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[–]cavitycreep 6ポイント7ポイント  (65子コメント)

Oh no, those poor cisgendered white males.

[–]6ThreeSided9 49ポイント50ポイント  (60子コメント)

Claiming that cisgendered white males cannot suffer from any form of discrimination or social injustice is not only incorrect, it's damaging to social justice as a movement. People suffer adversity in many different forms, and the binding glue that holds much of the social justice movement together is empathy. Telling people that their struggles don't matter because they aren't part of the three big ones only serves to marginalize people suffering real pain and divide the community.

[–]cavitycreep 10ポイント11ポイント  (58子コメント)

You're so right. Cisgendered white males must experience so much discrimination. God can you imagine how hard their lives must be made by other people? I swear they deserve a medal or something.

[–]6ThreeSided9 42ポイント43ポイント  (57子コメント)

I'm not saying that cisgendered white men are discriminated against for being cisgendered white men, I'm saying that claiming that there can't be any aspect about a cisgendered white man for which they are discriminated against for is just plain incorrect. They could be overweight, disabled, religiously (or a-religiously) discriminated against, etc. What you're saying is like talking about a gay white male and saying "Oh yeah, totally, white men are sooo discriminated against /s".

[–]cavitycreep 5ポイント6ポイント  (37子コメント)

Except we're talking about the group of people with the most privilege, so please excuse me while I play the world's smallest violin.

It's equivalent to "AllLivesMatter" vs "BlackLivesMatter".

[–]6ThreeSided9 41ポイント42ポイント  (36子コメント)

Except we're talking about the group of people with the most privilege.

Fat, autistic ugly people have the most privilege? You do realize that's what we're talking about, right? Again, what you're looking at is a few aspects of the person and saying that because they are those things they can't possibly be going through anything bad enough to justify needing to be considered and not insulted for their discriminated traits. Again, same example, that gay guy is white and white people are privileged so you don't matter to social justice. That is the equivalent of what you are saying.

[–]cavitycreep 8ポイント9ポイント  (35子コメント)

Fat, autistic ugly people

You don't even know what "neckbeard" means.

[–]6ThreeSided9 34ポイント35ポイント  (34子コメント)

I'm not sure that you do. These are things that are packaged into the term. Just look it up. Fat, socially awkward person likely living in a basement arguing about how feminism is awful etc etc. Maybe you aren't fully aware of all the things implied by the term, but they are there.

[–]cavitycreep 6ポイント7ポイント  (33子コメント)

The only thing that you mentioned in your last comment was "fat". It doesn't imply autistic nor ugly.

[–]6ThreeSided9 30ポイント31ポイント  (31子コメント)

I disagree. And so do many people in this thread, and the comic on which this thread is based. While it's true that autistic is not nessary to be called a neckbeard, the two are paired very often so it often implies it.

[–]metagameface 18ポイント19ポイント  (0子コメント)

Maybe you should actually read the linked comic, which pretty clearly discusses how the term affects autistic people like myself.

[–]fosforsvenne -1ポイント0ポイント  (18子コメント)

What you're saying is like talking about a gay white male

Except being a neckbeard is actually a bad thing.

[–]6ThreeSided9 23ポイント24ポイント  (17子コメント)

Oh? Being fat, ugly, autistic and having an unpopular style of facial hair is bad? Because that is what you're saying when you say that neck-beards are bad. Sure, there might be other bad things in there like misogyny that it's meant to be primarily talking about, but all the rest of that is coupled in, and that's where it becomes a problem. If you don't like misogynists, say that. If you don't like concern trolls, say that. Don't make a caricature using "undesirable" traits of people who are marginalized to make your point.

[–]fosforsvenne 3ポイント4ポイント  (16子コメント)

Don't make a caricature using "undesirable" traits of people who are marginalized

How is the neckbeard stereotype a caricature of marginalized people?

[–]6ThreeSided9 22ポイント23ポイント  (15子コメント)

It's not a caricature of marginalized people, it's a caricature using traits of marginalized people. It's like the caricature of the greedy, immoral CEO being fat. It's not a caricature of fat people, it's a caricature of greedy people, but it uses the trait "fat" as a way to say "wow look how much this person sucks" which implies that being fat is bad.

[–]fosforsvenne 3ポイント4ポイント  (14子コメント)

it's a caricature using traits of marginalized people

What traits? What marginalized people are noted for being obnoxious, inconsiderate, having medieval gender views, and not shaving their necks?

Edit: removed loud, don't know what that had to do with neckbeards

[–]6ThreeSided9 17ポイント18ポイント  (7子コメント)

Fat people have the feature of being fat, ugly people have the feature of being ugly, autistic people have a number of varying features, including:

obnoxious, inconsiderate, loud

All these people are marginalized.

[–]oijn- 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Did you even read the comic? It kind of addresses this. First of all assuming "neckbeard," is referring to someone who's white doesn't even make any sense, it's a race-neutral insult. My best friend is a Hispanic person who has a neckbeard. Second of all, you shouldn't assume that "neckbeards," are cis and male. Women and nonbinary people might want to grow facial hair, trans men can have facial hair for the same reason cis men do, and trans women can have facial hair too (in fact, I know multiple trans women who haven't physically transitioned yet and have facial hair).

[–]Reddit-Account-123 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

So is the f-word that is used about homosexuals fine to use? It's also used about cisgendered white males. Sorry for replying to an old comment, but I'd like to hear your answer to this.