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[–]ShootTraitorsNC 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Have you ever heard the story of the Norinco MAK-90 AK-47?

Once upon a long long time ago in a national socialist country far far away there was a rifle named Sturmgewehr. It was so good at it's job that in the nearby magical kingdom of Marxism a wizard name Mikhail took the design and turned it into a new one. A great one. He made the Sturmgewehr great again. He created the Kalashnikov.

Then across the seas in the exotic panda land of Ze Dongs this Kalashnikov was recreated by an army of peasants working day and night, day and night, slaves not even allowed to own the very Kalashnikovs they were manufacturing.

There was a great and powerful people rising up taking the Earth back from the savages of the wasteland, a great Red White and Blue people who ate meat, fucked, fought, drank, smoked, invented, created, designed. The great American people loved liberty, and freedom and independence. All of the things the evil nasty leftists hate and want to destroy.

In this glorious republic of States United under a constitution (which the evil leftists also hate and want to destroy), there was a man who purchased a Kalishnikov. A Nationally Socialist German inspired, Marxist Russian created, Maoist manufactured, Capitalist imported beautiful magnificent MAK-90 Modified AK-47 rifle.

And the American knew that this very rifle was forbidden from being owned by the Maoists, because the left can control the people when it prevents them from owning one, and only the state owns them.

A monopoly on force.
And this make the people entirely dependent upon the big brother state for "protection", i.e. extortion.

But this American, he is a a great man this gun owning American, he says that he refuses to turn in his rifle to the leftists.

He refuses, can you believe that? What a brave beautiful man.
He says things like "Liberty or Death" and "From my cold dead hands", "Come and take it", "Live free or die!".

This meat eating, delicious trap fucking, alcohol drinking, cigar smoking badass American will not allow some weak limp wristed leftist freedom hating lesbian cobweb hatchet wound grandma to take his rifle from him. Not in a million fucking years.