skeptic 内の ElLibroGrande によるリンク This guy does a good job debunking the Crisis Actor conspiracy: CRISIS ACTORS - Bullshit Busted #1

[–]davidreiss666 -34ポイント-33ポイント  (0子コメント)

Wait, so this guy wants me to believe that there is more than one twenty-something white female brunette in the United States of America? He must be part of a super secret government agency trying to brain wash me. It's the only possible answer.

skeptic 内の SkepticalJohn によるリンク Texas State School Board Candidate Spouts Conspiracy Theories Galore and May Win a Spot on the Board

[–]davidreiss666 -4ポイント-3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Dale Gribble is running for the Texas School Board? Hopefully Hank will make sure he doesn't let crazy effect his performance.

skeptic 内の SuperstringTheory によるリンク Gwyneth Paltrow is Now Promoting Skincare Products That Have Been Meditated Over

[–]davidreiss666 -6ポイント-5ポイント  (0子コメント)

If I didn't have ethical qualms about it, I think I could get rich selling diluted compounds that have been mediated over.

changelog 内の starfishjenga によるリンク [upcoming reddit change] Ad Experiments

[–]davidreiss666 -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

You're coming to that meeting later, the one at the Red Lobster, I hope.

PoliticalDiscussion 内の amici_ursi によるリンク [Meta] New moderators, rule clarifications and enforcement, Discord and IRC, ideas and suggestions

[–]davidreiss666[M] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Let me also thank the old mods for being great people who help out around here a lot. Without /u/luster, /u/BagOnuts, /u/Pallas-Athena, /u/amici_ursi and /u/starryeyedsky this place would not be running as well as it does. Along with the new folks (/u/krabbby, /u/rkrish7 , /u/dubalubdub, /u/bigbluepanda, /u/PM_ME_FOR_SPAGHETTI , /u/Matt5327 , and /u/CrapNeck5000), they all make this subreddit as good as it can be.

And other former mods like /u/NorrisOBE, /u/spewerOfRandomBS, /u/Aschebescher, /u/Karmanaut would each be welcomed back at any time too. I'm sure I missed some other former mods too. I wish I could remember everyone's user name right now.

They all help a lot in making this a great subreddit.