全 7 件のコメント

[–]ByzantineBasileusFound Guilty of Genocide Against Popular History 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Only just now recovering from my cold. I am still obsessed with modding Rome 2, and next thursday I am helping my grandmother move.

[–]_sekhmet_Martin LutherxAugustine = OTP 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

OMG Guys Only two more hours and I get to leave to go visit my best friend who I haven't seen for months and I'm so excited! I miss her so much, and she's One month away from giving birth, and that's so fucking terrifying that she's going to be a mom but I'm so excited because she's going to be the best mom ever! Also, I get to eat a bunch of delicious food. I've been saving up, so I have a $300 food budget for this trip. That money should go to rent but I don't care right now because I get to see Cassie! Also, she has 58 hours of TV for us to watch, including a bunch of terrible history documentaries.

Okay, now that that's out of my system, on to other fun stuff! Someone decided it was a good idea to argue with our history professor that people in the middle ages were stupid for not having bacteria/germ theory for how diseases spread, and for believing things like the 4 humors, and trusting ancient philosophers and writers about human health. I'm surprised the professor managed to remain so composed because the person was an absolute idiot.

Also, I found out one of my favorite history professors, who was responsible for one of the best classes on the Old South I've ever taken, is moving to another university. She's such a great professor, I'm sorry the history program here is losing her.

[–]BreaksFullUnrepentant Carlinboo 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I really am having trouble getting over how the guns in Shogun are wrong. They're flintlock muskets, not matchlocks, and it portrays most Daiymos as being too honourable to use guns, despite the Japanese having used them as soon as the Portuguese brought them over, so by the time Blackthorn arrives in Japan the Japanese would have already integrated guns into their armies. Not to mention it completely changes how Blackthorn as an early 17th century European would be training the Japanese. He teaches them the line battle styles of the late 17th century, including the use of socket bayonets, instead of pike and shot tactics that would have been prevalent in Europe. Either Blackthorn would know about the tercio used by most of Europe, or he would have used the more revolutionary formations of Maurice of Nassau, since he mentions having seen William of Orange in battle against the Spanish. But apparently this is a universe where the flintlock mechanism was developed sixty years early.

This really bugs me way more than it should, but it just clashes so much with an otherwise fairly decent presentation of feudal Japan.

Speaking of guns, big gun show tomorrow. Hoping to pick up an old musket.

[–]georgeguy007"Wigs lead to world domination" - Jared Diamon 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

I'm backkkkkkkkk.

What's your guys' favorite movies? Zoo topic might be my top 5. airplane, Edge of tomorrow, kingsmen might be the others.

[–]lestrigone 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I really liked Clouds of Sils Maria, Carol and The Master.

[–]RoNPlayerJames Truslow Adams was a Communist 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Pizza. That's all. I'm having Pizza...

[–]Gunlord500 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Related to the last blog entry I posted here, today I went into a little more detail about the actual chapter by chapter writing of my dissertation. I also mention what anime and videogames I've been enjoying now that I have some free time, lol:
