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[–]fapples_and_bananas -7ポイント-6ポイント  (14子コメント)

Always get stuff in writing! Even for stupid things like this. I would have sent him a text thanking him for how nice it was to offer his booze to you for free.

I have to do this all the time both in my personal and professional life to make sure people don't "forget" what we spoke about.

[–]lacrosse- 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

You sound like a skeezy person.

[–]MichaelStrauss 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

You sound like a laugh riot.

[–]fapples_and_bananas -1ポイント0ポイント  (11子コメント)

Not sure why this being downvoted. It's pretty sound practice to get things in writing. In this case it would have saved OP $100.

[–]lacrosse- 1ポイント2ポイント  (10子コメント)

Because a normal, reasonable person doesn't get shit like this "in writing." Who tries to weasel out of taking advantage of a family members generosity? "Help yourself" means "don't worry about asking, enjoy within reason." It's why you only say it to close friends or family, because they know not to be an ass.

[–]fapples_and_bananas -1ポイント0ポイント  (9子コメント)

How do we know he's trying to take advantage of his family member. Do you know the exact scenario? Maybe he had his SO over and they opened a few bottles of wine. If that's the case, 3 bottles of wine over the course of a week isn't taking advantage of anybody. It appears that I'm giving OP the benefit of the doubt here and everybody else is just shitting on him for drinking $100 worth of alcohol. We don't know what he drank, how much of it, etc. A single bottle of good booze can cost upwards of $100, so can a decent bottle of wine. I'm not reading this as OP is an alcoholic who drank 5 cases of beer. Who knows, maybe I should be. We also don't know the financial situation here. Maybe $100 is nothing to OP or his brother.

We also don't know OP's family dynamic. Maybe this is the sort of thing his brother does often. Says he can have things for free and then charges him later. This could very well be the case. But, again, since we don't know for sure, I'm giving OP the benefit of the doubt. If this is the sort of thing his brother does often, and I assumed it was because of OP's comment that he should have seen this coming, then getting in writing does not seem like such a bad idea after all.

[–]lacrosse- 0ポイント1ポイント  (8子コメント)

You don't drink a hundred dollars of someone else's alcohol in a week, regardless of how much they make or how much the actual physical volume was. You see everyone reacting the way they are because this is pretty universally recognized dick move.

And you asked why your comment got downvoted. I explained because it's skeezy advice. Don't know what more you want.

[–]fapples_and_bananas -1ポイント0ポイント  (7子コメント)

What if it was a bottle of this? One shot is certainly more than $100.

Granted this is an extreme example but certainly not outside of the realm of possibility. Maybe OP found this bottle and had one single shot of this. You don't know and neither do I. So, according to you, taking a single shot of this whisky is a dick move because it's over $100.

I can see how you'd say that in this particular situation it might appear to you as "skeezy" advice but I'll stick with it because as I've mentioned, we don't know the entire situation.

[–]Supreme_Soviet- 0ポイント1ポイント  (4子コメント)

It wasn't a bottle of that. You are a shitbag. OP is a shitbag. Nuff said.

[–]fapples_and_bananas -2ポイント-1ポイント  (3子コメント)

Maybe in your eyes but I'm comfortable with myself.

Also, I was able to articulate a well thought out and well written reply to the insults hurled my way. I was able to provide a feasible scenario where OP is not in the wrong. Just because you can't afford a bottle of that, and neither can I, doesn't mean that OP's brother can't.

You, however, had to resort to insults which tells me all I need to know about you. I'll chalk this up as a victory.

[–]Supreme_Soviet- -1ポイント0ポイント  (2子コメント)

Congratulations. What did you win?

I have enough money in a drawer in my office to buy two bottles of that, by the way, and that's just what's in that drawer.

[–]fapples_and_bananas 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Peace of mind that what I posted wasn't wrong.

Good for you. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that what you're saying is true just as I've given OP the benefit of the doubt that his brother was in the wrong and he wasn't.

[–]lacrosse- 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Taking a single shot of a £5000 bottle of anything without actually asking is, in fact, a huge asshole thing to do. No one would leave that out for anyone to just take or drink.

[–]fapples_and_bananas 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

My only point is that it's feasible. What if OP's brother did leave it out and he took a shot. Or, in the other example I gave, 3 bottles of decent wine, taken from a stocked wine cellar, over the course of a week isn't such a dick move. That's 12 glasses of wine over the course of 7 days. I've gone week straight of having 2 glasses of wine per night. When it's framed differently, it doesn't seem all that bad.

Nobody knows the exact scenario, just the limited information that OP posted. Could it have been a dick move? Sure. It also could have been not a big deal. We don't know. I'm simply giving OP the benefit of the doubt.