Lol. The sad part is, these people are so dumb that they didn't learn from the last time around. The ACA is really fucking the middle class hard.
People think just because billionaires exist, that
they have it so bad
because they're stuck with last year's iPhone. Where do these people think the 15 trillion extra in taxes would come from?
When are they going to figure out that the handful of people who actually do have to struggle are going to have their hands out for their "free shit" too, and the people they'll be taking it from is the middle class.
Now don't get me wrong. I don't hate the poors. I was about as poor as it gets once upon a time, including wondering when I was going to get my next meal and where I get to sleep that night.
Giving poor people "free shit" isn't going to help them. They'll become even more hopelessly dependant. Why can't they figure out that helping the poor work their way up to middle class is a far better solution.
I already know why really. It all boils down to greed. Consumerism has gotten so bad, that our average person has some fantasized Robin hood complex and their going to make billionaires pay for their existence. What they always seem to forget about Robin Hood though, is that the people were poor from being taxed to death, and Robin stole the tax money from the government and gave it back to the people.