全 15 件のコメント

[–]Startoverdarling 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I avoid movie theaters now. Can't spend money on that propaganda crap anymore, so that's my main way of dealing, giving them much less money than I did before I was aware.

[–]KendleC 1ポイント2ポイント  (4子コメント)

Home movies, high school plays, your own puppet booth? Forget it, they own it up to and including the books the movies are based on. Just be discerning: if in the first little while, your shit detector goes off, hit eject, turn it off. I do it all the time. My wife hates it because she gets sucked in. When I point out what a dismal piece of crap, the implications, the perverse, depressing, twisted, agenda riddled, pile of cat puke hairball it is, she gets mad. Later she wonders why she feels mopey, under the weather, melancholy. I escape to the garage, a hobby and am trying a gentler more scholastic approach with her.

The problem is Hollywood is not even trying anymore. The have zero respect for the audience, actually I'd call it scorn tinged with a passive aggressive malevolence. These days the movies are dismal!

I dare you to watch an old Gunsmoke episode. In one hour I feel like I've seen a very well produced movie with actual stories and no creepy stuff.

[–]AVeryFreeMind[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (3子コメント)

But what about past legends - especially the ones I mentioned? Seinfeld, Groucho Marx or even Allen were undeniably brilliant and they were before the current era of affairs. Do you believe they should be forgotten and ignored as well?

Also, I have to be frank here - I watched the first season of Nathan For You. Nathan Fielder is the host so you can probably understand who (or what) he is. Either way, the show is a very clever critique of capitalism and blind faith that I can't help myself but find it both very humorous and insightful. But you see, I am faced with this inner conflict - how should I feel about it knowing who the creator is?

BTW, Gunsmoke came into existence only because William S. Paley - a half Jew, requested it. Also he was the president of CBS until 1959, so he was responsible for approving the Gunsmoke TV series...

[–]KendleC 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

Yes and yes. The nascent Zionists were happy to have a home, loved America or, at least, were appreciative of not being tattooed and slaughtered. The post war era was a time of new beginnings. The mild anti-semitism of most americans was "they're cheap" or at worst, they'll cheat you. But, at the time we had a stereotype of EVERY ethnicity.

I love the work of those you mention, genius uniquely suited to story telling and entertainment. Now there's the Vampire Squid and a dark malevolence in everything. It's like the positive, charming ones we grew up with are tired of their toys, or they're NOT thrilled to be here, they certainly feel their power, and you know what is said about that.

I'm afraid it's generational and we're hosted now by a generation that does "just enough" and no more. Is it more insular and hating out there? It doesn't have to be. Why the constant corrupting influence. That wasn't the case before. Gunsmoke, StarTrek, morality tales with a message. Now, robotic haunted man defuses a bomb and doesn't particularly care whether it goes off or not.

[–]AVeryFreeMind[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

It's like the positive, charming ones we grew up with are tired of their toys, or they're NOT thrilled to be here, they certainly feel their power, and you know what is said about that.

Do you believe it was some sort of a process of domesticating the Americans to accept the 'outsiders' as their own and eventually stab the foster nation in the back?

I'm afraid it's generational and we're hosted now by a generation that does "just enough" and no more.

But see, William S. Paley was the one who initiated the creation of Gunsmoke, and the original Star Trek series was produced by Fred Feiberger, while Oscar Katz was the one who was pushing Star Trek to be produced. We should also not forget Rick Berman and Micahel Piller who served as writers and producers later on... What are your thoughts on that?

[–]KendleC 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Domestication? No. This isn't Babylon, Egypt, or Rome. These people are no longer SLAVES. They don't have to consider themselves fostered. Do you think a 4th generation Italian wastes time wondering if he's part of the national experiment or that he belongs? Nope. Furthermore, there is no resentment for ancient slights. My statement about it being generational is akin to the the process where by, say, the child of the depression works his ass off to get his kids in college and professional positions, those kids have children who WILL NOT work as hard as either. Perhaps uniquely the Jews are able to hold on to their bailiwicks, unlike a typical white who will blow it all and run away. Now that the, not hard working 4th generation has the property, they aren't working enough to appear to deserve the mantle of the penultimate purveyors of entertainment and media. They're just phoning it in! That's why it stinks. Your last paragraph will receive no argument. I appreciate all their contributions.

[–]Rotundus_Maximus 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I get my news from /pol/. I don't find tv or movies intresting anymore besides the occasional movie like In The Heart of the Sea.

[–]Terex80 0ポイント1ポイント  (5子コメント)

There is a world of difference between a Jew and a Zionist. Hating things just because they come from a specific religion or race is pure bigotry.

The writers of south park are Jewish, does that automatically make it bad in your eyes?

[–]IanPhlegming [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Ummmm....the writers of South Park are MORMONS, or at least they were.

[–]discount_timetravel [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I get the feeling a lot of people don't care to think about the difference, it's easier to be a bigot. I am honestly getting sick from the racism I read all over the internet.

[–]TheDoubleDMeansValue -2ポイント-1ポイント  (2子コメント)

Explains a lot, at least.

[–]Terex80 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)


[–]TheDoubleDMeansValue -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

About the content, and why it’s written and presented the way it is.

[–]otistoole 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

You can't compartmentalize? Just take the good and leave the bad, like anything else.

If you don't want green peppers on your pizza, pick them off.

[–]jacks1000 -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Sorry I'm never giving up Curb Your Enthusiasm. That is one funny Jew.