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[–]nuesuhPrivileged Shitlort 15ポイント16ポイント  (8子コメント)

Revoke their citizenship and deport all Muslims NOW. I don't want these people in the country I live in. They have no respect for danish customs, traditions and laws. The are a pest.

These Muslims breed like rats. 55k becomes 300k, 300k becomes 800k, 800k becomes 1,8-2 million.. In a matter of 60-80 years.

Fuck that shit. Fuck that.

[–]Gorech1ldUnited States of America 7ポイント8ポイント  (7子コメント)

You're absolutely right.

Many people are mad with the situation with the refugees, but some seem to not realize that the enemy was actually ALWAYS in their house instead of barging through their open doors!

There have been plenty of muslim communities breeding like rats, multiplying their numbers and not integrating with their host country's cultures. This is JIHAD that they're performing! The muslims realize that they don't even need to physically fight to take over Europe. They can just grow and grow and grow to the point where they outnumber the natives and take over it's host country.

More and more people need to realize this, and completely outlaw Islam and drive out the muslims, because the fact of the matter is that EVEN if you drive out every single "refugee" out of Europe, there will STILL be the persisting muslim problem and the rampant expanding growth of them. If that continues to go on, it'll just mean that the plan to Islamify Europe will just take even more time than it was originally planned.

I'm really afraid that this will never happen though... Many people are too comfortable and think that there's no problem with even the existing muslims. The marxist indoctrination has really put a spell on people and fooled them into believing they're actually heroes for not discriminating against muslims. That's without even getting into the politicians that want to replace their own problem with these cretins.

[–]nuesuhPrivileged Shitlort 8ポイント9ポイント  (6子コメント)

Remember, we are only 5½-6 million people in Denmark, so 300-350k is a lot of fucking Muslims. That's around 6 % of the population.

Problem is, they are swarming into the country, and breeding like rats. Deporting 30-40% of a country's population is not possible. That would lead to a civil war. They need to be removed before they reach 10%. Otherwise, the only way to remove Muslims is by killing them. If killing them is what it takes, then I'm all for it. But it shouldn't come to this. Politicians and police/military need to step up within the next 5-15 years.

I don't mind having a small amount of Muslims in my country. I just don't want them to be seen or heard. Unfortuneally, having a couple Muslims is a slippery slope. They need to be deported.

[–]CharlesHipsterSpain[S] -1ポイント0ポイント  (5子コメント)

They need to be removed before they reach 10%.

I side with you, however, deporting so many people -like Trump propose with illegals- is going to have a big impact in the economy because there are so many jobs that depend from those people. What are your thoughts abou it?

[–]absolutelyoppressedThe German Empire 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

Muslims don't work.

[–]nuesuhPrivileged Shitlort 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

We don't have 10% Muslims.

We have 5-6%, and of those 5-6% only 2-4% are "real Muslims". Muslim that genuinely believe, that want Sharia etc.

Im pretty sure Danish economy could handle deporting 2-4% of the population. This is another reason why we'd better get it done within 5 years.

[–]luxury_bananaPM Zoolanderland 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

A good percentage of them don't work. UK's stats show half the males and 75% of the females don't work. We already have lots of our own people unemployed in most European countries. We don't need them. This idea that mass migration financially benefits anyone but the greedy big business owners, bankers and people who get kickbacks from all of these insane wealth transfer schemes that need not exist is absurd.

I think we can suffer some potentially slightly tougher times to get rid of the economic leeches and get things back on track. In the long run, that would be better.

[–]Phantomchrism 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

You can open up immigration of people from the western countries that are under treaties (Schengen and such), like other EU citizens. I think many countries in EU also have rising unemployment, young people needing work.

[–]frankiecc 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

LOL. White countries are economically better off without third-worlders. That's why they came here in the first place. We don't need them, they need us.

Stop drinking kool-aid!