted is not because they're at fault. They're targeted because of the pit of money the hold. The whole thing is a money grab. It's not fair that kids should be asked to pay their way, so let's take some money from the wealthy.

Minorities have a far better life in the US than any other country in the world.

Sorry, you have no idea. Your minorities are poor and incarcerated. Safety nets have bearing on quality of life you know.

Where are you?

Do you live in one of those lily-white, socialist European countries?

Freedom is being allowed to defend yourself. You can do that in the US.

You are allowed to do that everywhere. Difference is, the bad guys don't have guns either.

What if my preferred method of self-defense is a gun? Shouldn't I have that freedom?

Freedom is being allowed to fall flat on your ass if you want to. You can do that in the US.

The right to be homeless, that's a novel selling point.

You don't understand freedom at all.

Being dependent on the state for your needs isn't freedom.

A toddler isn't free. It needs its parents to take care it. Socialists and social engineers look at society as nothing more than toddler who must be shielded, clothed, bathed and fed.

Freedom is being allowed to make as much money as you want. You can do that in the US.

You are allowed to do that everywhere in Europe also, of course. The difference is just the tax rate, which you also have. And are you seriously feeling sorry for someone with 5 billion dollars because he doesn't have 6 billion? Progressive taxation is standard in all western countries for a reason.

I believe the person with 6 billion should be allowed to keep as much of their money as possible. Contribute at the same percentage as everyone else.

But this is probably the most retarded sub to have a political discussion in, so I'm out.

You'll be back.