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[–]CreamedBeefGBR 8ポイント9ポイント  (13子コメント)

AH is that why /r/European is so much more eurosceptic than /r/europe?

[–]ashzel 7ポイント8ポイント  (12子コメント)

/r/europeans userbase is essentially non-pc people who got censored to all hell in /r/europe for opposing the invasion. Sub itself originated as a.... not a very nice place but it had a very low user count, less than 2 thousand. Later when Merkel said REFUGEES YES and ultra leftist moderators started to support the agenda the sub got influx of people, massive influx, all people who got banned and that shifted the subreddits theme. It's now at over 15,000 people and the sub is focused at anti-islamization of Europe and anti-invasion, invasion that rivals some of the biggest invasions in history due the way its being done.

Its extremely polarized and divided, one is ultra left other is far right. Only extremes are allowed apparently. I can expand on why /r/european is more eurosceptic if you are interested.

[–]CreamedBeefGBR 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

I wouldbe, thanks.

[–]ashzel 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

In short:

Essentially similar boat as America is in: globalization.

Not so short:

All of the EU "commissions" and "councils" and "departments" are filled with 100% unelected people. The only ones getting elected are the parliament members and nation representatives. Everything else is appointed by the leading nations such Germany and France (the two nations who actually have actual power over EU).

EU has a department that "fights racism", i forget the exact name of it... It has 5 or 6 people in charge, 3 of them are immigrants. No, not immigrant children or anything, just straight up foreigners put in charge to set EU-wide policies on the issue. Imagine if a Mexican was in charge of American immigration policy.

Germany (especially Merkel) and people like Donald Tusk (President of the European council) are the ones always pushing limits of EU power. Usually they did it slower, calmer and in more sensible ways. They thought they had enough control established and that EU would listen and take in all the migrants, but they didn't, this split the Europe.

Their goal was to move towards European Federation. It was slow at first, it still is, they started EU-wide agencies like European Border Patrol (FRONTEX) and so on. Single currency, free movement between EU (schengen), its all moving towards one goal.

Now, with European Federation all nations would lose sovereignty. Basically on day 1, FRONTEX would be the "border guards" and whatever someone like Merkel would say would immediately be the law. I'm sure you see how this makes nationalists / patriots feel about EU, to some it literally couldn't get any more repulsive. Especially when you see how ineffectual the current leaders are.

This topic is nearly inexhaustible but i think i said enough for you to form an opinion why people are so skeptical of the EU.

EDIT: globalists goals are to gain total power, think like a dictatorship lead by a dozen or so people that is world wide, therefore can never be challenged. It's about average quality of life across the board, destruction of borders and sovereignty. Its about turning everything in the world into one giant pile of colorless, tasteless shit so that they could benefit.

[–]user_82650 5ポイント6ポイント  (9子コメント)

"Non-pc"... /r/european is a full-on white supremacist sub.

[–]odw9olc594 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's pretty weird. The population ranges from pure white Western supremacy to just "I don't like what's happening to Europe under current leadership". I browse it all the time, and whilst I'm not a full on supremacist I can see why people would think that.

[–]ashzel 6ポイント7ポイント  (7子コメント)

No. It was that, like i mentioned, years ago and with very few users. Its reformed long ago.

I guess there are two ways to look at it, Europe, unlike America, is not and never was multicultural multiracial region. If they want to deport all foreigners who just happen to be Arab, Asian and African then you can spin it like some tabloid or a leftist would: white people are racist because look at skin color and ignore culture.

It's not that, there is some substance behind what they are claiming.

[–]Gpzjrpm 3ポイント4ポイント  (6子コメント)

Survey of that subreddit.

Do you think people of some races are genetically superior to others?

Yes 58%

Do you identify as:

Fascist 10,3%

[–]Ovadia_YosefIL 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

That means almost half of the subreddit doesn't believe that, though

[–]ashzel -1ポイント0ポイント  (3子コメント)

Loaded comment.

"Genetical superiority" sentiment comes from facts about inbreeding and culture. Inbreeding is rampant in all of Africa and middle east. It was always rampant, over a thousand years of it, results of inbreeding are catastrophic to genetics. Children have higher chance of dying (miscarriage), increased chance of deformities and disfigurement and essentially guaranteed reduced IQ, you can find stats on inbreeding and IQ everywhere on the net. Couple this with other factors like completely stagnated development of the nations, brutal discrimination and abuse of women, execution of homosexuals and many, many other factors.

The result is that people simply form an opinion that certain races haven't reached as much as Caucasians or Asians did neither in technology nor cultural level and therefore they are inferior. Makes sense?

Fascist 10,3%

People feel like democracy is not going to be effective form of leadership because majority rules and that majority can be quickly manipulated by media and so on. Majority can even be replaced by mass immigration, it already happened in France (see: last French presidential election) and is currently happening in Germany.

You see what's happening with media attacks on Trump, they try to twist it as much as they can and if they are simply playing the numbers game its very effective.

Also, trolls, edgy people voting for the sake of being edgy... this is the internet after all, simple comments shouldn't be taken at face value.

In my opinion, of course.

[–]ukitathrower 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

So you really believe that the 58% voting yes are qualified to make an educated guess or even know through studies to what extent "whites" might be genetically superior to africans and middle easterns? And that it's not much more likely to presume thinly veiled racism?

[–]ashzel -1ポイント0ポイント  (1子コメント)

Well, in my opinion, racism is something said or done based purely on prejudice with no facts or substance behind it. The few times i visited /r/european it seemed to be filled with sources, facts, videos. You name it, it was there, all you had to do is look. I really don't know the makeup of that 58%, probably some were and some weren't. Besides, lets not be ignorant, actual racist people do exist, so there's that.

[–]ukitathrower 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

We should also not ignore the biology. Inbreeding is not inherently bad, it only increases the chance to accumulate alleles in a population with negative effects. The actualy negative effects still require repetitive, close inbreeding.

Also your remarks on IQ are simply wrong as education is not determined by genetics - same with ompletely stagnated development of the nations, brutal discrimination and abuse of women, execution of homosexuals and probably your "many, many other factors".