全 4 件のコメント

[–]EmilyCharland 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

There are guys who expect the world to give them everything if they are just nice people. I'm not sure who gives them this idea, but I think Glover is probably targeting this idea, and that's not a bad thing.

However, the book isn't altogether positive. It seems to encourage hedonism to some level, though that's not an entirely bad thing.

The author isn't RP, but he clearly holds negative views about women. And clearly thinks that all men are victims nowadays and that feminism is eeevil.

The author doesn't have a great understanding of psychology. Nor does he give great advice imho, just the standard bs like get your shit together, stop taking orders, stop being nice blah blah.

Bottom line, it's not bad in the way that Terper books are bad(as in, makes you want to vomit), but it's still not great

[–]registrationscoflaw 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

the only good no more mr nice guy is the alice cooper song

[–]IronMaiden7474 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I have not read the whole book but am familiar with it and what, in general, it is about. He also has a forum and I stumbled upon that when I first heard of the manosphere.

It seems to be directed mainly at the guys that are the "wrong" kind of "Nice Guy". The guys whose "niceness" has an ulterior motive, the guys who are covertly manipulative, guys who have co-dependency issues, low self-esteem, self-sabotaging behaviors, lack of confidence, unhealthy approval-seeking, people-pleasing behaviors, etc.

Glover is a certified marriage and family therapist. If and where he goes off the rails in that book I'm not sure. But from snippets of the book that I have read, it's basic Psychology 101.

Not saying that guys need this book, but if it helps some come to see that the issues are theirs and not everybody else's by helping them to see where they've got it all wrong - great.

Personally, I think the TRP/MGTOW crowd would do better by seeing an actual psychologist/psychiatrist in the flesh as that to me is what a lot of them really need - one on one therapy. But no, they turn to the toxic echo chambers of the internet instead to have their warped views/ideas reinforced, and they spiral further and further out there.....and end up even worse off.


[–]OmLiLiEndorsed Manchild 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Has some kind of creepy and weird content closer to the end of the book. In general it's a pretty rational book and a lot of people could benefit from reading it.