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/hebe/ - Girls

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File: 1455749785614.jpg (749.26 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, L3.jpg)


Join the new official IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel for /hebe/!

This is a channel for sharing and discussing.

Please do not share, distribute or link to illegal content by laws of The United States of America.

>Rizon's official rules for all IRC channels:

• No spamming or flooding

• No clones or malicious bots

• No takeovers

• No distribution of child pornography

• Clients must respond to VERSION requests

• Rizon staff may disconnect clients for any or no reason

For addition information about Rizon chat network go to:



>Rules for /hebe/ channel:


• Follow all rules set by Rizon

• No requesting cp

• No linking cp or other content illegal in the United States of America. Follow DOST rules:


• No flooding

• No anti-pedo spam

Please take time to read and understand the rules please! <3

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top kek XD


hmm hebe doesn't really seem that way.

File: 1455858998594.jpg (260.94 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1452904358474-1.jpg)


Any pics in this kind of pose.

Thin/sheer panties preferred.

135 posts and 117 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.






Nice Shekel Link



Nice shekel again.


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So I accidentally this board without being behind my VPN.. What are the chances of getting v&?


i think very high



Not likely.



That makes me feel better.


That doesn't.

I'm even tempted to replace my ssd.. I'm spooked..

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What did she have leak?

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does anyone have the videos


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Anyone re-up? Or any suggestions to track this down?


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Just to lighten the mood a little, maybe?

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File: 1456703047910.jpg (821.82 KB, 1844x1226, 922:613, Pussy Whipped mk01.jpg)

... just shut up and eat

your lunch!

Hope you don't mind if I

take a poke at >>111384

myself. I actually had a

slightly more "visually

enhanced" version, butt I

decided it might be a little

too Dost for this place.

Got a couple more ideas for

this one floatin' 'round in my

BHG ... maybe later.


File: 1456971170884.jpg (505.97 KB, 1000x1489, 1000:1489, I'm Un-Friendin' You.jpg)

Ever have a colleague or

customer who eagerly

agrees with what you're

sayin' ... but they have no

fukkin' clue why?


File: 1457260082218.jpg (657.21 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Gettin' Behind Schedule.jpg)

Wish I could post somethin' like

this as my out of office auto-reply.


File: 1457279658321.jpg (969.96 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Sorry 'Bout That.jpg)

I think I accidentally got

someone's thread 404'd

on the sister board!

My Bad!


File: 1457956952678.jpg (708.27 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, Britt - Special Investigat….jpg)

Been in a bit of a

"writer's block" lately.

I did this pic as a troll

response, but decided

not to feed that idiot.

Figured I'd leave Agent

Britt here instead.

File: 1457748180038.jpg (106.24 KB, 810x1176, 135:196, 1324220428043.jpg)


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In Denmark there is an icecream chain that sells under this logo in pink and noone has noticed


>"When I see that heart inside the heart, it's pedophile," said Potter of the symbol. "It's that underground culture that they use to communicate."

Can't tell if redneck or Chris-chan


BREAKING NEWS: Double heart logos on child's stuffed toys turns toys into child rapists.


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In other news: the "fish" symbol is used by a cult that believes in eating the flesh of their dead Lord.

Horrified governments are eliminating all fish from the seas.

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Lets get a "young girls smoking" thread going on..

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Yay or nay?

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I don't understand how to get that site to work.





Cuts her wrist instead of a smaller slice of cake



Its okay

some change from the usual

dfc and cunny tho



So beautiful

File: 1457911615207.webm (3.07 MB, 640x480, 4:3, aliiitanguita.webm)


Where can i find more vids like this one?





for what i heard she's only 17






You a toddler fucker?

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this is a pic of me when i was little, im 16 now and i do my best to look younger, but its hard when your 5'9 :^ ( time flys i guess. Tips to look younger/things to seem younger? i wanna keep the spark alive

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yeah, maybe I should start like a sort of nymphette youtube thing? maybe its a good idea i love fashion. And here r more photos of me bc why the hell not :^ )


Again, you seem to be confused towards the purpose of pedophilia.

Pedophiles don't care about social constructs like "child," they only want better girls to get off to.

A girl's age alone does not make them special.


post recent pic pls :3



UR cute!


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brazilia butthurt pedo

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1. probably

2. no and i dont know how anyone could possibly argue otherwise

3. that's atrocious grammar, and yes it does make sense as demonstrated by literally every page in human history. absolute unrestricted free will and society are incompatible.



>Simply put, sexual identity is not a choice.

so you're saying that children are intrinsically aware of their sexual identities and are able to make the correct CHOICES in living according to their sexual identities?

because sexual identities do not exist in a vacuum. pedophilia is a sexual identity, are you going to tell us fucking kids is a choice, but deciding to go through hrt and surgery to live according to your sexual identity is not a choice? because it simply is.



>Sexual reassignment is a cure for a mental illness called sex dysphoria. An incurable condition

oh, i shouldnt have even bothered to respond, because you've already completely revoked any input you have here, you baffling fucking retard.


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>so you're saying that children are intrinsically aware of their sexual identities and are able to make the correct CHOICES in living according to their sexual identities?

No? I have no idea how you even got that.

>pedophilia is a sexual identity

No it's not. It is a sexual ORIENTATION or PREFERENCE.

Your sexual IDENTITY is male or female. You do not make any choices there. You are either comfortable with the sex you were born as, or you are not. When you are so uncomfortable with your birth sex that it interferes with your ability to function, then you have sex dysphoria.


See pic related.



>1. probably

Is that taking into account the "...in a society where there is no negative moral value on sex with children" part of the sentence? In our society, you would be totally, unavoidably correct, but is that because of the way our society works? It's a well known fact that the main factor inducing trauma in victims of sex abuse is not the sexual act but the manipulation involved, the confusion, abuse of power and authority, and social backlash. Even someone with no knowledge of the subject can understand that if they think about it for a bit; as someone on another site once said, "sex is normal, ruining someone is not".

Personally, my interest in this topic is as a thought experiment more than anything. That is to say I don't expect or really care about, nor have any personal stake in changing consent, but I do like to see people do things rationally, rather than just basing their morality off law.

>2. no and i dont know how anyone could possibly argue otherwise

Then another question:

What are the effects, and why / how do they outweigh autonomy?

Also, from my perspective at least, these are the effects of some situation like that:

Both parties consent to sex. Both have no regrets. When the 12yo reaches age 18 it is found that this happened and the 20yo goes to jail. The girl loses her relationship, the boy loses his life; either literally or from being destroyed by society: no job, no friends, lots of people want to kill you and know who you are.

End result: Unhappy girl, dead or destroyed boy.

This is a positive example gone wrong, and I know the problem is that there are a lot of negative ones that would get through if the law wasn't there. But that's the issue; making both work. Ultimately it should come down to whether it is actually going to achieve anything to ruin the life of someone who didn't really do anything terrible. Currently, there's no way to do that.

>3. [...] and yes it does make sense as demonstrated by literally every page in human history. absolute unrestricted frPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Nice body and ass

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I got you fam




It's gone




Anyone lucky enough to grab on time?

Any chance of a reup?


If anyone got it - please upload it @ http://wapewebsite[dot]byethost8[dot]com/fupload[dot]php



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Teasing girls thread...

Need more of them.

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please post source or at least how to search for it



can you post the full video?


Wow I never New she made vids please post that little snow bunny


I have seen the pillow video. It is crazy awesome. If someone has it they should post it to padlet.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I've never even seen this logo before. Apparently they think it's a pedo bramd. Can anyone confirm?

File: 1430513045240.jpg (62.87 KB, 720x960, 3:4, Kayla Rae.jpg)


Post your pics of slutty teens stolen from Facebook here!

The only rule is they have to be from YOUR Facebook friends, not something you found on here or elsewhere on the internet.

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File: 1457837581354.jpg (1.11 MB, 1944x2592, 3:4, KIMG0396.jpg)


Here you go https://www.facebook.com/AlyssaYeaBuddyyy Also, here is a picture I took that gives you an even better idea of dat ass.


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i want to cum all over that face


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