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/cutegirls/ - Cute Girls

Cute girls and discussion


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File: 1457937762754-0.jpg (768.6 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, SharlottaS10_002.jpg)

File: 1457937762754-1.jpg (765.69 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, SharlottaS10_003.jpg)


Post your source/sets requests here.

Previous thread:


1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1457938897356.jpg (718.05 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, SharlottaS10_141.jpg)


See the filename

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small beach pleasures

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My add to this thread


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please o please o please can we hv some moar


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>>16807 very cute legs


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I sure hope the hottie with the cumputer I'd calming with a prev and showing her little pussy. I have calmed with a few of them .


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Girls mix

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File: 1457779789783.jpg (145.49 KB, 807x605, 807:605, ZJyATvDpZ8w.jpg)

School loli




Please tell me that necklace is photoshopped!

(little heart in a bigger heart is symbol of pedo!)



pedos have a lot of symbols. and jewelry shops make a lot of heart shapes. doesn't mean shit.


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what you wanna do with her?

3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.



Creampie and video


Ask her why she is sad.


Plow her tight pussy


File: 1457326716938.jpg (31.69 KB, 685x1024, 685:1024, 47194015hsh.jpg)


The real question is what wouldn't I do to her.


File: 1457960126396.jpg (102.92 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 34699297odD.jpg)


I would do what I do to all little ones. Fuck the holy shot out of them.

File: 1443036190042.jpg (3.39 MB, 5184x3456, 3:2, ang_141055.jpg)


Daddy am I sexier than mommy?

18 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



Angelica from WeAreLittleStars, do you even read the answer to the thread ?


Go on all four, i will show you.


^ go a little….lower.


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God how I love her sexy ass. I love rubbing and playing with their smooth young ass so much. Feels so good. Makes my cock so hard, I always end up fucking them.


Some random wanking material

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Yes it is. Go balls deep on her and fill her full of cum


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yo im not like into all this shit I just have some questions

1. where the fuck are these girl's parents

2. why do their parents let them do this

3. how much are they paid for this


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I come from a very conservative culture and was wondering the same for years. The idea was so bizarre to me that I made a special folder showing (legal) little girls nude or semi-nude in public or with their parents like the attached samples. These folks simply have a 'default', laid back culture that hasn't yet been poisoned by Religious purists or feminist alarmists. They'd do what a natural forest tribe would. Remember LS hired more than 1000 nude models and would've hired much more had they not been shut by the FBI, which bullied a Ukrainian government eager to show its new allegiance was towards the West. It's impossible to hire that many girls in a culture that has any problem with nudity or imposes sexual restrictions. IMO that shows the "trauma" pretext used by feminists to justify the pedo witchhunt is a fraud. It's entirely possible for kids to live in a non-puritan culture and enjoy their sexuality without complications if society leaves them alone. For these cultures, requiring informed adult "consent" to have sex or to pose nude is much like requiring the same to ride a bike. They don't see that stuff as a big deal and they're right. We're the ones who're fucked up, not them.



I'm into or shall I say in them. I love getting, and seeing them naked and playing with them and fucking them.

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Liitle hotties get me hard etc.

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File: 1457595339996.jpg (89.03 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 47288802tAa.jpg)


very nice girl



What happened to recycling?



You would have to wait ina very long line.


File: 1457770676730.jpg (23.27 KB, 645x800, 129:160, 45330560DHx.jpg)

She's very tasty


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fucking sickos seek help please. I BEG YOU…

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I can't leave them alone. Their little pussies and ass holes make my cock feel so good. I love their naked young smooth body against mine.

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lucky daddy's

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Nice, checking for cooties


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OP CC Release pasword of vid

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Rikki - 28 33 Sets

If anyone has any sets that are not in here, I can add them. I'll also keep it updated with any new sets I find.


pass: /cutegirls/

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Post last edited at



No, she's not back, unfortunately. These are 4 previously unreleased sets.


File: 1457908491077.png (472.72 KB, 760x700, 38:35, loli enthusiasm.png)



Does anyone have her new sets?



thanks you



yeah they're actually new, she's wearing that polka-dot bikini in recent family pics and that set with the pink "hands off" shirt was her profile pic for a while. I want that new blue whatever it's called set, damn.

File: 1446508599944.jpg (411.26 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, i100_0088.jpg)


Anyone have links to all photosets and galleries with this girl? Please give…

157 posts and 420 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1457792204714-0.jpeg (320.19 KB, 853x1280, 853:1280, image.jpeg)

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And maybe just a couple more….


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File: 1457792286491-2.jpeg (265.83 KB, 853x1280, 853:1280, image.jpeg)

One more?


Sorry for the multiple post, friends.





Set 19 makes me want to cry

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