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[–]StuWardMilitary, Powerlifting (Recreational) 111ポイント112ポイント  (18子コメント)

The hardest part of losing weight is hunger. Keto is a way of dealing with it. Some people on keto actually forget to eat.

Your comments show a few misconceptions.

  • High fat is not unhealthy.
  • fat (ketones) can be used for energy. The production of ketones is not as fast as energy from carbs so it depends on the type of activity.
  • Saturated fats are not as much of a concern as pushed by political sources.
  • The science on cholesterol does not support the fixation on total cholesterol. The trig:HDL ratio may be the best predictor of health and that is improved with keto. Keto does skew some common markers but those markers are generally proxies for others that are harder to measure. If you're on keto, you should get an advanced cholesterol test.

keto sounds shitty what am I missing?

It's not for everyone but for some people it's a lifesaver.

[–]SilentmanGamingWeight Lifting[S] -35ポイント-34ポイント  (17子コメント)

I'd like to mention that /r/keto seems to market itself as a healthy lifestyle to follow rather than a weight loss aid.

[–]StuWardMilitary, Powerlifting (Recreational) 20ポイント21ポイント  (16子コメント)

There is a devote community that is sometimes misguided. The problem is with the community. It's not the only Reddit community with issues.

Keto is not dangerous yet they are constantly fighting conventional wisdom that vilifies fat. That's going to affect people.

[–]SilentmanGamingWeight Lifting[S] -49ポイント-48ポイント  (15子コメント)

I'm not going to say that it hasn't helped people. There are tons of amazing transformations around reddit based off of ketosis, but I can't help but feel that it's wrong. Kind of like lifting without regard for form, it can breed results but is that actually what people should be Pursuing? I understand this question is more opinion based than fact based but I'd still like to see other peoples take on it.

[–]Galivis 7ポイント8ポイント  (14子コメント)

The issue is you can't really say yet if Keto is bad or not, there is just not enough studies done on it. Many past studies done on it are...questionable or don't actually look into a Keto style diet (I.E do high fat along with high carb). The honest truth is we don't fully know. It is possible doing a Keto diet is not as healthy for you than a standard higher carb diet and it is also possible it is better. But the big thing is it is still healthier than being obese, and for some people a Keto style diet is the only thing that works for them. All I know is I feel a million times better doing a cut on Keto than I do when cutting on a standard carb diet.