SubredditDrama 内の PuffmaisMachtFrei によるリンク Blood in the streets as a protest between frozen peaches and the antifreeze turns violent
SubredditDrama 内の atsteak によるリンク Who's problematic line is it, anyway? r/SRSQuestions itself when a cartoonist defends the dignity of neckbeards.
SubredditDrama 内の atsteak によるリンク Who's problematic line is it, anyway? r/SRSQuestions itself when a cartoonist defends the dignity of neckbeards.
todayilearned 内の mrr1992 によるリンク TIL in 2008, Nebraska implemented a law to allow parents to drop off unwanted newborns at safe havens; the law didn't state an age limit, and nearly all the children abandoned were over ten years old- some were even 17!
todayilearned 内の mrr1992 によるリンク TIL in 2008, Nebraska implemented a law to allow parents to drop off unwanted newborns at safe havens; the law didn't state an age limit, and nearly all the children abandoned were over ten years old- some were even 17!
todayilearned 内の dogrio345 によるリンク TIL that disbarred attorney Jack Thompson once gave Janet Reno a form, asking about her sexuality. Reno responded by saying "I'm only interested in virile men; that's why I'm not interested in you." Thompson later sued her for battery due to her putting a hand on his shoulder
pics 内の Warchief_Hammerhands によるリンク "..Yea i'm gonna have to let you go Julie, a fucking tiger just jumped through my window"
IAmA 内の によるリンク I work at a casino, because i'm putting a lot of my identity out, only reasonable questions you'd ask a dealer.
norge 内の i_love_my_ball によるリンク Daesh's offisielle media sentral hever å gi ut deres norske utgivelser på Nynorsk. Mulig feil i "google translate"?
norge 内の Rllo によるリンク Det VG-lekkede UD-notatet viser at innvandringsliberale medier svikter sitt ansvar | Nina Hjerpset-Østlie
[–]DeSanti[M] -1ポイント0ポイント1ポイント (0子コメント)