上位 200 件のコメント表示する 500

[–]EnglishMajorRegret 1142ポイント1143ポイント  (33子コメント)

There was an older man who suffered from dementia that would order four fountain drinks and nothing else from my shop, then would tip about $300 every time. After hearing about it a couple times, I told my manager, and we all agreed to get in contact with his family, let them know we wouldn't take orders from him, and that they'd have to take some measures to keep him from doing the same with other establishments. God only knows how much money that guy gave away.

[–]sungenie 473ポイント474ポイント  (22子コメント)

That was kind of you. A lot of other people would have kept taking advantage of that situation.

[–]atsinged 2760ポイント2761ポイント  (391子コメント)

Long time ago for me, but we had a huge delivery area and several entire apartment complexes blacklisted because they were hideously unsafe for anyone thought to be carrying money. There were also a couple where we would deliver to the front gate only, not go in to the complex itself.

Greenspoint area, north side of Houston in the early 90s for those aware of the area.

[–]im_not_a_gay_fish[🍰] 601ポイント602ポイント  (36子コメント)

Yup. When i was little my family lived in "gunspoint" during the summer of '92 while looking for a house. My dad had just transferred to Houston from Dallas and we stayed in his corporate apartment for about 2-3 months while we found/bought/closed on a house.

Ended up moving to the Willowbrook area, but i remember that summer I was 9 years old, my brother was 7, and we weren't even allowed to go to the apartment pool. In summer. In Houston.

That sucked.

[–]yourbrotherrex 1358ポイント1359ポイント  (230子コメント)

"Delivering pizza to Greenspoint" is pretty much a deathwish job description in general.
That's a fucking war zone.

[–]atsinged 806ポイント807ポイント  (184子コメント)

The thing that always struck me is that compared to "bad" neighborhoods in Houston, Greenspoint never really looked all that bad from the roads. The complexes were decently well lit, landscaping was usually well maintained, very little visible graffiti (back then) nothing would really stand out to an outsider to say "this is a bad area".

But holy crap, the reality of it was as you said, "fucking war zone".

[–]free_reddit 90ポイント91ポイント  (21子コメント)

I'm in Houston now visiting a friend and almost nothing looked bad to me from I-45. I met my friends in Galveston (coming up from the Dallas, so I went all the way through Houston). Later as we were coming back my friend pointed out some of the bad areas to me and I would have never known, I almost even stopped to fuel up in one of them but decided I could make it with 1/4 of a tank.

[–]SedativeCorpse 59ポイント60ポイント  (10子コメント)

Sharpstown is the same way, you would never know from the freeway that most of the area is gang controlled.

[–]Filereaper12 958ポイント959ポイント  (135子コメント)

I use to live in the "Rich" part of Greenspoint, but there was a terrible apartment building right next to my house. One time we ordered pizza, and waited for at least an hour and a half before calling pizza inn back to figure out what was taking so long. The manager told us that the guy had left 45 minutes ago (pizza inn was 15 minutes from my house). So we open the door, and the pizza guy is literally knocked out in our driveway, car door wide open. Turns out the people living in the apartments jumped the fence as he was pulling up, kicked his ass, and then stole his money and our pizza. Needless to say, pizza inn made us start picking up our pizzas, and that went for everyone in our culdesac.

[–]wolfraisedbysheep 342ポイント343ポイント  (103子コメント)

Whoa that's pretty serious to be knocked out cold for that long... do you know if he was OK?

[–]Filereaper12 297ポイント298ポイント  (25子コメント)

He was in a bad state when we went out there; he had stopped bleeding at that point, but had two gashes: one on his forehead and one on the back of his head (they used a brick on him). I was 10 at the time so my dad had to call an ambulance for him, and the manager actually showed up to follow him to the hospital. He had to get stitches in those two places, and when we showed up to pick up a pizza a couple of weeks later, the manager told us the pizza guy quit as soon as he came to.

Edit: missing words/letters

[–]Abusoru 139ポイント140ポイント  (5子コメント)

Yeah, I don't think anybody would blame him for quitting after that (even the manager).

[–]myheadfire 1083ポイント1084ポイント  (44子コメント)

When I worked at a pizza place, we just had one person that we wouldn't deliver to because he would always refuse to pay and hassle the delivery guy, saying the pizza was cold, took too long, wasn't the right order, whatever. He probably got a couple free pizzas at least before we stopped bothering sending him anymore.

[–]dae3dae3 321ポイント322ポイント  (18子コメント)

We used to have people try to claim the pizza was cold even after we got bags with ceramic heat stones in them. A pizza could be a lot of things but cold wasn't one of them. You could have a pizza in one of those bags for two hours and the bottom of the box would be so hot you could barely touch it. It was a pain having to keep those bags plugged in and rotate them so you were always using a hot one though.

[–]zRobber 84ポイント85ポイント  (5子コメント)

8 years or so ago, the place I worked at had a power strip, and 3 stackable rows. When you got back, you plugged your bag in, and put it on the shortest stack, then pulled the bag from the bottom of the tallest stack for your next delivery.

Really easy to rotate.

[–]J31ch0n 932ポイント933ポイント  (49子コメント)

At our shop we banned an older man who tried to molest one of our larger male employees. Another guy just happened to be masturbating facing the window so the drivers could see him this happened a couple times so the cops were called... turned out he had a record of doing this but also doing it in front of school buses

[–]hockeypeg18 121ポイント122ポイント  (22子コメント)

I don't understand why people do that. The thrill of jerking off in front of other people? Knowing that he was potentially scarring kids for life? I just don't get it.

[–]BigDaddyDelish 51ポイント52ポイント  (9子コメント)

It's a voyeur/caught fetish. Some people get off on the thrill of either watching others or having the suspense that they can get exposed.

Personally, I think planning it out so people will catch you takes the thrill out of the sex and is really just getting off on offending people. But I also wouldn't ever do it in a place where children would catch me either.

But yeah. That's what his deal is.

[–]VileDevastation 186ポイント187ポイント  (1子コメント)

Some people want to belong to a group, and the sex offender registry is an easy choice.

[–]Phuchtard 4011ポイント4012ポイント  (283子コメント)

I delivered to the dorms when I was in college, back before credit cards could be used to pay for pizza. In the largest men's dorm, we had a "war" with some of the residents after they got pissed when we wouldn't accept an expired coupon for a 14 pizza order. So they kept calling us up with ghost orders and making life hell for us over the course of a few weeks. So we stopped delivering to anyone in that dorm. As we were the cheapest pizza in town, that did not go over well with them. The RAs got every student in that dorm together and told them to knock it the fuck off or get kicked out. So we tried to deliver again and the same shit happened. So we banned that dorm forever. It was cool by me because those idiots would place 5-20 pizza orders and tip $2.

EDIT: It was the mid-80s and there was no caller ID. Most of the students used the wall of pay phones we had in the lobby, but some rooms had their own phone. Regardless, there was no way of knowing who was calling.

[–]draconiand3v1l 2151ポイント2152ポイント  (39子コメント)

No one deserves to be deprived of pizza. Except those guys. Such assholes.

[–]DigNitty 317ポイント318ポイント  (26子コメント)

The older I get, the less I understand how people can justify their actions.

[–]science_the_bear 253ポイント254ポイント  (22子コメント)

I know right! Like how can you go to bed at night and think, "this is what I did with my day," and not feel like a complete shithead?

[–]rube 442ポイント443ポイント  (129子コメント)

But if they're calling up and making ghost orders, wouldn't banning the dorm itself do nothing to stop the ghost orders?

Or were they dumb enough just to get false orders delivered to other rooms in the same dorm?

[–]AsAGayJewishDemocrat 446ポイント447ポイント  (97子コメント)

Depending on how old this story is, it's possible it was pre-cell phone days and they just blocked orders from that dorm's caller ID numbers.

[–]rube 129ポイント130ポイント  (90子コメント)

Yeah, that was my thought as well.

But even then, if some assholes really wanted to keep the fake calls going, they could go to a random nearby payphone.

[–]Phuchtard 198ポイント199ポイント  (23子コメント)

My theory has been that it was just a few people who would get off on watching the pizza guy walk up to the dorm and sit in the lobby waiting for the pizza to get picked up. There were times when I was sitting and waiting that I know the assholes who ghost ordered were walking by, I could hear them laughing as they turned the corner.

There was no caller ID yet. We could ban the phone number, but there was no way of knowing who was calling. They didn't place ghost orders for any other dorm, just that one. Thank goodness.

EDIT: It was mid-80s.

[–]CrisisOfConsonant 141ポイント142ポイント  (15子コメント)

You guys should have just been able to call out and ask if anyone wanted to buy the pizzas. I bet you wouldn't have to wait long to get a taker in a college dorm.

[–]Phuchtard 220ポイント221ポイント  (12子コメント)

We did that and it worked sometimes, but the owner would not allow any discounting. Full price on all orders. Years before I worked there, they would discount the pizzas for ghost orders and sell them on the spot, but that resulted in more ghost ordering as people would ghost order knowing they could get the pizza at a discount.

[–]CrisisOfConsonant 97ポイント98ポイント  (8子コメント)

Yeah you don't discount them or people will game you. However you shouldn't have too hard a time selling them at full price at a dorm.

I worked for a pizza place for a short time. The nicer manager use to take pizzas that people ordered but didn't pick up and hold them for maybe 10 minutes. If someone came in an ordered that type of pizza well they got a pizza that they didn't have to wait for. If no one ordered it after a little bit, they'd just give it away free to a customer who wasn't a dick.

[–]mightyatom13 3035ポイント3036ポイント  (205子コメント)

I was delivering for Godfathers in Memphis in 88. We had no-delivery houses as well as areas. We had one area smack dab in the middle of our normal delivery zone that was blocked out. It was a low income apartment complex. We got a new manager. He was eager to up his numbers, so quickly changed that area to being a legit delivery area. The first time he handed me an order for that complex, I explained that it was a really shitty complex and we didn't go there for a reason. He accused me of being racist because I didn't want to deliver to the complex (complex was all black, I was white, manager was black) and said just to deliver it and quit complaining. OK, man. So I drive it out there and walk upstairs to the apartment door. I knock. No answer. I look a bit closer and it is obviously a vacant apartment. So I head back to my car and am sorting my money bag and next order when I glance up in the rear view mirror. I see 3 bad looking dudes crossing the parking lot heading right for my car. I notice one of them is carrying a rifle. Holy shit! I cranked up my shitty VW rabbit, threw it in reverse, and hauled ass out of the lot. I get back to the shop and the new manager accused me of making it all up and said he didn't think I had even attempted to deliver it. He says to go back out there. I say no fucking way, dude. He insists, so I insist he comes with me. He agrees. We drive back out there, he carries the pizza up the stairs, realizes that it is a vacant apartment, and quickly gets back in the car. "Sorry dude. You were right. It was a set up." We got back to the shop and he marked the whole area off limits again.

[–]krokodilchik 1386ポイント1387ポイント  (15子コメント)

Wow, good for you for standing up for yourself. Probably saved a lot of drivers some serious hassle down the line.

[–]kuromamba 917ポイント918ポイント  (128子コメント)

It's perplexing that people are willing to kill/rob pizza men for a pizza and a few bucks.

[–]VealIsNotAVegetable 695ポイント696ポイント  (50子コメント)

All the rewards of mugging, without the hard work of searching for victims and a reduced risk of them being armed. Plus, free pizza!

[–]IAmUber 115ポイント116ポイント  (38子コメント)

I carried a police baton when I delivered pizzas. Wouldn't stop a gun, but would give me a decent chance against a knife.

[–]Tnargkiller 210ポイント211ポイント  (17子コメント)

My brother did it for about 6 months and had a taser on him and pepper spray in the car. Then he looked at it objectively and decided a job that made you even think you needed that kind of stuff was not worth having.

[–]DragonSpell 456ポイント457ポイント  (21子コメント)

They are not ordering a pizza. They are ordering a mugging victim.

[–]BraveLilToaster42 56ポイント57ポイント  (16子コメント)

Seriously. Do they know how crap the money is for that job? These days, so many people pay with credit cards it's not even worth it anymore.

[–]I-come-from-Chino 2889ポイント2890ポイント  (491子コメント)

Worked at papa john's the only place on the no delivery list were bounced checks. We had one driver get his knee bashed sideways with a baseball bat and money stolen, I delivered to the same place the next night. They didn't care about getting robbed because the driver is only supposed to have $25 max on him all times. So everything over that $25 the driver had to pay for. This driver I think had to pay around $125 after being assaulted.

Edit: I wanted to clarify about caring cash. We were told (for this very reason) that after every delivery (usuall 2-3 houses) when you come back to the store you put all money in your drop box. Obviously if you got $60 cash on a delivery the store wouldn't make you pay for that but they had a record of how much the order was and how they paid.

[–]Arcian_ 797ポイント798ポイント  (126子コメント)

What the fuck? Did they not press charges?

[–]I-come-from-Chino 861ポイント862ポイント  (125子コメント)

Yeah the police came out but they never found the guys. We gave him crap for faking (before we were reminded of money policy) it until we saw his knee. I don't think he had surgery but he was in a brace for a few months.

[–]d3gree 746ポイント747ポイント  (78子コメント)

Should be covered under the worker's comp type laws, if it's not already. No surprise that they never found the guys. Being assaulted by a customer is quite obviously a work-related hazard and should be treated as such.

[–]CrisisOfConsonant 118ポイント119ポイント  (44子コメント)

Where I live delivery guys call you once they get to your house. They won't get out of their cars until you answer (and this is pretty much every company). My neighborhood is one of the nicer ones, but my guess is because there are so many bad neighborhoods in my city they've just made this a policy.

Really it's a pretty good way to get the food you want and some money. You just order a delivery to a place that you can loiter around with out creating suspicion. Wait for the guy with the delivery sign on their car, then mug them for your food and take their money.

I don't get how the $25 thing works. Like what if a customer orders something worth more than $25 and pays in cash?

[–]AB1912 81ポイント82ポイント  (21子コメント)

I don't get how the $25 thing works.

It would be my guess that when the driver leaves the restaurant, they have a maximum of $25 in change with them. Anytime they have more, because a customer paid in cash, and they get back to the restaurant, they would leave the extra there.

[–]Stevenab87 457ポイント458ポイント  (76子コメント)

This driver I think had to pay around $125 after being assaulted.

That would be illegal for Papa do make him pay.

[–]Snatch_Pastry 486ポイント487ポイント  (38子コメント)

Never underestimate the power trip of a fast food manager.

[–]Feelsgood767 413ポイント414ポイント  (30子コメント)

Do not underestimate the power of department of labor if they file a complaint. People do not understand how much power employees actually have.

[–]NissinTopRamen 341ポイント342ポイント  (8子コメント)

Your second sentence pretty much indicates why managers get away with it though.

[–]Snatch_Pastry 111ポイント112ポイント  (3子コメント)

Well, that's the other half of the problem, many teenagers don't have the life experience to know when they're getting screwed by a dickhead manager.

[–]AlfaCharlieEcho 1749ポイント1750ポイント  (192子コメント)

Fuck Papa John's, their pizza isn't even nice imo.

[–]Agent1108 220ポイント221ポイント  (39子コメント)

Tell that to Peyton Manning

[–]officeworkeronfire 83ポイント84ポイント  (6子コメント)

I think the bigger issue here is I can get away with assault AND theft as long as it on a papajohns employee delivering me food?!?!?!

[–]Surly__Duff 33ポイント34ポイント  (4子コメント)

Typically the robbers have the pizza delivered to a nearby house, not their own

[–]esteban42 1950ポイント1951ポイント  (224子コメント)

We had a few blacklisted numbers/addresses. Mostly were for people who wrote bad checks or would constantly complain/return orders/make threats. One address that was on the absolute edge of our delivery area (a business all by itself on the edge of town) got blackballed because people from outside the delivery area would give that address and meet us there.

A couple of bad neighborhoods (including one that was literally 6 dilapidated trailers in the middle of a field with a two-track going back to it, nothing but crackheads with Pit Bulls and Rottys with no leash) were blacklisted too.

[–]NoButWait 287ポイント288ポイント  (90子コメント)

So what if someone from that business actually wanted pizza?

[–]esteban42 639ポイント640ポイント  (88子コメント)

Then their business name would come up on our caller ID. And it would be during their business hours.

[–]this__fuckin__guy 320ポイント321ポイント  (82子コメント)

We broke down on the freeway one time and tried to order a pizza to the side of HWY 18. No dice.

[–]splergel 234ポイント235ポイント  (37子コメント)

That sounds sensible on their part. I'm not sure if it would even be legal for them to stop there.

[–]Danulas 901ポイント902ポイント  (82子コメント)

One address that was on the absolute edge of our delivery area (a business all by itself on the edge of town) got blackballed because people from outside the delivery area would give that address and meet us there.

I don't see what the problem is here.

[–]esteban42 1293ポイント1294ポイント  (58子コメント)

The problem was when it's 10 at night and pitch black meeting someone on a dirt road (the business had fence around it) was too scary for some of the girls we had driving at the time. Plus it just felt sketchy as hell.

[–]Danulas 512ポイント513ポイント  (28子コメント)

Oh that makes more sense.

At first, it just seemed like you were getting business from people outside of your delivery area, which should be considered a good thing.

[–]esteban42 273ポイント274ポイント  (21子コメント)

We did it for years, but there are a bunch of crackheads in my town, and it just felt like too much of a risk (plus it always took forever, since it was 5 miles each way, plus you sometimes had to wait for people to show up).

[–]SouthgateJenny 151ポイント152ポイント  (6子コメント)

Absolute right thing for the store to do. Sadly, I had a cousin who would get high and order delivery from the place she used to WORK for, then rob the drivers pulling things like this (dark, abandoned houses in sketchy areas). Eventually was busted, thankfully.

[–]muideracht 22ポイント23ポイント  (1子コメント)

Wait so she used to rob her former co-workers who could potentially identify her since they know her by name? Not surprising she was busted, I guess.

[–]greenw40 163ポイント164ポイント  (6子コメント)

Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Elaine tries to order the fish. "Sorry, food for people in delivery range only".

[–]The-SpaceGuy 4939ポイント4940ポイント  (910子コメント)

My friend who is a pizza guy told he asked his manager to ban a house because they always wants him to wait until they eat first slice and then complain pizza is not well made and asks for some discount or coupon and ends up not paying tip acting angry.

[–]BarefootBluegrass 3957ポイント3958ポイント  (246子コメント)

Similar story. I had a house who took the pizza, went inside, I'm assuming shook it violently and then ran me down before I drove off demanding it be free since it was all fucked. I said there's no way that happened but I would be happy to take that pizza and get another. He demanded he keep that one and I get him another. I said no way. I ended up taking the pizza back and got chewed out because they thought I dropped it. Then a few weeks later they pulled the same shit on my boss. People are scummy

[–]ElNuevoSonido 578ポイント579ポイント  (127子コメント)

This sort of reminds me of an asshole I saw at Cheesecake Factory once. He and his girlfriend are there for lunch, so he orders himself a double shot of Hennessy. He gets most of the way through it in a hurry, then uses his straw to add a bunch of water to the glass. The next time their waitress comes around, he says that he doesn't think that the bartender actually gave him Hennessy, so she apologizes and says we'll make sure to get you what you want, and would you like me to take that drink back? Oh no, I'll finish this, but I still want a double shot of Hennessy. The proof that the drink was poured wrong the first time was that the color of the newly-poured double shot was different than the color of the watered-down drink. And so the first drink was comped.

[–]peanut_monkey_90 1312ポイント1313ポイント  (93子コメント)


orders himself a double shot of Hennessy.

That's all I need to know about that guy.

[–]MeZoosta 725ポイント726ポイント  (46子コメント)

at Cheescake Factory

And this.

[–]mhwillingham 21ポイント22ポイント  (7子コメント)

Shit. Is it bad to like Cheesecake Factory now? How can anyone keep up with these trends? Why can't I like Cheesecake Factory and have people like me too?

Edit: added profanity to show my true level of distress.

[–]Arcian_ 1742ポイント1743ポイント  (95子コメント)

Did your boss apologize to you? (I assume not.. but I can hope!)

[–]BarefootBluegrass 3299ポイント3300ポイント  (91子コメント)

He did actually! He praised me on being able to maintain my calmness. But if I wouldn't have I woulda been fired probably.

[–]Gorwindbag 1062ポイント1063ポイント  (63子コメント)

Kudo for you for composure and your boss for admitting mistake.

[–]esteban42 852ポイント853ポイント  (221子コメント)

We had a customer that we actually enforced this on. We wouldn't leave unless they opened the box and said the pizzas were fine, because they always called back in with issues that were absolutely not our fault, for example: they found hair in their pizza (it was their dog's hair), the pizza was smashed against the side of the box (the lady dropped it when she was getting money for the driver), etc.

[–]officeworkeronfire 794ポイント795ポイント  (205子コメント)

fucking scumbag pizza orderers.

I always tip extra and say thanks for lugging food to my doorstep.

*edit: all this pizza talk got me hungry for a pie :) thanks guys for the support!

*edit2: holy shit guys my highest upvoted comment(ever) on my SFWalt I made a week ago :') ty!

[–]esteban42 295ポイント296ポイント  (152子コメント)

You're my favorite kind of house.

[–]therealkami 237ポイント238ポイント  (106子コメント)

Used to be a driver. I tip no less than 5 bucks to any driver.

[–]esteban42 226ポイント227ポイント  (64子コメント)

I over-tip unless I get absolutely shitty service at a restaurant. I know what "server's wage" looks like, and it ain't pretty.

[–]Fluhearttea 38ポイント39ポイント  (4子コメント)

I'm the same way. But I don't know if I've ever had shitty service. It's hard to be shitty when it's "hi! Sign this please. Here's your pizza. Have a good one"

[–]TheGlennDavid 1123ポイント1124ポイント  (131子コメント)

My general "rule" is that I would never complain about a restaurant more than twice. If they aren't what I want I'll order from somewhere else. This "I go here every week and complain everytime" thing is nonsense.

[–]esteban42 978ポイント979ポイント  (38子コメント)

There was a guy who we blacklisted because he would order the bare minimum for delivery (and bitch about having to tack on bread so we would deliver wings to him) about twice a week, pay with about half coins (exact change, no tip), and then call back in and bitch that something was wrong. Eventually the manager got on the phone with him "maybe you just don't like our food, and you should stop ordering it," and blacklisted him

[–]dragn99 438ポイント439ポイント  (28子コメント)

I want to give that manager a hug.

[–]esteban42 310ポイント311ポイント  (26子コメント)

It helped that he had been a driver for 5+ years before he became assistant and worked his way up to manager.

[–]MajorNoodles 475ポイント476ポイント  (58子コメント)

I was in a Walgreens a couple of weeks ago and they opened up a second register because the customer at the first register was arguing with the cashier. I don't remember what, but he said "This happens every time I come here."

I said to my cashier, "You know how I know he's full of shit? Because if that were true, he'd stop coming here."

[–]AtmaJnana 524ポイント525ポイント  (40子コメント)

If you go through your day and meet one asshole: okay, you met an asshole.

If you go through your day and all you meet are assholes: you might be the asshole.

[–]NIMBLE_ENERGY 200ポイント201ポイント  (6子コメント)

I agree. If you complain that much you're just trying to get free stuff. I used to eat Pizza Hut every weekend. Don't know why, but something about it I just liked for chain pizza. Two times they screwed up my order, and never refunded me (in credit, no less) what they were supposed to. So, I told them I'd stop ordering, and did.

It's pretty easy to find a competitor that wants your money if the service/quality is so bad.

[–]jp_jellyroll 1212ポイント1213ポイント  (253子コメント)

What a risky move on the customer's part. I mean, pissing off people who make your food, deliver your food, and know exactly where you live seems kind of stupid. That would be the very first house to get targeted on Halloween, if you know what I'm saying.

[–]Poem_for_your_sprog 1606ポイント1607ポイント  (43子コメント)

I stood beneath the paling light,
And stared, polite, ahead.
'You want a tip?' he spoke with spite -
'Make better food!' he said.

And when he'd laughed and slammed the door
Upon this sordid scene -
I whispered this, and nothing more:


'I'll see you Halloween...'

[–]jsnoots 1756ポイント1757ポイント  (184子コメント)

I delivered pizza in NJ, I went on the porch to see a snarling Rottweiler behind the door. Not a big deal, happens a lot, I'm a stranger the dog is just being a dog. The lady pushes him back, we do the pizza transaction and as I'm turning to go the lady said, "Oh my god, he's out.. " the back door was open and the dog was charging around the house about to come on the porch.

I quickly opened the door to run inside but the lady screamed "no, the really bad one is inside" and I see a bigger Rottie just inside the hall so I stick myself between the screen door and the real door and I'm trapped in an angry dog sandwich. The outside dog bites my calf because I can only close the screen door so much, not much damage but I'm bleeding.

The manager goes to talk with the lady (it is like 1/8th of a mile from the store or that lazy bastard wouldn't of bothered) and Rotties are penned up out back. As soon as the lady starts talking to him another small mutt dog zips out the door and bites him on the hand. He made the call on no more pizza for them.

[–]fuzzynyanko 485ポイント486ポイント  (86子コメント)

I'm surprised the cops weren't called on her

[–]jsnoots 1053ポイント1054ポイント  (84子コメント)

That was my call but she dropped off a copy of the rabies vaccination and left 2 $100 dollar bills for me.

What can I say? I was easily bought at 18 years old and I had weed money to ease my pain.

[–]sadreddragon 472ポイント473ポイント  (68子コメント)

Even knowing rabies isn't a concern, if you get a puncture wound from a dog (or cat) ALWAYS get it checked by a medical professional and alert the police.

In liability insurance I have seen where people didn't seek treatment and have had to have muscles cut out because the infection was out of control.

The worst was a 5 year old that had to have her leg amputated at the knee because of a deep bite from the neighbor's 8 lb housecat.

Most of these bites were not the first time the animal bit someone.

Always report animal bites, you may be saving someone (likely a small child) from horrific injury and scarring.

[–]jmerridew124 143ポイント144ポイント  (28子コメント)

It's worth mentioning that bites from cats are much more likely to be infected than dog bites. Cats have unusually septic bites. If you're bitten by a cat, see a doctor.

[–]KazROFL 953ポイント954ポイント  (59子コメント)

What the fuck. These people should lose their dogs. I don't like excessive litigation, but some people need it to learn their lesson.

[–]BitcoinBoo 410ポイント411ポイント  (12子コメント)

99% of of animal problems are HORRIBLE OWNER PROBLEMS....just like kids. Control your family people.

[–]DarthSnoopyFish 37ポイント38ポイント  (1子コメント)

exactly. if you have 3 angry dogs that you can't really control at home, go pick up your damn pizza at the store.

[–]BajanMaster 25ポイント26ポイント  (1子コメント)

I shouldn't laugh, but the

no, the really bad one is inside

is a brilliant line.

[–]scottevil110 1501ポイント1502ポイント  (78子コメント)

Our greedy ass owner refused to develop such a list, even after two of our drivers were mugged at the SAME HOUSE. They wouldn't let us avoid neighborhoods, no matter how unsafe, no matter what time of day.

[–]tempolevy 575ポイント576ポイント  (30子コメント)

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor robberies nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.

[–]JanineIRL 172ポイント173ポイント  (15子コメント)

I used to work for a place like that years ago. It was right on the outskirts of Detroit so we would frequently have orders within the city limits. If you don't know Detroit, it's 90% houses, a lot which are abandoned. Drivers were getting robbed left and right. But our owner wouldn't blacklist anyone because... Idk, he was a greedy bastard? His excuse was that if we REALLY wanted to to guarantee safety, we'd have to cut out half of our delivery radius. We just had to chock it up as an occupational hazard. If only they compensated in pay but, alas, that wasn't the case.

[–]Muppetude 3236ポイント3237ポイント  (91子コメント)

A lady on our delivery route was always just getting out of the shower when we arrived and kept "accidentally" dropping her towel. There wasn't a single driver in our shop who hadn't seen every disgusting fold and lump on the front of that 300 lbs acne-covered body.

The manager finally warned her that if she did it again she would be banned.

She of course did it again, and I like to think the resultant loss of home-delivered pizza translated into a net benefit for her physical health just as it had done for our mental health.

[–]notbobby125 1320ポイント1321ポイント  (45子コメント)

A lady on our delivery route was always just getting out of the shower when we arrived and kept "accidentally" dropping her towel.

Ah, so she was a real life porn movie? That might be annoying or offensive to some drivers, but many managers would have a hard time-

There wasn't a single driver in our shop who hadn't seen every disgusting fold and lump on the front of that 300 lbs acne-covered body.



[–]Muppetude 466ポイント467ポイント  (5子コメント)

That pretty well encapsulates the roller coaster of reactions my friends have from when I first begin telling the story to the end where I describe her appearance.

[–]MaxDG1013 53ポイント54ポイント  (2子コメント)

Do you ever tell the story with her appearance at the beginning? Jesus Christ, you must be some kind of sadist.

[–]aerospacemonkey 317ポイント318ポイント  (24子コメント)

Nobody on the internet is as attractive as you think they are.

That 20-year-old knockout bombshell? Nope. 50-year-old neckbeard catfishing you from his momma's basement.

[–]Fail_Panda 1172ポイント1173ポイント  (209子コメント)

My house got put on the a "deliver first" sort of list because we ordered so much and so often. Eventually, they would know people's phone numbers and knew the address automatically and sometimes give us a discount.

[–]calvicstaff 806ポイント807ポイント  (67子コメント)

its not official but there's a house in my area that times you for your tip, which we would be pretty pissed about normally but he's a good sport about it and an average run over there will get you about 7 dollars so we always book it over there first if we're taking more than 1 at a time

[–]jack0rias 296ポイント297ポイント  (52子コメント)

I got this with one of my local takeaways! They recognised my voice when I called and my orders would always be stupidly quick, and they almost always threw in a few extra things like chicken strips, bites and chips!

[–]CrisisOfConsonant 313ポイント314ポイント  (40子コメント)

I don't get that with delivery. But I often find one place by where I work and get lunch there every day (usually because I work in an area with very few places to eat) and I tend to get the same thing, whatever I hated the least.

Eventually they start making the food as soon they see me walking to the door. I've had my food handed to me before I've paid. Other customers are like WTF.

[–]jack0rias 133ポイント134ポイント  (11子コメント)

That's brilliant, seems like very good service.

[–]Moribach 53ポイント54ポイント  (1子コメント)

I have that at a place in the mall. Anytime I go there I get the same thing so I just nod on the way up and its ready to go... problem is... I can't get Chinese at the store beside them because they start to make my food before I get there. #FirstWorldMallProblems

[–]jack0rias 34ポイント35ポイント  (0子コメント)

No, you can't get Chinese next door because you'd break their hearts... :(

[–]kshucker 170ポイント171ポイント  (1子コメント)

This just blew my mind. When I was living at my old apartment I used to order pizza and have it delivered 2-3 times a week... (young, hungry, and wasted a lot of money doing this)...

Anyhow, I would get items that I didn't order nearly every time I ordered. You name it, extra pizzas, 2 liter soda's, french fries, etc. Me being so hungry and either always drunk or hungover at the time would see these extra items, not say anything and act like I ordered them and say to myself "boy, whoever that delivery driver is going to next is going to be pissed because I have all their food!"

Only now do I realize from your comment that they were hooking me up because I always bought from them and tipped half decent.

[–]dae3dae3 170ポイント171ポイント  (29子コメント)

The people that were very good tippers always got their pizza delivered first no matter the order it came in. It was bumped to the front of the line. This was supported by the owner and managers as a thank you for the customer and to ensure good money for the drivers. We could be super busy and running over an hour for delivery and they would get their order in 15 minutes. Even if someone was only a reasonable but consistent tipper they would get put before someone who you knew never tipped. The drivers remember this stuff and they talk to each other.

[–]crystal-orca 49ポイント50ポイント  (4子コメント)

Yep, and as a cook, I know in our store we all put a little extra special effort into making sure those people's orders were somehow above our standard. They didn't look different, but they felt different, for sure.

[–]anormalgeek 389ポイント390ポイント  (58子コメント)

Worked at a Hungry Howies pizza in college. They are basically a cheap, discount pizza chain. We had a few stores in a college town. Mine served the local college campus and the areas out west and south. These included the "bad" parts of town. We had a list of about 10 or so neighborhoods or streets we did not deliver to because drivers had been robbed. One of which was a rather large government housing project. That never went over well when I had to explain it to people. They often bitched me out like it was my idea or called me a racist.

We also refused to hire female drivers because of an incident before I was hired. A group of people made multiple fake calls throughout the night to different addresses until the female driver showed up. When she did they kidnapped her and raped her for days.

Edit: another story. One of our drivers was a kind of crazy homeless guy who had some anger management issues. One time a dude pulled a shotgun on him while he was still in his car. He was having a bad day so he just grabbed the barrel, pointed it forward and floored the gas pedal. He also used to sunbathe in his white briefs in the nasty parking lot behind the store while laying out on old pizza boxes.

[–]blackcatbadbrows 109ポイント110ポイント  (25子コメント)

Kidnapped and raped... what. the. fuck.

[–]anormalgeek 165ポイント166ポイント  (22子コメント)

Yeah, it happened a couple of years before I got hired, but their decision to not hire women as drivers was one they never budged on, even though I'm pretty sure it was illegal to do so.

I remember one goth chick that was applying and was told she wouldn't be considered as a driver (they made significantly more the restaurant staff like me). The manager let it slip that it was because she had a uterus. The girl got all indignant. She wanted to know why because it wasn't fair she said. The manager tried to pass it off saying it was a "safety issue", but the girl kept pushing so my manager told her exactly what happened. She kind of paused, said "okay...fine" and left.

[–]LegacyAngel 96ポイント97ポイント  (5子コメント)

Yeah if somebody told me the job I was applying for put me at risk for rape for days, I wouldn't be so adamant to apply anymore either.

[–]blackcatbadbrows 22ポイント23ポイント  (2子コメント)

This whole thread has really made me appreciate the level of danger you can actually put yourself in doing this job. Driving to remote areas, leaving your vehicle and basically entering a stranger's house...

EDIT: said sub, meant thread

[–]fluttershyly 17ポイント18ポイント  (1子コメント)

I had to do a course to work as a receptionist in a Real Estate. The lecturer (female) told us to always wear something you could run in (no high heels) because as an agent, you often take people in your car to an empty property where you're very friendly to them, which can be easily misunderstood.

I didn't have to worry about that stuff, but it was something that hadn't occurred to me before.

[–]TornadoApe 318ポイント319ポイント  (7子コメント)

Yea we had a few no delivery places. Mostly places where we got robbed and another where someone (not one of us) got murdered. So we stopped going to those places.

[–]chronologicalist 694ポイント695ポイント  (48子コメント)

In the late 90s I was still living in Detroit and in between desk jobs, so I delivered pizza as a part time gig. Detroit's neighborhoods have been rough for a few decades now, but the 90s seemed like they were on their own level. I won't say the specific neighborhood, but there were some really rough ones.

This one house, though...this house was just in awful shape. I kind of figured this would be bad even as I was driving down the street to get there. Every other house (literally) was either burned out or very obviously abandoned.

This one was just shitty looking, but I tried to be optimistic. I walked up to the door, awning kind of drooping over my head, and knocked. Almost instantly, the door cracked open, and all I saw was a dark hand with what looked like a glock. "Leave the pizza and walk away."

I complied, obviously, and told my manager that I wouldn't be delivering to that neighborhood anymore. Still stuck around with that job for another 6 months or so, but that was probably the only thing on that level I've seen.

[–]turtlesdontlie 124ポイント125ポイント  (39子コメント)

Did you call the cops?

[–]chronologicalist 361ポイント362ポイント  (38子コメント)

Haha no. Things are slightly better in Detroit these days, but calling the cops was totally pointless in the 90s.

[–]tlacatl 127ポイント128ポイント  (15子コメント)

I live on the west coast now and everyone wants to know what Detroit is really like. I tell them it's slowly getting better. They always seem a little disappointed so I tell them about how it was in the 90's and that seems to cover the horror story they wanted to hear.

[–]SamsChub 1456ポイント1457ポイント  (111子コメント)

Was working for a big chain. Big chains rarely ban houses because greed, maybe afraid of bad will, maybe they are afraid of being accused of racism.

3 days in a row drivers came home from a house with tales of creepy behavior from 3 black teens dressed like gang-bangers.

Kids wanted pizza delivered to the back, hassled drivers, demanded free stuff, arranged themselves to surround driver, etc.

Drivers refused to go to the back, retreated to the car, etc.

3 days in a row the kids ended up paying 30 bucks for the delivery. Drivers begged manager to ban the house, but he wouldn't do it. Because perception of racism.

4th day. Boys are not waiting in front yard like before. Driver goes to door, gun stuck in his face, he hands over wallet and pizza and car keys.

He walks away, boys joyride and eat stolen pizza.

Boys caught by police. THEY LIVE AT THAT VERY HOUSE. Mom, a well-paid state worker, had been away at a convention that week.

House then banned.

Boys, although they lived in a decent neighborhood, went to a crappy high school where they wanted to get street cred as hooligans. At that school it would make them more fearsome and popular. The money was not an issue to them.

I was driver #3 in this story, heard about details of the home from neighbors when I did other deliveries.

This was 1994-ish.

[–]captainburnz 1136ポイント1137ポイント  (81子コメント)

Some local kids did that to a guy in my area. He tracked them down and broke their legs. The kids' parents then started canvassing the neighbourhood for information. I think after getting the 20th door slammed in their faces or being told their shitty kids deserved it, they stopped pressing the matter.

[–]AnticScarab3 577ポイント578ポイント  (48子コメント)

Kinda seems like a dumb thing to do when you put it that way. It could just as easily have been a molotov cocktail thrown through their bedroom window at night. I mean, you're fucking with someone who knows where you live, and you know absolutely nothing about them.

[–]CrisisOfConsonant 405ポイント406ポイント  (43子コメント)

Only super reputable people deliver pizzas, it's okay, fuck with them all you want.

Also openly insult your waffle house cook while they're making your food. Trust me, none of them are convicted felons.

Source: Ex-waffle house cook (also all the waffle house cooks I've met have been pretty decent guys, I still wouldn't fuck with them).

[–]inyuez 35ポイント36ポイント  (3子コメント)

Waffle house seems like the kind of place that food will get fucked with if you're an asshole, but never if you're a nice and polite.

[–]ITworksGuys 129ポイント130ポイント  (19子コメント)

Waffle house is delicious, who is insulting the cooks?

[–]officeworkeronfire 117ポイント118ポイント  (2子コメント)

being told their shitty kids deserved it

ahhhh double justice boner

[–]AreNotOnFire 351ポイント352ポイント  (23子コメント)

I used to be a delivery driver for Pizza Hut. I used to work the Sunday afternoon shifts and would have the same man order a supreme pizza every week. I was always the one to deliver his order because most of the time I was the only driver on duty at that time of day. Alan was a nice, quiet man who had a lovely front porch. One day, I didn't take his delivery for some reason. Poor Marvon took the delivery instead on the day that Alan decides to open the door stark naked. Alan wanted to show me (a small redheaded girl) the goods, not big black Marvon. Alan never got another delivery.

[–]pack123 20ポイント21ポイント  (0子コメント)

hahaa that's awesome. I used to deliver meals on wheels and it's amazing how many guys would try to pull shit like this.

[–]lancegreene 172ポイント173ポイント  (9子コメント)

Prior to my freshman year of college (2002) I was delivering pizzas for Pizza the Hut in a decent suburb outside of Cleveland. I was the typical stoner/partyer easy going delivery guy, as a little background. One afternoon my manager requested I go change several hundred dollars for smaller bills for our register. As I'm leaving the bank after getting change and getting into my car I sense someone approach from behind and suspect they are going to ask me for a cig. Nope. Instead its a dude with pantyhose and his head and a knife and demands the money I have in my pocket and my keys. I oblige and he ultimately runs off and tosses my keys in the parking lot where I can see. When I run into the bank, no one at all saw the incident and wouldn't you know when they pull the footage there is sunglare in the exact spot on the window where my car was parked. The cops interrogate me and search the car, but seem to conclude that in fact I was telling the truth. My manager even vouched for me saying how I was a good kid.

Flash forward to about 10 years and I'm telling the story at a party and bam, it hits me. My manager, who often dated unsavory characters, set up the whole thing. Considering I was robbed in front of a bank in broad daylight on the busiest street in my town, who the hell would know to rob me; especially since I hadn't put my car topper on at this point.

[–]calvicstaff 257ポイント258ポイント  (41子コメント)

pizza guy here, we do not have such a list, but we do remember which houses are regular assholes and which ones try to scam free pizza by complaining (usually we just send another pizza but we make the regular baseless complainers send the first one back). we've never had anything truly bad happen to make us stop sending people altogether but we have sent different drivers to some places, like if a coworker is being hit on and it makes them uncomfortable we will send someone else to that place. I'm sure if something bad enough happened we would cease delivering to that address tho

edit: also i never understood being a dick to the pizza guy, like you're not soposed to mess with the people who make your food, so why would you mess with the people who make your food AND know where you live?

[–]calvicstaff 147ポイント148ポイント  (36子コメント)

oh we did temporary blasklist over half our area (in st louis durring the flood) because idiots kept calling in "no i cant pick it up my whole neighborhoods flooded in, i need it to be delivery"

[–]mandalorkael 131ポイント132ポイント  (6子コメント)

On an unrelated note somebody could have made BANK by getting pizzas from you guys and charging a premium to deliver via boat

[–]dae3dae3 90ポイント91ポイント  (17子コメント)

We had someone get pissed once because we wouldn't deliver to them in a blizzard. Their complaint was that the roads were so bad that they couldn't get up the hill out of their neighborhood. How was the delivery driver supposed to get up the hill? People that ordered in bad weather like that were almost always bad tippers. My theory was that it was because the people that were good tippers didn't want to make the delivery driver come out in that bad of weather.

[–]Mestoquacy 52ポイント53ポイント  (2子コメント)

Ugh, I am on the No Delivery list of 2 restaurants because my Roommate is a fucking idiot and can't math to save his life. He once sent a Driver away after a heated conversation with a - 25 cent tip. Unfortunately, I was in the shower at the time. It wasn't until afterwards that he was explaining the situation to me that I realized what a moron he was. The bill came to $20.25. He gave the guy $20 and thought it was a good tip because we ordered two sandwiches that were basically $7 a piece and a $1 soda for a total of $15, so $5 tip. In actuality, the sandwiches were $7.99 and the soda was $1.99, so $18 right there, then there was a $2.25 delivery fee. So $20.25. Unfortunately, the delivery guy spoke almost zero English, so all he could say was "not enough" to my roommate, and my roommate is an asshat who wouldn't read the damned receipt. He is no longer allowed to answer our door.

[–]Toombah 141ポイント142ポイント  (22子コメント)

I worked as a delivery driver for Papa John's in high school. It was a nice weekend job, lots of nice people in my area. Naturally, there were a couple shitheads who we didn't like to serve (and later added to the blacklist). One memorable house was this guy. This fuuuucking guy. He would order massive amounts of pizza, I'm talking anywhere from 7-20 pizzas. And would pay with cash. So naturally, we would call ahead of time to make sure it was a legit order and that we would get paid for the pizza. He would answer, tell us that it's all good and that he has the cash. It would always be the same order: x amount of thin crust pizzas with double anchovies and olives, extra cheese. I would load up my car, drive over, and he would never be there. Lights off and everything. Needless to say, we were all pissed. This went on three times before we decided to add him to the blacklist. Then, we would get the same order to other houses. We would get sketched out and not deliver to these houses. Over time, and with many anchovy and olive orders made, we added like 6 or 7 houses to the blacklist. Not the craziest story, but it's the only pizza blacklist story I have.

I have some more exciting delivery stories if anybody is interested

[–]GodDamnYou_Bernice 32ポイント33ポイント  (12子コメント)

I'm interested!

[–]Toombah 73ポイント74ポイント  (11子コメント)

Okay here goes. So there was this one house that was always under construction in my neighborhood. No joke, for about 6-7 years, this massive house was being renovated. The parents were incredibly wealthy, and by the time the house was done, it was stunning. I had always walked or drove by this house but never met the owners. And then one day, as if some pizza angle heard my delivery prayers, I was given a delivery to that house. I was excited because I figured I'd get a sexy tip from the wealthy owners. Wrong, I got a hot dog. I arrived and knocked on the door. These two dudes, both juniors or seniors in high school opened the door in their underwear. I was like ummm that'll be x dollars and x cents. They said "yeah I've got the cash, it's inside" and they invited me in. Now normally, I don't enter customer's houses, but I was really curious to see the inside. I walked in, avoiding eye contact with these two guys, and went to the kitchen. They had like 3 or 4 exotic birds just flying around their house and the two gentlemen were cooking raw hotdogs in a saucepan. They said they had to finish the hot dogs before they would pay me. It was a slow day so I didn't mind waiting. They cook up a couple hot dogs, pay me for the pizza, and then asked if I wanted to have a threesome. I was eating the hotdog and choked a bit in shock. I'm a guy and I didn't know how to react. I said that I was good, but they insisted. I started walking to the door and they followed me chanting "three, some! Three, some! Three, some!" I fucking booked it and burned rubber out of their driveway. In hindsight, I know they were playing a prank on me but it was still weird as fuck Edit: grammar. "Weird as fugitive -> weird as fuck" I'm on my phone, sorry for grammar mistakes

[–]fckdup 92ポイント93ポイント  (1子コメント)

When they asked for the threesome you missed the perfect opportunity to say Just the tip please.

[–]Tastemysoupplz 48ポイント49ポイント  (2子コメント)

Don't work there anymore but we had a nasty 50+ year old woman that would always answer the door naked who was blacklisted. And a five block area we wouldn't deliver too because it was the ghetto capital of our city and people had been robbed.

[–]bend1310 47ポイント48ポイント  (0子コメント)

We had a guy and two girls order seperately, then grab the pizzas and run.

The girls had picked the food up and left, while the guy was paying. After 30 seconds the guy bolted.

It was a $100 order.

My manager, who is a frequent gym goer, leapt the counter and gave chase.

The two girls had gotten into a car with the food, but when the saw my manager they drove off leaving the guy.

My manager chased him three blocks, and was gaining on the guy when the girls pulled up and the guy got into the car.

Unfortunately, all three of them went to school with a kitchen hand at the store, so we had names, jobs, addresses, and facebook accounts.

We contacted them all on facebook, and got them to pay for the pizzas the next morning under threat of contacting police. We also put them on the no delivery list.

[–]placebojones88 370ポイント371ポイント  (23子コメント)

Delivered pizza in High School living in NY. There was a couple neighborhoods that we had to be escorted by police who were permanently stationed on the corners there. When you got to the building we had to wait in the security booth that had "bullet proof" glass. This was all because people would call delivery places and just rob the people of the money they would carry, sometimes the cars too.

[–]maddomesticscientist 230ポイント231ポイント  (21子コメント)

I worked for a restaurant delivery service and we had two people that stick out in my mind.

1) Incredibly mysoginistic verbally abusive man. Would call and order, being a sexist ass the whole time "I don't give a fuck about any goddamn specials sugartits, just gimme a rib plate" and then ten minutes later call back, livid, because his food wasnt there yet. "NOW LISTEN YOU GODDAMN BITCH..." I hated that man and it was glorious when my boss snatched the phone from me, mid-tirade and told the guy off.

2) One of the whorehouses. All the other places of ill repute were super nice, tipped well, etc. This one in particular though. They'd straight up snatch the food out of your hands and slam the door in your face, try and scam you out of money with these making change tricks, complained about every order, verbally abused drivers and order takers, and other stuff I'm sure I've forgotten. (This was a LONG time ago). You'd think that given the nature of their business, they'd want to avoid the attention of the law. Seeing as how they didn't even bother to conceal themselves under the name "massage parlour" but openly flaunted that they were a straight up whorehouse. I'll never get that one. I imagine that's why they were spectacularly busted about 6 months after we quit delivering to them.

[–]fuzzynyanko 98ポイント99ポイント  (16子コメント)

Someone on here said that drug dealers tend to be really chill for the reasons you mentioned

[–]CherrySlurpee 192ポイント193ポイント  (11子コメント)

yeah, if I was doing something illegal, i'd be the nicest mother fucker in the world to the delivery guy. Timmy from hungry howie's bringing down my entire operation because I didn't tip would be haunting me every day in jail.

[–]stargate25 138ポイント139ポイント  (26子コメント)

Yes. I worked for a pizza place in high school. One of my friends was killed during a delivery.

Apparently, the husband had been in trouble before for domestic violence or something. I heard stories about the wife answering the door with fresh blood on her face, black eyes, that sort of thing. A couple other guys actually called the cops after delivering their pizza.

Anyways, my friend shows up to deliver the pizza and I guess the husband thought he had called the police a few nights before. The husband shot and killed my friend.

[–]TPA-dude 41ポイント42ポイント  (16子コメント)

Damn. That just made me think of my friend who was killed by his boss at Pizza Hut. Well he wasn't at Pizza Hut at the time he died, but he met the guy who killed him there. My friend was only like 13 at the time. This guy, his boss, had this thing where he would show him yearbooks of the local girl's private school and tell him that certain girls worked for him and would give oral sex, but he had to be blindfolded and tied up at the time. Yeah, so you can figure out what it really was. My friend found out and got mad and the guy, his Pizza Hut boss, hit him over the head with a baseball bat and killed him. I still go look up when this asshole comes up for parole every year and they always shoot him down. He's been in prison now for about 30 years.

EDIT: I found a link to the trial online if anyone wants to read about it. http://tn.findacase.com/research/wfrmDocViewer.aspx/xq/fac.19860905_0001.TN.htm/qx

[–]Nach0Man_RandySavage 244ポイント245ポイント  (51子コメント)

I worked at a Jimmy Johns, which have really small delivery areas. We had a place that was WAY outside the delivery area that we were always getting orders from. It turned out that the guy was dealing to the manager and 1/2 the staff and they had worked out an arrangement. When the new manager came in, he had to put an end to that.

Edit: Clarity.

[–]TheSpiritTracks 21ポイント22ポイント  (6子コメント)

I fucing love Jimmy Johns, but let's be real, the only reason it's freaky fast delivery is because if you're not within a five minute radius you're not getting jimmy johns

[–]Mamamilk 33ポイント34ポイント  (2子コメント)

We marked off an entire section of town on the big map in the back of our store because there were too many shootings and murders in the area. Some parts of that section we would go to if it was daylight, but wouldn't deliver to after dark. Others we just didn't go to at all. It was such an exciting way to make money during college.

[–]TDeath21 151ポイント152ポイント  (23子コメント)

So if I move into a house on the banned list because an asshole lived there before me, I can't order a pizza when I'm drunk in the evening?

[–]ialo00130 131ポイント132ポイント  (4子コメント)

You could probably go into the shops and reason with the manager/owner.

It haplened to friends of mine who lived in a rented house outside of my University Campus.

[–]Sosetila 44ポイント45ポイント  (2子コメント)

I'm sure that's nothing 5 minutes on the phone with the manager can't solve. Unless one of the drivers got murdered at your house...

[–]Isord 29ポイント30ポイント  (2子コメント)

Apparently our entire complex is on the "do not deliver after dark" list at a local pizza place. That was encouraging to find out a week after moving in.

[–]Slazman999 60ポイント61ポイント  (2子コメント)

When I managed a shop there was the bermuda triangle. A neighborhood that was banned because every time we had a driver go there they would get robbed.

[–]ManWithBacon 27ポイント28ポイント  (7子コメント)

We had to put this lady off our delivery list because I had to make 2 trips back to her house over a spinich salad. Her reasoning being the Spinich wasn't grown in the store and she demanded a refund, and my manager refusing the refund led to her shorted me in cash. Wasn't my favorite day on the job.

[–]Booner999 22ポイント23ポイント  (2子コメント)

I used to deliver sandwiches for a shop. We had to blacklist this one lady who would call up last minute and demand 50-100 sandwiches for her meetings and she wanted them delivered in 15 mins. We explained things to her over and over again that this was not how it worked, but she still demanded her order. So, when it showed up 45 mins later than expected, she became a monster, causing a scene, not tipping, sending in complaints to the district manager, etc. This happened so many times, and finally, one day, she called in an order for 200 sandwiches, wanted it in 15 mins. I delivered it myself and she took the sandwiches from me for her meeting. I sat there and waited for her to sign the receipt... and waited......... and waited. Turns out, she took the sandwiches in to her meeting and booked the hell out of there, not signing the receipt. She then called her bank to cancel the charge on her card and called us in for fraud. She had the nerve to call up our district manager and said that we OWED this to her since all of her orders were late. She was blacklisted after that and my district manager finally apologized for not believing me on this story. Drug Reps are the WORST!

[–]DiomedesTydeus 138ポイント139ポイント  (11子コメント)

I 100% get why people would make such a list, but to give you a tale from the flip side, I'm quite certain I was on such a list. The previous home owner was a crotchety bitchy woman who tried repeatedly to screw me while I was closing on the house. I literally had to walk away from the table, twice, to get her to consent to what she had already agreed to (no, you don't get to stay an extra 2 months in the house before I can move in, we already set a date, etc etc).

Anyhow, first ~3 years I couldn't get a single delivery person to come out. I'd call in for a pizza or for like furnace repair, I'd get it scheduled, no one would come. No reasons given, I'd call back "Sorry sir, we'll send someone right out." But nothing would come of that either. Honestly, I got sharp with the managers a few times because from my perspective, I had done nothing wrong, I just ordered a pizza and 2 hours and 3 phone calls later I was never given a reason, it just never showed up. This probably didn't help if they assumed I was already a bastard, but I wasn't, I just wanted the pizza and didn't know why I was getting such terrible service.

Anyhow long story short, I get why you do it, but sometimes lists need some forgiveness, or some time to age people off that list. Just food for thought.

[–]TheVoicesSayHi 68ポイント69ポイント  (0子コメント)

In your case what you really needed was for someone to tell you they wouldn't come. Not take the order and then fuck off. A blacklisted house or apartment can change owners at anytime so at my store we tell them "yo I'm sorry but we can't deliver there anymore because of x" and if they say they're not the same person my manager will decide if they believe them and send us out.

If they aren't cool beans, if they are and were lying then back on the list you go.

[–]dylangle 21ポイント22ポイント  (0子コメント)

A coworker and friend of mine got a delivery one night, before he left our manager pulled him into the office, gave him a pair of latex gloves and instructed him to use them to put the money in an envelope. He was confused but didn't ask many questions. He says when he got to the house, there was actual caution tape around the yard and a sign that said something like "warning: infestation". He is somewhat of a germophobe to begin with so at this point he really does not want to go up to the door, but he has to deliver this pizza. The woman who answers the door is grotesque, and is covered in red splotches and potentially bites of some kind. He quickly hands her the pizza, carefully takes her money with the gloves on and stuffs it in the envelope, and sprints back to his car.

He threw a fit when he got back to the store, and the manager felt so bad she put the house on the blacklist. He said he scrubbd his hands til they were red afterwards. Thinks it was bed bugs or scabies or something, we'll never know.

[–]kylehermann 21ポイント22ポイント  (1子コメント)

Welp, my brother and I(18 and 17) are the 2 delivery boys for a Chinese place near my house.

One day 2 months ago now , I was working, and a delivery is called in from one of our regulars, huge house, good tipper, young cool guy. Needless to say I was ready for a nice 8 dollar tip.

I shown up at the guys door and this middle aged man answers(I assume it's his dad). I look down to the bag to give him his total, and as I do, the fat bastard grabs my arm and tried to pull me in his house!! I'm not a big kid to begin with, so I just drop the bag and pop him in the face. He loosened his grip a little, so I just wriggle my arm free and nope the fuck outta there.

The scariest part is that the house is a huge fucking mansion like 1000 feet off the street it's on. I think I would have been in for more than a few ass poundings if I didn't slip out of that one.

A few court appearences later he got charges for assault and harassment.

Yay I didn't become a sex slave!

[–]conman357 19ポイント20ポイント  (6子コメント)

My pizza store has no delivery charge. We just ask you take care of the drivers. If it's a large order and the driver says you're a dick and you didn't tip we will blacklist you no questions asked.