
Stamping the imprimatur of SCIENCE! on what we already knew, this study found that cats and childlessness go together like a horse and carriage.

Quantifying the Search Behaviour of Different Demographics Using Google Correlate.

Vast records of our everyday interests and concerns are being generated by our frequent interactions with the Internet. Here, we investigate how the searches of Google users vary across U.S. states with different birth rates and infant mortality rates. We find that users in states with higher birth rates search for more information about pregnancy, while those in states with lower birth rates search for more information about cats. Similarly, we find that users in states with higher infant mortality rates search for more information about credit, loans and diseases. Our results provide evidence that Internet search data could offer new insight into the concerns of different demographics.

Wait for it……..


Small useless pets like indoor cats are child substitutes. There’s no flim-flamming away that obvious conclusion under a fog of try-hard White Knight rhetoric. The cat provides the single in the city cock carouseler the outlet for her maternal nurturing instinct (however weak) that a real child of her own can’t, because she hasn’t gotten pregnant in the fifteen years she’s been on the Pill.

There’s been chatter among the alt-cognoscenti about parasites and assorted pathogens secretly being involved in most of humanity’s weird behavioral outliers. News come daily of discoveries that viruses have the creepy ability to alter our personalities. Maybe T gondii, the cat-transmitted pathogen, infects the cat owners’ minds and suppresses their desire to settle down with a dutiful beta male who will help them raise a brood. It might even compel cat ladies to pop womb-charring Pills and seek fleeting hookups with undependable cads. Cat food for thought…

For evidence of our true sexual natures when artifice and compromise are stripped away, we look to the world around us and watch it go with our lying eyes… and if distrustful of our powers of observation we look to the historical record for an idea of how our distant ancestors navigated the sexual market.

One such very distant ancestor to humans, it turns out, was polygynous (one man, many women).

The Y chromosome tree for gorillas is very shallow, which fits with the idea that very few male gorillas (alpha males) father the offspring within groups,” Hallast continued. “By contrast, the trees in chimpanzees and bonobos are very deep, which fits with the idea that males and females mate with each other more indiscriminately.” […]

Study leader Mark Jobling, also a geneticist from the University of Leicester, noted that “humans look much more like gorillas than chimps” when considering Y-chromosome data and mtDNA.

“It’s interesting to compare the shapes of the trees between humans and our great-ape relatives,” he said. “This suggests that over the long period of human evolution our choice of partners has not been a free-for-all, and that it’s likely that humans have practiced a polygynous system — where a few men have access to most of the women, and many men don’t have access — over our evolutionary history as a species. This is more like the gorilla system than the chimpanzee ‘multimale-multifemale’ mating system.”

A figure that gets bounced around the realtalkosphere frequently is the 80/40 ratio: 80% of women, but only 40% of men ever reproduced, over the course of human history and up until the relatively unique modern era. If this number is accurate, its implications are astounding.

One, it confirms a degree of influence on mating systems from female hypergamy. Women’s deeply hypergamous compulsion to prefer the shared company of an alpha male over the monopolized company of a beta male is a tough truth for most to accept. Though it is a universal truth subject to mitigation by recent evolution just like any human trait, and certain races of women may have been selected for a less hypergamous disposition.

Two, it suggests an ultraviolent past, far removed from the noble savage fantasies percolating in liberal minds, when death stalked men constantly. If murder, lethal accidents, and animal maulings were common throughout most of pre-modern human history, then there wouldn’t be many men surviving to reproductive age, skewing the sex ratio.

Three, most ominously, it portends dysgenic evolution in modern societies. We are near a 1:1 ratio of reproductive success for women and men in Western societies. This is a great egalitarian achievement from the perspective of those who would lose in a sexual market governed by the laws of nature, but the equal mating field may come with a stiff (heh) price: too many low fitness misfits passing on their mutational loads to future generations. Nature, in the end, always wins. No Title IX, condom, or Pill will thwart Nature from her appointed mission of culling the losers and rewarding the winners. And as of now, it appears the winners of tomorrow are those with healthy genomes and an aversion to contraceptives and the sex and the city liefstyle.

Peeple is a new app in a long line of privacy destroying, character assassinating, surveillance state facilitating, attention whore enabling apps that went live recently and promises to hasten the end of Western Civilization.

For those in the dark, Peeple is a human ranking app. Character is currency on Peeple.

When the app does launch, probably in late November, you will be able to assign reviews and one- to five-star ratings to everyone you know: your exes, your co-workers, the old guy who lives next door. You can’t opt out — once someone puts your name in the Peeple system, it’s there unless you violate the site’s terms of service. And you can’t delete bad, inaccurate or biased reviews — that would defeat the whole purpose.

Imagine every interaction you’ve ever had suddenly open to the scrutiny of the Internet public.

Naturally, two nosy broads co-founded the company.

After public outcry, Peeple caved on their initial negative review guidelines and apparently users can now contest posted bad reviews. (Good luck with that.) Also, you have to have a registered Peeple account for negative reviews to show; otherwise only positive reviews are displayed.

Comment from James:

Assuming this app is successful, what new markets would it create or change?

1. phone numbers and email addresses become sacred. A cloaking device which hides numbers/addresses could be installed on each phone. if you’re in proximity to someone else, you could accept that person’s handle name, without ever know their contact details. You or this person could block each other if things turn sour.

2. The demand for multiple names would go up. People will develop separate names for family, friends, work, the State and relationships. This will become a headache for, not only the authorities, but also banks and courts. It will resemble something like the Native American naming system. Pick-up Artists have already figured this out.

3. The demand for social media declines. (I feel like we’ve already reached peak social media, but that’s just me.)

I’ve been saying that full suite anonymizing apps and network privacy solutions with shallow learning curves will be the next big thing, because the market for them is YUGE and untapped. TOR and TAILS and VPNs are great, but they are still only usable by a small minority of tech-savvy customers sufficiently motivated to search for and install these cloaking devices. The average American 1. doesn’t fully grasp the nature of the online threat to his privacy and identity and 2. doesn’t have the time or smarts to grapple with the privacy-enhancing tools currently available.

To any budding entrepreneurs with an interest in cyber anonymizing, this is your moment. A simple, one-click app that can effectively conceal online identity from corporations, government, and psychostalker exes will absolutely COMMAND customer response and loyalty. Why there’s nothing like it yet is a mystery to me.

Anyhow, as James hinted at, Peeple is an exciting new exploit for pickup artists. If Peeple gets a reputation for aliases, then any girl using it would not be able to discern a regular Peepler from a PUA Peepler. Sowing that much confusion allows the sneaky fucker with the 007 alias to operate with plausible deniability. Imagine a girlishly tentative post-coital inquiry: “Your name’s not John?” “Oh yeah, that’s not my real name. You know how it is on Peeple. No one uses their real names.”

Another advantage of Peeple to PUAs is, of course, the ability to manipulate its review system and thus girls’ perceptions. Fake female accounts to add positive rankings to one’s profile would trigger the “preselected by women” algorithm in curious viewers. Or, the aspiring modren womanizer could try the opposite tack and flood his profile with low rankings and conspicuously bitter butthurt reviews that read like the pained regrets of disgruntled ex-girlfriends and puzzled one night stands. This “jerkboy verification” via third party bitching has a powerful effect on spectating girls — especially the younger, hotter, tighter, asshole-adoring girls that every man really wants — who will be drawn, uncontrollably, to a bad man who has left such a lengthy trail of broken hearts.

The Poet Needs The Warrior

What is the ideal man? Twatter Agree&Amplify writes,

The ideal man combines the culture of the (sane) liberal, and the fight/masculinity of the conservative-type.

The liberal environment — or, rather, the environment created by conservative scientist and engineer Whites that attracts a lot of White liberals who then build upon the civilized foundation — has a lot of good things going for it. If only xenophilic, virtue signaling libfags would learn that fewer Whites = fewer good things. Guys with gun racks and ATVs may scoff at bike lanes, but biking around a gleaming city unspoiled by crime and grime is a pleasure in its own right, (although perhaps not on the level of watching a sunset dip below a m0untain ridge).

Twatter a.p.hill, channeling Anonymous Conservative and the r/K theory of human organization, adds,

Libs have smaller amygdalae. Learn too late enrichment is a poison pill. Warrior kept poet in line. Feminism killed warrior.

Conservatives need liberals for their creativity and (usually) aesthetic lifestyle sensibilities. Liberals need conservatives for their guardianship and wisdom. Too few liberals, and conservative society can become static and self-satisfied. Too few conservatives, and liberal society can become self-destructive.

In this view, conservatives are the more crucial linchpin to civilization. Without liberals, we might have worse movies and fewer charming coffee shops. But without conservatives, we might have no civilization at all, having handed over the keys to the White kingdom to babbling barbarians.

So there is something to this formulation that amygdalae-deficient shitlibs, poets till the consummating end, need (if not consciously want) the pimp hand of warriors with full hearts and clear eyes to stop shitlibs from blowing up the nation and taking everyone down with them.

In normal historical cycles, the warrior would ascend in times of decadence and social disconnection to bring balance to the force. But these are not normal times. Feminism, the ideological spawn of Satan and his thousand reptilian succubi, thwarts the natural ascendancy of the warrior class, allowing the shitlib devolution to continue unhindered and unchecked. Feminists must therefore be defeated in order to pave the way for the rising warrior class to defeat the platitude-drowning shitlibs. The Chateau has not been sadistically discrediting feminists for this long without good reason.

The ((( Rebbe ))) sums it up:

[White liberal utopias] cannot exist long term. Complacency > Degeneracy > Self-Destruction.

Americans may be fated to abide this dismal decivilizing loop., no matter how many Trumpenings crest the battlefield. If I’m right, then so is my prescription: Poolside, watching the conflagration complete its appointed mission. If I’m wrong, and I hope I am, then Trump is just the first trumpet blast of many more White heralds to come.


Hemaphobia is the Greek word for “fear of blood”.

Rakiphobia is the Greek word for “fear of race”.

A classic rhetorical trick used by leftoids is to pathologize the normal, healthy instincts of BadWhites (aka Whites with a functioning self-preservation instinct) with the purpose of ostracizing those crimethinkers from contributing to the public discourse. The winning counterattack to this leftoid rhetoric is to draw attention to their ethnomasochistic/anti-White virtue signaling, social status whoring pathology, using similarly emotion-laden words. Labeling the Left is as critical to mission success as substantive refutation of Leftist beliefs.

This is what COPROP is all about. A winning revolution against a tyranny of lies needs its rhetorical shivs as much as its dialectical shield.

An example of effective COPROP that turns leftoid tactics back on them would be the crafting of smear words that roll off the tongue and imply the recipient is suffering from a mental disorder or a sociopathic compulsion to screw over good people. For instance, a quick and dirty script flip is to substitute the suffix “-philia” to any leftoid term of disparagement.




When you target leftoids with these words you will experience the exquisite pleasure of witnessing their child-like egos prolapse in a tantrum of indignation. Their confusion as to how to respond to this novel line of attack will often leave them gibbering like lunatics.

As much as I love taunting shitlibs with the label “xenophilic”, (a slur which hits pay dirt because it is true as well as diagnostically caustic), there is another term which I hope will hit the mainstream consciousness as hard as any leftoid agitprop.


Fear of blood, which translates into the vernacular as fear of genetic kinship and aversion to ethnic/racial affinity. A standard representative of the typical platitude-spouting, hemaphobic leftoid would be this woman.

Interviewing my 11 year old on #SyrianRefugees: We should let them in. If we treat them like Americans, then they’ll act like Americans.

Exhibit C(uck) in empty-headed poopytalk that provides an endorphin rush to the moral preener but also reveals the deep-seated hemaphobia that motivates her race betrayal. She is a sick woman who needs many MANY years of therapy.

If hemaphobia doesn’t catch, “rakiphobia” can be used instead as a colloquial substitute. My prediction, if these lethal alt-right psy ops begin to imprint on the block-like skulls of mainstream cuckservatives, is a pall of shock and awe, and eventually crippling self-doubt, settling over the leftoid hivemind as they grapple with their rhetorical Hate Machine reprogrammed to destroy its creator.

I thought this was an interesting and pithy comment by imnobody00, replying to the question posed in this post.

It’s easy. Leftist Jews are secular/reform Jews. When they came to the West, they had two options: to remain in a secluded community or to integrate. Since they were secular, they wanted to integrate. They could integrate by adopting Christianity, but this was the enemy of their forefathers, a kind of ancient taboo.

Or they could integrate by adopting the religion of the Left, which filled the religious void they had in their minds, integrated them to the West and wasn’t a taboo or a historical enemy. In addition, it was the religion of brainy people, such as them. They did that although retaining their ethnicity. Since the religion of the Left, it is anti-Christian and anti-White, they are anti-Christian and anti-White. They have a plus because they are Jews so they remember grievances against Christians.

In short, the Jews that are producing these mayhems are not Orthodox Jews but converts. Converts to the religion of the Left. Their Judaism is vestigial and disappearing, when they intermarry (think Woody Allen’s kids) or have a low birthrate. This is why Orthodox Jews will be the majority of the American Jews in some few decades.

I would only demur that from what I’ve read and heard plenty of Conservative Jews are equally as leftist as their secular/Reform brethren. So apparently choosing the lower-integration path doesn’t also thwart the desire to adopt Leftism as a supplementary religion. My follow-up question: are Orthodox Jews in the U.S. against open borders and multikult in meaningful numbers? There are enough of them that a breakdown of their voting preferences shouldn’t be hard to determine. If they are, that would lend credence to imnobody00’s argument that Leftism is only a religion for otherwise irreligious Jews seeking a substitute to fill their spiritual void that isn’t Christianity.

The Trumpening took a small stumble at the last debate, hedging a bit on his commitment to ending the H-1B visa wage gutting program. He quickly clarified his remarks on Twatter afterwards, indicating that the alt-right influences his campaign.

Trump has struck me of late as more hesitant and defensive than is his norm. His offensive juggernaut, which won the hearts and minds of so many Americans, seems to have sputtered and switched into a premature “cruising speed” gear. I wonder if Trump is tightening up? His quips flowed better when the race was young, and he was the outsider. As things have gotten real, he may be more self-conscious of his pole position and the need to maintain his pack leader status.

If Trump is beginning to play defense, at this early stage, he risks losing his lead. Whether from a feeling of comfort or laziness or miscalculation, letting up on the gas now means he will get lapped. A justifiably hard line against open borders and illegal aliens is what propelled his campaign; to “soften” on those terms of combat now is akin to Chamberlain-esque appeasement. You dance with the girl who brung ya.

In war, hunkering down isn’t perceived as mercy. It’s an opening for attack. Any feints Trump makes towards the Nation-Wrecking Alliance, such as support (however tepid) for H-1Bs, or constant disavowals of some internet backwater weirdo because media cucks harass him about it every minute, will simply embolden his foes to strike at him twice as hard and four times as often.

So my Game advice to Trump is this: Politics is pickup without the bodily fluids. The master seducer doesn’t backtrack at the bedroom door. Keep up the Zero Fucks Given nationalist populism charm assault, and don’t disappoint the swooning voters at the electoral door. Carry them across the threshold. They want you to take them. Sure, whisper a few sweetly romantic nothings in their ears, show a little of your beta softie side, but when panties are in view don’t sit up and ask “Should I slow down?”. Slip a finger under the waistband. The seduction isn’t over until the Trump voter sighs.

PS Enjoy this great article by a veteran explaining to the cuckservative media why he left the movement to hop aboard the Trump Train.


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