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[–]kakikukeko1 2ポイント3ポイント  (7子コメント)

Anything to do with the united fruit company in the 20th century: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana_massacre

Coup against the Iranian government in the 50's, Working with and supporting numerous dictators that they have put in around the world (so undemocratic!). Mostly the USA fucking around in South America and countering popular land and wealth redistribution policies of presidential candidates by instigating military coups. Land reform policies were usually against the vested interest of one USA firm or another, so the USA went in and fucked shit up lol. Lots and lots of coups against democratically elected heads of state in other countries, basically.

I'm not saying the USA is all bad lil'patriot, chill. Y'all make great movies and tv, lots of technological advances the world owes to the USA - there's good and bad. You can look up any CIA instigated coup and yes, people will justify it, but so many of them were supplanted with violent, violent dictators that it flies in the face of america's supposedly "pro-democratic" values.

Anyways, if you want a balanced view I'd advise you to watch some noam chomsky videos on politics followed by a bunch of right-wing pro-america nutjobs so you are exposed to polar-opposite perspectives. Also read a modern history book as written by any lefty south american i guess

[–]mako-jaegerSeason 4 (Complete) -1ポイント0ポイント  (6子コメント)

balanced view

You gave a completely unbalanced view of the US and their actions. And I'm sure whatever country you come from has never done anything awful in the name of justice or for the greater good. Just because you do a bad thing, it doesn't mean you're bad. Sometimes you think what your doing is right even if it isn't good. Of course, I'm sure as a Reddit user you've experienced very complex decisions that make you question your morals and will stick with you forever, and you do it because it is what you think is best.

[–]kakikukeko1 3ポイント4ポイント  (5子コメント)

I give my view as a native (but highly privileged, as i seak english) south american. You can take in an outsider perspective and try to see how other people understand your country, or not. I understand how you guys view yourselves, and it must be a very nice feeling! We weren't talking about whatever country I came from, but as a south american it should go without saying that my government is extremely corrupt and there is social blindness to our extreme inequality. Also our indiginies suffer, and our black populations are poor as shit.

"Sometimes you think what your doing is right even if it isn't good." - I honestly believe politicians in power tend to not give a shit about good and bad, they are pragmatic. I could call the Underwood's a caricature of my views on powerful politicians, but honestly I think they'll do anything to stay in power, for the most part.

Anyways, i like how your little insecurities lead you to comparing your country against mine!!! <3 well done little patriot

[–]mako-jaegerSeason 4 (Complete) -1ポイント0ポイント  (4子コメント)

If you truly believe that about all politicians, then you must live a sad life. I'm sorry. But keep fighting little sjw!!

[–]kakikukeko1 1ポイント2ポイント  (3子コメント)

XD I'm anything but an SJW! soz for talking to you like you're a fucktard btw.

Anyways, have you read one hundred years of solitude? The book provides some perspective into what americans did in Colombia and other parts of south america, and it's a fun read. Stuff written by Eduardo Galeano I would recommend too, but he is an annoying leftie if anything.

I know how american patriotism works, and i understand why americans get ultra-defensive whenever anything is said about their country.. but it would be nice if you guys tried to understand other perspectives on your country, at least on an international scale.

[–]mako-jaegerSeason 4 (Complete) 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

I love how you keep calling me a patriot, despite knowing nothing about me. It's why I called you a sjw. I hate the political system, and think there is a lot of problems with it. My bigger point was all you people in countries outside the US take on a "Holier Than Thou" mentality when it comes to countries. Yes, the US is pretty shitty, but your country is no better.

[–]kakikukeko1 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)


Lol mine hasn't commited war crimes XD

[–]mako-jaegerSeason 4 (Complete) -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

You seem almost disturbingly happy about that. Is it really some great joke to you, with the "lol" and the "XD". Seriously, it makes me uncomfortable. It's like you get a kick out of it.