Drama 内の halfapineapplepie によるリンク Notch makes tweet claiming "I've clearly been a GGer since day one" drama happens in the replies

[–]xNotch [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

That's obviously a ridiculous rule, and everyone who subs to this sub is a complete idiot. Why would you want to intentionally insult your audience full of idiots?

Drama 内の halfapineapplepie によるリンク Notch makes tweet claiming "I've clearly been a GGer since day one" drama happens in the replies

[–]xNotch [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

And had a dream about you last night. We were dancing naked in a field of green and yellow flowers, each more rotten than the next. We smiled and jumped, and each step we took would squish the ground, making indentations that slowly filled with the crimson filth permeating the area. Your hair, long and beautiful, stood up in horror as you forced yourself to keep smiling, to keep pretending like this was all ok. I smiled reassuringly back at you, never glancing to the edge of the forest, never wanting to let it in, never wanting guide it through the veil between the worlds. We fell into each others arms, naked, laughing, happy, gripping tightly, staring into each others eyes, hoping locking eyes would save us.

Drama 内の halfapineapplepie によるリンク Notch makes tweet claiming "I've clearly been a GGer since day one" drama happens in the replies

[–]xNotch 69ポイント70ポイント  (0子コメント)

ok that hurt a little, but the comedic timing was too good for me to be upset about it.

oculus 内の Damo3000 によるリンク Notch tries the CV1!

[–]xNotch 31ポイント32ポイント  (0子コメント)

After I saw the This Is Phil Fish video on youtube, I stopped taking the public perception of me personally, but that was very nice of you to say!

oculus 内の Damo3000 によるリンク Notch tries the CV1!

[–]xNotch 118ポイント119ポイント  (0子コメント)

Can confirm, is funny.

oculus 内の PapaNixon によるリンク Notch: "It makes me happy and just a little bit spitefully so that the HTC Vive is so much better than what I've seen so far of the Oculus Rift."

[–]xNotch 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

Spontaneous excusemewhat? That's not good. Thank you for letting me know. I saw other people talk about a fire hazard, and I thought they meant the rug being too close to my mixtape, but now I know what they meant. Thank you!

edit: Can't find anything about IO Hawks exploding, just off brand ones. Do I keep them? I mean, on one hand explosions are bad, on the other hand, walking is so boring now.

oculus 内の PapaNixon によるリンク Notch: "It makes me happy and just a little bit spitefully so that the HTC Vive is so much better than what I've seen so far of the Oculus Rift."

[–]xNotch 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Not quite. The informationally accurate tweets people do spread WAAAY less, so you only see the viral ones. Viral isn't an intention, it's an accidental emergent result.

oculus 内の PapaNixon によるリンク Notch: "It makes me happy and just a little bit spitefully so that the HTC Vive is so much better than what I've seen so far of the Oculus Rift."

[–]xNotch 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Wait, but I don't want the large play area to contain the huge stone desk thing. It's painful enough to walk into it with my eyes in real life, I can only imagine how much it would hurt in vr land

oculus 内の PapaNixon によるリンク Notch: "It makes me happy and just a little bit spitefully so that the HTC Vive is so much better than what I've seen so far of the Oculus Rift."

[–]xNotch 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Regardless of headset, I want a VR tracked keyboard so I can see it in the virtual world. Palming your way across a cluttered desktop is not ideal. Oh, and a tracked joystick would be great for Elite.

Wireless headsets would be great too. Surprisingly, it's more of a problem sitting down because I keep rolling my chair over the cable. Standing up you kind of get conditioned to fear it after the third time or so you almost slam your desktop computer into the ground.

oculus 内の PapaNixon によるリンク Notch: "It makes me happy and just a little bit spitefully so that the HTC Vive is so much better than what I've seen so far of the Oculus Rift."

[–]xNotch 10ポイント11ポイント  (0子コメント)

I want my stand up room to be behind the desk, and sit down in front. You have to redefine the area when switching, which is annoying for me, especially when doing development.

oculus 内の PapaNixon によるリンク Notch: "It makes me happy and just a little bit spitefully so that the HTC Vive is so much better than what I've seen so far of the Oculus Rift."

[–]xNotch 29ポイント30ポイント  (0子コメント)

Against a wall, with room behind the desk instead of in front.

Here's a pic (vive censored because I think I'm not allowed to show pics of it): http://imgur.com/Qa24OEJ

oculus 内の PapaNixon によるリンク Notch: "It makes me happy and just a little bit spitefully so that the HTC Vive is so much better than what I've seen so far of the Oculus Rift."

[–]xNotch 9ポイント10ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm going to guess you're pretty young. One of the only things that happens to you as you mature is you realize you don't have to be mature.

You still sometimes have to be PROFESSIONAL, however, especially if you're working for a publicly traded corporation and want to keep doing so. But I don't, so I can just talk about how amazing my favorite soda is or pick sides in console wars willy nilly.

oculus 内の PapaNixon によるリンク Notch: "It makes me happy and just a little bit spitefully so that the HTC Vive is so much better than what I've seen so far of the Oculus Rift."

[–]xNotch 81ポイント82ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm intentionally extra edgy on twitter because nuanced opinions on there doesn't spread at all. It's a bit self-selecting in that sense.
The Rift was my first love and that will never go away, and I am aware I'm acting like a crazy ex that just can't quite let go.

Honestly, after being afraid Facebook would monopolize everything and build a walled garden, it's a huge relief the Vive is so good. I have a feeling this will lead to a more open Rift which is an incredible benefit for both consumers and developers.

(edit:) And since I'm trying hard to be self aware here, uh, I should confess that the seated Vive experience is kind of terrible. You have to reset the room area for it to work properly, and move the cameras around. That might be a problem with how my desktop is set up, but it's definitely something I keep running into.

oculus 内の PapaNixon によるリンク Notch: "It makes me happy and just a little bit spitefully so that the HTC Vive is so much better than what I've seen so far of the Oculus Rift."

[–]xNotch 36ポイント37ポイント  (0子コメント)

That's super hard to answer. I think humans only want what they don't have in general, and you get used to basically any situation you're in. But I definitely have an easier time solving problems now so overall my stress has gone down. Not a single day passes where I don't have at least one moment of feeling like everything is strange and how fortunate I've been.

Overall though, I have to say "more money, more problems" is bullshit. I've been relatively poor as a child (by Swedish standards, not international. We had access to water and shelter), and this situation is way better.