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[–]Moyazu -8ポイント-7ポイント  (21子コメント)

I will probably get downvoted, but I'll buck the narrative here. Radical Islam simply cannot exist going into the future, and keeping the people out of the country is reactionary, it just postpones the problem. By exposing arabs to the western world we can gradually, if not reform islam, but reform islamic culture. Little arab girls and boys will make friends in elementary school, and the people will either westernize or get arrested. By being apprehensive and xenophobic we are only creating an "us vs them" scenerio which will halt all forms of assimilation (i.e. the gypsies). The die has been cast, now we either resist and watch the islamification of europe, or we lube up and try to let the westernization of islam go as smoothly as possible.

[–]MilkLordDva 12ポイント13ポイント  (20子コメント)

They are Arabs, there is no assimilation. They will always be Arabs, you can't change their ethnicity into German. They will always be different and foreign to this entire continent because of their genetic race. It's not PC to say that, but it's 100% true.

Arabs will be drawn to Arab culture... Islam.

Plenty of Arabs and other Middle Easterners who grew up secular, then adopted radical Islam simply because it's their ethnic culture.

[–]Moyazu 2ポイント3ポイント  (19子コメント)

There is nothing scientific about Arabic people being inclined to Islam other than the natutal want of angsty teenagers to be a part of something bigger, and people naturally feeling more accepted amongst similar looking people. These are cultural aspects and can be changed with time. In this rapidly globalizing world, we can't afford to leave a 1/6th of our population to rot in inferrior ideology. Its best to tackle it while we have the chance.

[–]MilkLordDva 4ポイント5ポイント  (18子コメント)

It's not a scientific thing, nothing in their genes says "Islam", as that's impossible. But Arab people who are looking to embrace their ethnicity and heritage will pick up Islam.

It's very similar to white Germanic people embracing things like Odinism and wearing Thor's hammer necklaces.... except Islam is the contemporary Arab religion and that makes the connection every so strong and quick.

The best way to tackle Islam is to not spread it across the world and to keep Arabs in the Middle East. Introduce strong secular leaders.

But the real truth is that you cannot tame Islam, the Quran is not open to interpretation as much as the Bible. In Christianity, the Christians follow Jesus. Jesus never waged war or did bad things. Muhammad did wage war and do many bad things. It will take a very strong leader to tame the Middle Eastern countries (like Assad and Saddam).

[–]Moyazu 1ポイント2ポイント  (12子コメント)

I think both probably need to happen. Export the people, fix the nations, let those angsty third generationers who romanticize their homeland go back to a stable arabic nation, and let the ones who've found a niche in europe stay. This makes the most sense to me.

[–]MilkLordDva 2ポイント3ポイント  (11子コメント)

fix the nations

Not going to happen

let those angsty third generationers who romanticize their homeland go back to a stable arabic nation

Not going to happen.

let the ones who've found a niche in europe stay

Why? What do you mean "found a niche"? You are are clueless as Merkel herself. Zero Arabs should stay in Europe. All it will do is create problems when you allow any of them to stay. Each Arab is a base for more Arabs to come. You remember history? Well a few decades ago Germany allowed a small number of migrant Turks to work temporarily in Germany, they never went back and all they did was serve as bases for more Turks.

Clueless as Merkel and clueless as the peaceful Native Americans who were sympathetic to the English colonists.

[–]Moyazu 0ポイント1ポイント  (10子コメント)

Everyone born in Germany is just as German as anyone else, regardless of ethnicity. We are a world of many cultures. 200 years ago you could maybe make the argument that people of a certain race, ethnicity or religion would all be better off going their separate paths, but that doesn't work anymore. We've already come too far. The world is rapidly approaching unity on economic, ideological, and even, god forbid, a social level. The biggest barricade here is Islam. The earlier we accept the inevitable and work towards a more tolerant society (mostly an effort from the Arabs here, but you're proof there's something to be done on both sides), the less we'll have to worry about such things into the future. Not everything can be about the here and now.

[–]MilkLordDva 2ポイント3ポイント  (9子コメント)

Everyone born in Germany is just as German as anyone else

That is anthropologically false. Birthplace does not change ethnicity. Are you dumb? German IS ethnicity.

Germans are white people, you can't change that fact. The Gypsies have been here for 350 years, they are Christian, the speak the languages... yet they are completely Indian and foreign, they are not Europeans, we all know it. Time and place does not change who you are. It's ridiculous to think otherwise.

You are abiding by fiat nationality, which is as real as what fiat money is based off of (nothing). An Arab born in Germany is... guess what.... an Arab. And not a German!

You'll learn one day. But right now you are acting like a battered woman who says "Oh my abusive boyfriend will change one day, I just know it! I just need to give him more time, he will eventually stop punching me..."

[–]Moyazu 2ポイント3ポイント  (8子コメント)

I must have missed those options on the character creation page.

[–]MilkLordDva 3ポイント4ポイント  (7子コメント)

There is no character creation page to life, because you have no choice. You are what you are. If you're Arab, then you're Arab, no redoes or changing.

[–]j8stereo 0ポイント1ポイント  (4子コメント)

[T]he Quran is not open to interpretation as much as the Bible.

Seems similar.

[–]MilkLordDva -2ポイント-1ポイント  (3子コメント)

Half of that doesn't really have to do with the teachings and commands of the Quran, but has to do with Muhammad never clearly declaring a successor before he died.

[–]j8stereo 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

The Council of Ephesus was a bureaucratic move.

All people interpret religion; you need to travel more.

[–]MilkLordDva 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

Council of Ephesus

The Council of Ephesus is not related to Islam in any way, it happened before Islam.

Have you read the Quran or studied Islam?

Most of the Bible isnt even about Jesus, and Jesus was never a real person. Muhammad has a historical record of war and violence, and Muslims are meant to follow him.

I have travelled. I've been to every US state and I've been all over Europe and Russia. And when I was in the US, the world traveled to me. Go to Minneapolis is like visiting Mogadishu, visiting anywhere in the southern and western US is like visiting Africa or Mexico.