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[–]wenceslasbelliDerrick Barry -19ポイント-18ポイント  (9子コメント)

That's another uninteresting video of Max. I am completely over her. She wins two challenges and performs really good on season and she completely funked up off season. She is only asking for shut, including 10k but has not delivered anything better than mediocre at best performances lately. And to imagine I was a huge stan of hers a year ago. Thankfully I gave my money to Kennedy's kickstarter and not hers.

Also WTF is she wearing. Did she even try?

Edit: It is a pity that I am so disappointed with Max because I was so into her.

[–]cmonseason8Laila McQueen 11ポイント12ポイント  (6子コメント)

First of all, whore she looks great, that's her style. Second of all, slut I don't know why you find this uninteresting. We got to see a different side of Max and we got to know a lot new things that I personally didn't know before. I don't know what kind of shows you're talking about but her shows called "Collective" are pretty good and I enjoy them.

EDIT: (sp?)

[–]goodgodgetagripgurlKim Chi 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

I think she has shown great progress since her run on the show- her singing has improved, and her stage presence is much more confident and entertaining. It's not her duty to give things to you- drag is her art form, and she can do what she chooses with it. I personally found the Collective show to be very charming, and very true to who she really is.

Also, Kennedy didn't really have a Kickstarter- she was asking for money to pay for her home. A noble venture nonetheless, she didn't give you any more content for the money you gave.

[–]wenceslasbelliDerrick Barry -4ポイント-3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Kennedy did not promise any content though, but still she gave us in return an amazing fundraiser show where legendary drag queens performed.

Also, of course Max is gonna look more confident in his recent shows when only 20 people are in the audience and at least 15 of them already stan for him. Less stage fright is natural in a smaller audience.