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/r/brasil"Does a homosexual mafia run the adult entertianment industry in Brazil?" (np.reddit.com)
LIATGOne of 88 shill alts が 投稿 - stickied post
/r/conspiracyTop Mind is upset that belief in conspiracy theories has been linked to low self-esteem and narcissism (np.reddit.com)
Computer_NameI actually do get paid for this. が 投稿 - stickied post
/r/conspiracyTop Minds get mad at science and evolution. (np.reddit.com)
Shredder13Thought Policeman が 投稿
/r/european"Good goy. Listen more to propaganda from the left. You as a German should really know not to listen to the official story. It's been about castrating you as a people since the end of WWII." - Extremely antisemitic top mod of /r/european with a history of considering those who disagree "Jew shills." (np.reddit.com)
75000_TokkulZionist Muslim Crypto-Jew が 投稿
/r/conspiracyNASA fucked up, you guys. YouTube videos have exposed their use of green screens and general trickery! (np.reddit.com)
Computer_NameI actually do get paid for this. が 投稿
/r/conspiracyClinton conspiratorially coughs (np.reddit.com)
Computer_NameI actually do get paid for this. が 投稿
/r/conspiracy"Does it make sense any more to be a doctor? Do you agree with the following statement : They're all slaves to the giant pharmaceutical companies and corporations. What's so noble about the profession anymore? What do you think of the field of Psychiatry?" (np.reddit.com)
Computer_NameI actually do get paid for this. が 投稿
/r/conspiracyTop Mind has a hunch that "North Korea will nuke New York, causing a huge War with the US" because he saw nuclear war in his dreams. (np.reddit.com)
NewJerseyFreakshowCommander-in-Chief of The New World Order Shill Armies が 投稿
/r/conspiracyTop Mind formerly known as /u/4to6 says "The rich Jews won't vote for Trump because they don't control Trump. They do, however, control Hillary. They believe they can force Hillary to do what they want, when they want her to do it". (np.reddit.com)
NewJerseyFreakshowCommander-in-Chief of The New World Order Shill Armies が 投稿
/r/AgentsOfDoubtTop Mind ragecry makes a new echochamber for the butthurt Top Minds to cry shill in. "myth makers, armchair scientists, shills, astroturfers, propagandists, social media trolls - these are the Agents of Doubt who want to make money and destroy your world with lies" (np.reddit.com)
NewJerseyFreakshowCommander-in-Chief of The New World Order Shill Armies が 投稿
/r/TheRedPillTop mind explains the reason behind homosexuality in the Republican party (np.reddit.com)
treebogDedicated Shill が 投稿
/r/conspiracyDonald Trump compares Jewish organizations to white supremacist organizations. Top Minds celebrate, argue, and wonder if there's a conspiracy to assassinate Trump, because of an Illuminati card game. (np.reddit.com)
Lovely_LeahObnoxious Jewish Cunt/Hasbara Agent が 投稿
12,000 Shills! (self.TopMindsOfReddit)
NewJerseyFreakshowCommander-in-Chief of The New World Order Shill Armies[M] が 投稿
/r/The_Donald"Even Muslims will spare you if you convert. No apology or future correction will satisfy a liberal [...] Liberals rob minorities/women of moral agency [...] Their “rebuttals” are strawmen [and] they argue to the absurd." Top Minds don't see the obvious irony. (np.reddit.com)
KingKhaPhDs in Sillology and Shillonomy が 投稿
/r/conspiracy"How many pills will Narco Rubio pop during the debate tonight?" (np.reddit.com)
Computer_NameI actually do get paid for this. が 投稿
/r/conspiracyTop Minds want Bill Clinton arrested for not breaking any laws. Does it ever get old being wrong about literally everything? (np.reddit.com)
WideLightJIDF Middle Management が 投稿
/r/conspiracyLooks like we might see a resurgence of Concave Earth. Get that popcorn ready! (np.reddit.com)
Shredder13Thought Policeman が 投稿