
Elder Scrolls

Diseases (Oblivion)

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Main article: Disease

Diseases are status ailments caught when attacked by certain creatures. Diseases can be cured by consuming potions of Cure Disease, by casting the Cure Disease spell on self, by praying at shrines in chapels or by consuming a Mandrake root.



Disease Effect Contracted from ID
Astral Vapors Stunted Magicka, Drain Magicka 15 pt, Weakness to Magicka 25% Dread Zombies 00098533
Ataxia Drain Strength 5 pt, Drain Agility 5 pt Zombies, Flesh Atronachs, Imus the Dull, Fimmion, Bolwing 0009840B
Black-Heart Blight Drain Strength 5 pt, Drain Endurance 5 pt Headless Zombies, Fralav the Faker 00098407
Blood Lung Drain Endurance 5 pt Rats, Rancid Ra'dirsha 00008B71
Bone Break Fever Drain Strength 5 pt Rats, Foul Fagus 00008B77
Brain Rot Drain Strength 5 pt Rats, Nigidius the Needy 00008B72
Brown Rot Drain Strength 5 pt, Drain Personality 5 pt Zombies, Penniless Olvus, Hoe 00098409
Chanthrax Blight Drain Agility 10 pt, Drain Speed 10 pt Headless Zombie, Boar 00098408
Chills Drain Intelligence 10 pt, Drain Agility 10 pt, Drain Willpower 10 pt Headless Zombie, Cosmus the Cheat, Hoe 0009840A
Collywobbles Drain Strength 10 pt, Drain Endurance 10 pt, Drain Speed 10 pt Headless Zombie, Hoe, Wretched Aia, No-Coins Draninus 0009840C
Dampworm Drain Speed 5 pt Zombies, Hoe, Deer 0009840D
Droops Drain Agility 5 pt Zombies, Sheep, Hoe 0009840E
Feeble Limb Drain Strength 5 pt Rats 0001CE5C
Greenspore Drain Personality 10 pt Zombies, Slaughterfish 0009840F
Helljoint Drain Agility 5 pt, Drain Speed 5 pt Wolves, Zombies, Simplicia the Slow 00098410
Porphyric Hemophilia Drain Fatigue 5 pt, become Vampire after 3 days Vampires 0003DB3D
Rattles Drain Agility 10 pt, Drain Willpower 10 pt Headless Zombie, Fetid Jofnhild 00098411
Red Rage Drain Strength 5 pt, Drain Willpower 5 pt Rats, Nigidius the Needy 00008B74
Rockjoint Drain Agility 10 pt Zombies, Bruccius the Orphan 00098412
Rust Chancre Drain Personality 5 pt, Drain Speed 5 pt Zombies, Jorck the Outcast 00098413
Serpiginous Dementia Drain Intelligence 10 pt, Drain Personality 10 pt, Drain Willpower 5 pt Headless Zombie, Luckless Lucina 00098414
Shakes Drain Agility 5 pt Rats, Foul Fagus 00098422
Swamp Fever Drain Strength 10 pt, Drain Endurance 10 pt Headless Zombie, Mudcrab, Baliwog, Lazy Kaslowyn, Ragbag Buntara 00098415
Ticklebritch Drain Endurance 5 pt, Drain Personality 15 pt Hoe 000CB5F5
Witbane Drain Intelligence 5 pt Zombies, Dog 00098416
Wither Drain Strength 5 pt, Drain Endurance 10 pt Hoe, Zombie, Mountain Lion, Nermus the Mooch 00098404
Witless Pox Drain Intelligence 5 pt Rats, Rancid Ra'dirsha 00008B78
Yellow Tick Drain Strength 5 pt, Drain Speed 10 pt Brina Cross Inn Bed, Headless Zombie, Bear, Deeh the Scalawag, Ancus Afranius 00098405

Shivering IslesEdit

Disease Effect Contracted from ID

Elytra Hatchling Disease

Drain Fatigue: 50pt N/A xx04418b
Scalon Blight Drain Endurance 3pt, Weakness to Fire 25%, Weakness to Frost 25% Scalon xx04292c
Scalon Fever Drain Endurance 2pt, Weakness to Frost 25% Scalon xx04292b
Scalon Sunburn Drain Endurance 4pt, Weakness to Magic 25% Scalon xx04292d

Mehrunes' RazorEdit

Disease Effect Contracted from ID
Cannibal's Prion Drain Agility 20 points, Drain Intelligence 20 points Eating the Beating Heart xx002729
Tunnel Cough Drain Skill: Sneak 15pt Argonian Laborer, Khajiit Laborer, Laborer, Drothmeri Steward xx002728

See alsoEdit

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    • Hi, you reviewed my Fanfiction and asked me to answer this question. :)  I'm sorry but I don't play The Elder Scrolls so I do not have...
    • Did you cure the disease but neglected to restore your stat's. I remember something like this happened to me, and realised I had cured the dise...

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