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[–]JoshTheDerp7.25" x 5.3"[S] -31ポイント-30ポイント  (20子コメント)

but the size of your penis doesn't mean you are any good at sex.

Yeah it does. Look up the posterior and antiror fornix zones. Only guys with big penises can reach spots that are far back.

[–]dangerzone133 39ポイント40ポイント  (18子コメント)

I'm a medical student and a woman who sometimes has sex with men. You are hilariously misinformed. The problem with larger penises is the cervix, because when you hit the cervix most women experience pain. There is also the problem of needed to prepare the woman for larger insertions that many well-endowed men ignore - if she isn't properly lubricated, it again can be painful. And there are anatomical limitations for some women, depending on if your uterus is retroverted or anteverted which can make it easier for a man to accidentally hit the cervix.

In conclusion, your ideas are bad, and you should feel bad.

[–]i_a1m_to_misbehave8" x 6" 18ポイント19ポイント  (0子コメント)

a woman who sometimes has sex with men

I don't know what struck me as so funny about this, but I just burst out laughing. Thank you. :)

And I absolutely agree with your sentiments.

[–]Nora_Oie 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah and in the process of "reaching" those, these men often cause pain (see /u/dangerzone133's post).

And, not all women want these places reached (some if not most prefer an entirely different area to be stimulated - and that area is not "deep" inside the woman).