socialanarchism 内の aragorno によるリンク How to work better

[–]Astagirl 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

No, we don't need work. Not working doesn't mean not doing anything. We can automate dull, dirty and dangerous tasks and turn other tasks into productive play and performed spontaneously. Work is drudgery.

socialanarchism 内の AnarquistaLibre によるリンク What do you all think about post-left anarchism?

[–]Astagirl 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Rechelon is my favorite postie; deathpigeon is pretty cool to though. And I do really like The Abolition of Work, Against Organizationalism and Science As Radicalism. :)

socialanarchism 内の aragorno によるリンク How to work better

[–]Astagirl 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Or better yet abolish work! :)

socialanarchism 内の AnarquistaLibre によるリンク What do you all think about post-left anarchism?

[–]Astagirl 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I like some critiques and I think focusing on "the left" is distracting. But the anti-civ and nihilist stuff really puts me off. Not all posties are nihilists or anti-civ but so many seem to be.

tranarchism 内の Astagirl によるリンク A Bit Of A Rant Pertaining To Queer Discourse

[–]Astagirl[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

There is just to a lesser degree. There is no advantage to being a non-heterosexual trans woman.

Anarchism 内の rechelon によるリンク Forget "Bowling Alone", the rise of singles, polyamory, urbanism, and chosen families of friends has helped make our society more fluid, more interconnected, and more adaptable

[–]Astagirl 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

This clearly points to the benefits of large scale social interactions. Civilization can be used as a weapon to destroy the nuclear family and instead create a more spontaneous world. Leaving things open as opposed to isolating ourselves into tiny relations. Obviously the internet has helped but we have so much more to do. Large scale interactions are more spontaneous and allow for greater freedom. Much to the dismay of the anti-civ crowd.

Anarchism 内の NihilismMatters によるリンク Question: What is your aesthetic and why?

[–]Astagirl 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

Aesthetic posturing is not a part of anarchism. Dress how you want, that's my stance. However, there is a reason why a black bloc might not want you wearing what you do. Black bloc's use black clothing specifically to conceal the identities of those involved.

I don't think we should pander to the capitalist ideas of fashion, but I also don't think we should constrain ourselves to a punk aesthetic. Either way your buying into the fashion industry and distracting from action and theory. Dress how you want; end of story.

Anarchism 内の AutoModerator によるリンク Friday Free Talk

[–]Astagirl 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I would happen to agree. Though I do think queerness can be subversive in the right context. Liberal queerness obviously isn't though.

Anarchism 内の AutoModerator によるリンク Friday Free Talk

[–]Astagirl 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Marriage is a awful construct. It serves to entrap people and used for statist ends. So I'm venihmently opposed to marriage. But anyway it used to be that in order to even get access to hrt trans women had to be heterosexual or lie and pretend to be. So you see lots of heteronormative trans women doing shitty stuff like upholding the true trans narrative and shitting all over non-binary people. Many of whom happen to be transfeminine or trans women themselves but truscum want to enforce their clichéd as fuck narratives.

Anarchism 内の AutoModerator によるリンク Friday Free Talk

[–]Astagirl 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Also there's the whole true trans and autogenyphilia narratives that get pushed around. And historically straight trans people had more backing from the medical establishment. Tbh I perfer the term queer to lgbt. Lgbt is such a liberal and assimilationist a term and one I now refuse to use. Fuck homonormativity, homonationalism and gay marriage. Smash the state, abolish marriage.

Anarchism 内の AutoModerator によるリンク Friday Free Talk

[–]Astagirl 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think it is if heteronormativity and homonormativity/homonationalism are challenged. If your just talking about some liberal gay folks then no. But queerness is total subversive if it actually accompanies radical discourse and decolonization efforts.

Anarchism 内の AutoModerator によるリンク Friday Free Talk

[–]Astagirl 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Nah, non-heteronormative trans women are actually the target of more bigots. Even straight trans women still benifit from straightness. Albeit to a much lesser degree than how they are oppressed.

Anarchism 内の AutoModerator によるリンク Friday Free Talk

[–]Astagirl 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

Oh and I should mention these people were like "well we are all trans people so you can't say shit." Basically the message is that they want single issue organization and praxis. No, not all trans people suffer from the same effects of oppression. And the focus on privilege instead of on cis supremacy is extremely liberal.

Anarchism 内の AutoModerator によるリンク Friday Free Talk

[–]Astagirl 11ポイント12ポイント  (0子コメント)

Just dealt with a bunch of liberal identity politics. Straight trans women claiming they are oppressed for being straight. Obviously transness complicates things but even so straight trans women are not oppressed for being straight. For being trans women yes. But non-heteronormative trans women are absolutely NOT in a better position. I can't believe I had to describe such basic stuff and yet get shit for saying the most rudimentary stuff. It's absolutely absurd. There is literally nothing subversive about straightness.

This brings to mind when liberals ask me how an anarchist society would function. I personally advocate abolishing work by automation of dirty, dull and dangerous tasks and have the rest be performed spontaneously. This goes over liberals heads though and they end up asking the same stuff ad nauseum. Hell even the concept of worker self management seems alien to them. Idk, just frustrated with some recent discourse. Not a huge deal though.

tranarchism 内の Astagirl によるリンク A Bit Of A Rant Pertaining To Queer Discourse

[–]Astagirl[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Just fyi for those reading gender abolition in the form I am talking about is by trans women for trans women.

Anarchism 内の Invisiblefaction によるリンク Liberals/leftist and weakness

[–]Astagirl 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

I don't think it does. Masculinity is based upon domination and oppression. And I'm not talking about appearance, there is nothing wrong with appearing masculine aesthetically. But when anarcha-feminists like myself talk about feminizing society that isn't what we are talking about. We are talking about behaviors and character traits more than anything. So masculine behavior is defined by control, domination, competition and overall authoritarianism. By contrast what is deemed femininity (cooperation, empathy ect.) is seen as inferior in the eyes of patriarchy and other hierarchies. So anarcha-feminists want to create a society on principles deemed feminine and that's called the feminization of society.

Now, if we are talking about asthetics, things get a bit more complicated. Women are obviously held to higher beauty standards and those need to be abolished (not just higher beauty standards but standards of beauty as a whole). But lots of liberal feminists will claim feminity is more performative than masculinity (I should mention here that all gender is performative and I'm not saying it isn't going forward), but this simply isn't the case. If we are talking about asthetics masculinity is extremely narrow and defines itself (like with behavior) in opposition to feminity. What is considered feminine in appearance is very broad, and actually less performative than masculine appearances. The liberal feminist and anarcha-feminist (especially anarcha-transfeminist) see feminity differently. We see hatred of feminity as misogynistic. Liberal feminists disregard it as performative and then embrace the values of patriarchy. Voltairine talked about this with what she called "kicking back vs leaning in". Anarcha-feminists kick back and liberals lean in.

socialanarchism 内の -Enkara- によるリンク Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now: Support and Anarchist Communities

[–]Astagirl 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

So, I hear this sort of "well primmies say this and transhumanists say this so the truth must be somewhere in the middle" style stuff all the time. This is a downright lazy and dishonest arguement to use if I'm being honest. Anarcho-transhumanism isn't technophilic in the uncritical sense, nor is it mere gadget fetishism. This really needs to be cleared up because it seems you (who I actually like btw, I'm not insulting you) have some strawmans of what I think and what other ATs (really future focused anarchists in general) think. We recognize certain technologies are coded for authoritarian ends and we reject those, others we see as application dependent and we don't hestate to develop decentralized technology.

But anyway, I think since we are both queer anarchists it would be worth mentioning that queer anarchism actually has strong connections to anarcho-transhumanism and that's not just a coincidence. That connection exists because transhumanism is about battling essentialisms. It can be either an expansion of humanism or an aggressive critique of humanism. I personally take the later approach and would consider myself a posthumanist and transhumanist (and no I'm not remotely misanthropic nor do I even reject all humanist concepts). I see it as an attack on the fixed concept of human as well as expanding respect to non-human forms or sentients. I could elaborate but I have to go to sleep.

As to cities. I think limiting interactions to 150 people or under is downright laughable. Definitionally civilization means concentrations of people above Dunbar’s Number which is 150. I think that limits freedom, and that isn't acceptable to me. It serves as a restraint on positive freedom. The freedom to do things and expand one’s options. Hell, while city culture could refer to something physical, it even means stuff like the internet. Regardless of if you want to believe it, the internet is civilizational. There have actually been egalitarian civilizations by the way. And due to these recent findings the definition of civilization in modern anthropology is much broader than it used to be. Catalohyuck is an example of one of these egalitarian civilizations. Civilization does NOT mean hierarchy, stratification and domination. It certainly can but it isn't neccessary. In the 70's all those things were part of civilizations definition, but now we know more. The newer and more up to date definition of civilization is city culture. And I'm extremely pro-city culture. If your using the earlier definition of civilization however. Then any anarchist, myself included, would be anti-civ. Good thing that's not what civilization is though.

socialanarchism 内の -Enkara- によるリンク Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now: Support and Anarchist Communities

[–]Astagirl 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Some of this I agree with. And anarchist circles need to be better about providing support. That and neurodivergence is needed to break the mold of what currently is seen as "normal". But I think primitivism is honestly ableist.

You can't attack ableism whilst advocating something like primitivism imo. The focus on "natural" remedies seems almost crystal woo-ish. True pathologizing does need to stop. But pathologizing isn't inherent to civilization. Civilization means city culture, and you can have that without pathologizing. This is part of what irritates me about thwle whole primitivst movement. You don’t even define civilization correctly and yet base your ideology around a critique of it. Thats intellectually dishonest and oppurtunistic bullshit.

And the alternative here, the one Lilith would want is in many ways worse than what currently exists. I'm not interested in getting into an arguement. But I think it is a little ironic when someone like Lilith who would have no problem discarding advanced medical technology certain folks need, goes and attacks ableism.

Similarly I do feel such views are also inherently transphobic and even racist. Pertaining to how many (though not all) primitivists seem more impressed with racist stereotypes about I Indigenous cultures than how they actually exist. Believe it or not many didn't just "take what nature gave them" and often created humanized landscapes.

Anarchism 内の Invisiblefaction によるリンク Liberals/leftist and weakness

[–]Astagirl 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Also please stop the masculinization of militancy.

Anarchism 内の Invisiblefaction によるリンク Liberals/leftist and weakness

[–]Astagirl 9ポイント10ポイント  (0子コメント)

Liberals aren't leftists just saying. Also there is literally nothing wrong with being effeminate. I'm very femme for example. Infact being effeminate is fucking great, there's a reason anarcha-feminists advocate the feminization of society (myself included) and no that doesn't mean instilling a matriarchy or some other mra strawman.

metanarchism 内の Rad_q-a-v_ によるリンク [Proposal] ban Squee- for encouraging targeted Reddit-based harassment

[–]Astagirl -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

It is a big deal and it freaks me out. And the use of abrasive and aggressive as descriptors do make me upset and defensive for a reason. Though you would probably find it silly.

metanarchism 内の Rad_q-a-v_ によるリンク [Proposal] ban Squee- for encouraging targeted Reddit-based harassment

[–]Astagirl -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Also I realize the temp ban will leave a permanent mark on me and it makes me freak out. Because now nobody will take me seriously, nobody will ever see me the same way, nobody will ever like me the way they did before. And the fact I could have hurt someone makes me an awful person. Sometimes I honestly just think about creating a new account so I would not be seen as awful. So that people here wouldn't associate me with aggression and abrasiveness.

Now, as to squee. I'm still not sure a ban other even temp ban is the best idea. But they have harrassed other users, not just me and seem to have taken zero steps to try to help things. And instead just continue on doing what they are doing. I know for a fact if I was being as consistent and doing as much shit as squee is I would be permabanned. Period. But I also hope they are alright and I personally don't want to hurt them. I hope they are doing okay, I want them to improve things. Idk, I'm still conflicted surrounding this.