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[–]JetFuelMeltedSteel 0 points1 point2 points  (9 children)
White people being racist to white people... Well TIL.
There comes a point you know when you're getting salty over things you really should just let go.
[–]FearOfAnSJWPlanet[S] 0 points1 point2 points  (7 children)
Gypsies aren't white, they're Roma...
[–]Llanganati 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
Irish Travellers aren't Roma, although they have similar lifestyles and are treated similarly shitty by their settled neighbors.
[–]JetFuelMeltedSteel 0 points1 point2 points  (4 children)
Pikeys are Irish travellers, and they're very white. Learn your shit.
[–]ListenAndBelieve 1 point2 points3 points  (3 children)
I'm conflicted. Yes some travelling folk are white, and therefore deserving of all the criticisms levelled against the rest of the white race, but terms like "pikey" and "gypsy" can also be applied to PoC travelling folk such as the Roma. They are therefore racial slurs which should not be used even when referring to white travellers.
[–]Lovely_Leah 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
"Pikey" refers to Irish Travelers. They're ethnically Irish, they're white. It's a culture, not an ethnic group.
Gypsy refers to the Roma, and some other Romany ethnic groups, such as Sinti. It refers to an ethnic group, with its own distinct culture. But it's primarily an ethnicity. If you're a Gypsy, you're a Gypsy regardless of whether or not you travel, which is why a lot of Gypsies don't identify as "traveling folk," many Gypsies don't live a traveling lifestyle anymore, and those who do, it's often due to forced deportation rather than a lifestyle choice. I'm a Roma Gypsy, and my family hasn't traveled since moving to the US 3 generations ago.
So bigotry against Gypsies (which is referred to as antiziganism) is a form of racism, bigotry against Travelers is still wrong, but it's bigotry, not necessarily racism.
[–]JetFuelMeltedSteel 1 point2 points3 points  (1 child)
Pikey is primarily aimed at Irish travellers, while some people may use it in reference to Roma, they're using it wrong. The term "gippo" or just "gypsy" is the one primarily aimed at Roma.
In regards to the film however, they are 100% referring to Irish travellers, because it's an Irish traveller camp.
[–]Lovely_Leah 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Pikey is primarily aimed at Irish travellers, while some people may use it in reference to Roma, they're using it wrong. The term "gippo" or just "gypsy" is the one primarily aimed at Roma.
Gypsy is not always a slur. Many Roma, especially in the US, self-identify as a Gypsy. Others take offense to the term, especially European Roma.
"Gypo" is always a slur though. Also, it's worth noting that the term "gypped" is also an ethnic slur.
[–]Lovely_Leah 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Actually, the term "Pikey" refers to Irish Travelers. Travelers are ethnically Irish, they're not Gypsies. Gypsy is another term for Romany. Not all Romany are Roma, Roma is the largest group of Romany though. Gypsies in Eastern and Southeastern Europe are Roma, but there are other Romany ethnicities, like Sinti, in Central and Western Europe.
Gypsies and Travelers are two very different groups. Gyspies applies to an ethnic group, Traveler is a culture in England and Ireland, but not an ethnic group. Not that bigotry toward Travelers is acceptable though.
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