全 64 件のコメント

[–]craaackletoo cool foor school 7ポイント8ポイント  (40子コメント)

Anal sex. You're the bottom because I predate you.

[–]Xertpunctilious wretch 4ポイント5ポイント  (32子コメント)

You just covered my desk in hot coffee.

[–]ur_a_idietAMOG 5ポイント6ポイント  (1子コメント)

That dark liquid wasn't coffee.

[–]craaackletoo cool foor school [スコア非表示]  (29子コメント)

You ALSO predate him/her. Just sayin'...

[–]Xertpunctilious wretch [スコア非表示]  (28子コメント)

You've made me realize I also predate you...

At least you still get /u/corzaftw

[–]craaackletoo cool foor school [スコア非表示]  (27子コメント)


[–]Xertpunctilious wretch [スコア非表示]  (21子コメント)

What's wrong with corza? :(

[–]_RedPillFedora_resident leg beard [スコア非表示]  (13子コメント)

He doesn't want to bang me.

[–]Xertpunctilious wretch [スコア非表示]  (10子コメント)

Mebbe he's just playing hard to get.

[–]_RedPillFedora_resident leg beard [スコア非表示]  (9子コメント)

I've sent over 30 texts demanding to hang out.

I guess if I send 60 more with no reply I will know, this time I will progressively make them more threatening and apologize..... you know like those /r/niceguys dudes do to women.

[–]Xertpunctilious wretch [スコア非表示]  (8子コメント)

Do you keep trying a new number each time? I'm sure you've heard that handy definition of insanity.

[–]craaackletoo cool foor school [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

https://i.imgur.com/ecn5pwx.mp4 This is how I imagine you reacting to the rejection

[–]_RedPillFedora_resident leg beard [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

My ex from 5 years ago could attest to the accuracy of this statement.

[–]craaackletoo cool foor school [スコア非表示]  (6子コメント)

The only man who gets in my pants is Jesus my husband

[–]Xertpunctilious wretch [スコア非表示]  (5子コメント)

After consulting the mod list, I do hope he's /u/MasterOfTheAsses

[–]craaackletoo cool foor school [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

Haha my husband is smarter than to be a part of this. He's not a drama llama like me and the rest of you...no offence?

[–]_RedPillFedora_resident leg beard [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

Are any of you going to the TOAnarchy meet up? I just wanna make sure I am not drinking with new faces you know?

Like I only wanna see old regulars who predate noobs at meet ups.

[–]craaackletoo cool foor school [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Are any of you going to the TOAnarchy meet meat up? I just wanna make sure I am not drinking with eating out new faces butts you know? Like I only wanna see eat out old regulars who predate noobs at meet meat ups.

[–]jy_amPape Village Anarchy 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

I love that both meanings of this word can work here.

[–]_RedPillFedora_resident leg beard [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Bitch quit stealing my scene.

[–]craaackletoo cool foor school [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

I never said anything about me being the top ;) all yours bebe

[–]_RedPillFedora_resident leg beard [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I am still the queen of the chocolate castle!

[–]haxormeloves the movie "Hackers" 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's like a support group for...for.. I don't know what describes us.

But it makes me feel better.

[–]ur_a_idietAMOG 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

We whine about the hitlers moderators, and blame our celibacy on feminism.

[–]_RedPillFedora_resident leg beard [スコア非表示]  (18子コメント)

Sit down and listen while I tell you about my online dating conquests.

This week we visit Ohio.

[–]rap_the_musicalDickPuncher [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Ugh.. You'd better come back with a good story or two

[–]_RedPillFedora_resident leg beard [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I've already been offered a trip to Cuba.

I can't wait for story time if I don't get murdered.

[–]quelar/r/vodka mod and will ban you. FOREVER. [スコア非表示]  (15子コメント)

Ohio? What is wrong with you?

[–]_RedPillFedora_resident leg beard [スコア非表示]  (14子コメント)

Dude is a mega babe.

I'm a sucker for a guy with glasses, a mod haircut, a scooter and skinny pants. You should approve, he's a big footie fan. (Although he supports the Crew I got him to admit what a dumb logo they had like forever)

[–]quelar/r/vodka mod and will ban you. FOREVER. [スコア非表示]  (6子コメント)

You've banged every available man this side of the border, haven't you?

[–]_RedPillFedora_resident leg beard [スコア非表示]  (5子コメント)

Not every one but the ones who meet my criteria of music film and art tastes.

New applicants please send your resume to my inbox.

[–]quelar/r/vodka mod and will ban you. FOREVER. [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

You went to a one direction concert, you have no right to be critical of someone elses music choices.

[–]_RedPillFedora_resident leg beard [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

Jokes on you, I've been to 5.

[–]quelar/r/vodka mod and will ban you. FOREVER. [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

That makes it so much worse....

[–]_RedPillFedora_resident leg beard [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

I won't tell you how much I paid for VIP tickets 6th row in 2014 then.

Hint: it's 1/2 the price of tfc seasons tickets in the section I sit in.

[–]quelar/r/vodka mod and will ban you. FOREVER. [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Stop it, you're making baby jesus cry.

[–]Sk4ldCrushes RPGs [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

Scooter... sweet.

[–]_RedPillFedora_resident leg beard [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

Real men drive Vespa's.

[–]Sk4ldCrushes RPGs [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

fuck yeah they do, those things are fun as fuck.

[–]_RedPillFedora_resident leg beard [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

I thought u would turn ur nose up TBH.

[–]Sk4ldCrushes RPGs [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Nah I think I'm gonna get one for myself just to have fun with around town.

[–]TheArgsenalValue Menu Vanguard [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

The crew? ugh. I liked their old logo. The logo that predated their current one.

[–]_RedPillFedora_resident leg beard [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

The three guys with hats? It looked like the Columbus janitors.

[–]jy_amPape Village Anarchy 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

[–]quelar/r/vodka mod and will ban you. FOREVER. [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)
