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Black Desert Nude Mod

Discussion in 'Adult Mods' started by Cerophono, Mar 3, 2016.

  1. Cerophono

    Cerophono Vivacious Visitor

    Feb 20, 2016
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    Updated 3/12/16: Thank you for your patience! This mod is now configurable to suit your needs. Choose between removing armor from both genders, removing only starter armors, and more! Please read "How to Configure your Patch" for more info.

    Hello, my name is Cerophono and I am here today to share my mod with you.

    You might call it a Nude mod but I think the term Nudism mod is more appropriate ^^

    This removes the armor from all female characters properly (no missing polygons!). I recommend using this in conjunction with Ray Wing's resorep for replacing textures.

    I will also include some texture files I used in my pictures. Some of these are the textures used in the game before they were removed in production.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Installation/Running the Patch

    !!Very Important!! Do not start your launcher unless PAD00001.paz is in the paz folder, you might have to download the whole game again because you didn't listen!

    How to Install:
    1. Right click the archive you downloaded, and press Properties. Press the unblock button at the bottom.
    2. Unzip the contents of this patch to your Black Desert folder (with the .exes). The folder should now have the subfolders character, pather, and sound in it.
    3. Make a folder called backup inside your BD folder (so the BD folder now contains backup as well as paz and other folders) (anything goes as long as you remember it)


    How to Run the Patch Correctly:
    0. !!Very Important!! Do not start your launcher unless PAD00001.paz is in the paz folder, you might have to download the whole game again because you didn't listen!
    1. Move PAD00001.paz from your backup folder to the paz folder if it isn't there already.
    2. Run your Black Desert Launcher and make sure the game is patched fully. Keep the launcher open.
    3. Go to the paz folder and move PAD00001.paz back to your backup folder you made.
    4. Click play on the launcher.
    5. Wait for the game to load. When you see dialog boxes, hold ENTER until they are all cleared. The game will only warn you about this in the beginning.
    6. Go ahead and play!

    How to Configure your Patch:
    By default, the patch will remove as much as possible, including underwear, from females.
    But you might say, "But Cerophono, why are you forcing me to look at everybody nude? Are you forcing your perversions on me?"
    And to that I say, I slaved over a hot compiler to bring you a patcher that will make it easy to configure the modifications to your liking.

    1. Navigate to the patcher folder in your Black Desert folder.
    2. By default, there are premade patch configurations: Female-RemoveUndies&Shirts&Pants, Female-RemoveUndies&StarterClothes, Female-KeepUndies, and for fun, All-RemoveAllPossible. Run the one that's most to your liking, and then follow "How to Run the Patch Correctly" to open the game to use your new patch.
    3. If you feel that these are not appropriate to your needs, you may modify Custom.bat in a text editor to choose the options to your liking. There are 24 possible combinations at the moment. They are discussed in Custom.bat, but I will list them here for interest.

    1. Move PAD00001.paz from your backup folder to the paz folder if it isn't there already.
    1. Delete the character, patcher and sound folders from your Black Desert folder.
    2. Move PAD00001.paz from your backup folder to the paz folder if it isn't there already.

    Q: How did you make this mod?

    A: Having access to the internal file structure of the game helps ^^

    Q: Is modifying game files illegal?

    A: Technically yes, but I'm gonna chalk this up to some sort of fair use (??) and say if you're modifying the client for client side use you're good haha

    Q: What happens if I use an older mod version than the client's last update of the PAD00001.paz file?

    A: beats me, should be safe??

    Q: Why do they not have nipples and such? How do I use these optional texture files?

    A: This mod primarily focuses on removing clothes, not texture replacements. Firstly, even though I haven't used it personally, I like the results I've seen from Ray Wing's resorep, so I'll direct you there.
    Why didn't I use his tool you ask? Admittedly, I have other ways of replacing textures, but these ways turn out increasingly convoluted and not user-friendly than using a texture replacer. Again, I may add instructions on how to do this if I have time.

    Q: Help, the game patcher is downloading everything again!

    A: You probably launched the launcher without first moving PAD00001.paz to the paz folder. The game thinks files are broken, and decides to download everything again (at least in the korean version??) as the fix. What did I tell you about PAD00001???
    Dunno what to tell you but let the client download everything again (I don't know if it does this in other versions. Somebody want to confirm if the launcher downloads everything, or only the broken files, for the US version?)

    Updated 3/12/16: Thank you for your patience! This mod is now configurable to suit your needs. Choose between removing armor from both genders, removing only starter armors, and more! Please read "Configuring the Mod" for more info.
    Updated 3/6/16: Added Korean version
    3/3/16: Added RU version, fixed visible piercings on US/EU and JP versions

    3/3/16: Added JP beta version


    Downloads below. These are 100% compatible as long as PAD00001.paz's was updated on or before these times:

    BDNudePlusPatcher(v1): 3/7/16

    Please let me know how this works (and share pics ^^)

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Mar 13, 2016 at 4:47 AM
  2. eyenight

    eyenight Vivacious Visitor

    Apr 27, 2012
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    Thanks for the JP version. I will try it now.

    It works on JP client, but JP launcher will redownload PAD00001.paz after I clicked game start, so I have to delete it after that, when xigncode launched. Most of the armors are invisible now, but some armors are still visible. Also, witches and sorcerers has piercing on them, even when I'm not using any piercing and switched the view off, how can I remove this?

    Last edited: Mar 3, 2016
  3. tessora270778

    tessora270778 Potential Patron

    Feb 22, 2016
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    No? Seriously? This mod works for Europe version too? I need that game so

    I try your mod when i m home and i Will say here ig it works for me ;)

    It seems difficult for me ( english is not my language )^^ but i ll try
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2016
  4. Cerophono

    Cerophono Vivacious Visitor

    Feb 20, 2016
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    Hello, the piercings are the intended after effect in order to remove the models, although I can see they might be undesirable in the witch and sorceress case. I will update the patch to fix this. As for the unreplaced armors, I am not sure? I can replace armors that can be broken in combat or are underwear, are these special armor?
    PufferFish and benzol176 like this.
  5. eyenight

    eyenight Vivacious Visitor

    Apr 27, 2012
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    Yeah, I'm not really a fan of piercings. Haha.. So far the visible outfits I see are the profession's clothes and some cash shop outfits like the riding attire, ghillie suit, fish suit, and desert camouflage suit.
  6. tessora270778

    tessora270778 Potential Patron

    Feb 22, 2016
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    "Unzip the contents of this patch"

    we need to unzip the 3 files? (BDnude, resorep texture and bdnudeUSEU) ? or juste one bdnudeEUUS if i play on EU server? or BDNudeUSEU and resorep textures ?

    and i need "This removes the armor from all female characters properly (no missing polygons!). I recommend using this in conjunction with Ray Wing's resorep for replacing textures."
    This program "Ray Wings resorep" is mandatory?

    "2. Make a folder called backup (anything goes as long as you remember it)"

    pfff i understand nothing... i need to copy paste my folder black desert online on my desk in a backup file??
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2016
  7. eyenight

    eyenight Vivacious Visitor

    Apr 27, 2012
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    You just need BDNudeUSEU and extract it on black desert folder, but if you want a nice body texture, use resorep too. You just need to backup the PAD00001.paz to anywhere you want.
  8. PufferFish

    PufferFish Vivacious Visitor

    Jul 19, 2012
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    Awesome. Thank you very much, I can't wait to try it when the servers go live again. I also am not a fan of piercings or tattoos at all, so I would VERY MUCH appreciate an alternative if at all possible. Thank you.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2016
  9. tessora270778

    tessora270778 Potential Patron

    Feb 22, 2016
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    it doesn't work for me :/

    probably i do a mistake on " 3. Go to the paz folder and move PAD00001.paz back to your backup folder you made." i don't understand very good xD
  10. tessora270778

    tessora270778 Potential Patron

    Feb 22, 2016
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    ahhh it is work :) but i don't have "nipples" ? ( the little red button on the tits) is it normal?
  11. eyenight

    eyenight Vivacious Visitor

    Apr 27, 2012
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    That's why he recommend to use it with resorep, so you can use body texture like nipples, vagina, etc. He wrote it on FAQ.
  12. Cerophono

    Cerophono Vivacious Visitor

    Feb 20, 2016
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    I have added an RU version and updated the US/EU and JP versions to not have any stand-out piercings. Thanks for the patience ^^
    eyenight, Ray Wing and PufferFish like this.
  13. PufferFish

    PufferFish Vivacious Visitor

    Jul 19, 2012
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    You sir, or madam, are my personal hero for the day. But not the week, since Ray Wing holds that special place in my heart right now. Thank you.
  14. tessora270778

    tessora270778 Potential Patron

    Feb 22, 2016
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    "That's why he recommend to use it with resorep, so you can use body texture like nipples, vagina, etc. He wrote it on FAQ"

    i don't think i capable to do that...

    What i need to do withe "resorep"? is it a FAQ about this for BDO nude mod?
  15. Cerophono

    Cerophono Vivacious Visitor

    Feb 20, 2016
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    You can find resorep here, although understanding the instructions for that tool might be a little difficult if english isn't your native language.
  16. tessora270778

    tessora270778 Potential Patron

    Feb 22, 2016
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    ye xD

    And for the mod, it is possible to see only me nude but the other with clothes?
  17. Cerophono

    Cerophono Vivacious Visitor

    Feb 20, 2016
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    I have to update my patching method if I want to remove only say, starter clothes. And since people in starter towns may wear starter clothes, they will also appear nude. No way to only see just only yourself nude hehe
  18. tessora270778

    tessora270778 Potential Patron

    Feb 22, 2016
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    i don't understand, fucking english lol xD

    You say that it is like that cause we have all the same suit for the moment? and after i see only myself nude with this cloth but the other will appear with clothes cause they will have an other suits? correct?^^
  19. Cerophono

    Cerophono Vivacious Visitor

    Feb 20, 2016
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    All tamers begin with same outfit. If you make that outfit nude, all beginning tamers will become nude ^^
    Same for archers, witches, etc.

    Don't worry about it, I say. I will make an update when I have time.
  20. mg5

    mg5 Potential Patron

    Jan 28, 2016
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    Do i need to move the PAD00001.PAZ every time i launch the game? :o