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Everything posted here is true!Please welcome our newest mod - Notch! (self.Drama)
TwasIWhoShotJR が 投稿 - stickied post
I can't believe it's not GamerGate!Notch makes tweet claiming "I've clearly been a GGer since day one" drama happens in the replies (twitter.com)
halfapineapplepie が 投稿
Everything posted here is true!George Lopez pokes Donald Trump on twitter. Trump supporters meme the fuck out of him. (self.Drama)
Beele77 が 投稿
Everything posted here is true!I'm Asian and Anime fan, I hate western cosplayers because they are being racist against us Asians and always ruining my favorite Anime characters. If you are also an Asian or an Anime fan who don't like western cosplayers then you can participate in the anti western cosplayers movement (worldcosplay.net)
Kanuku1 が 投稿
Former President Clinton triggers the fuck out of Facebook BernieBots by blocking polling stations in New Bedford, Mass with his megawatt charisma and ability to draw large crowds. "Election Fraud!" "Start a riot!" Clinton barely gets the win while Trump viciously decimates all GOP challengers. (facebook.com)
KhristKannon が 投稿
SJWs try to get a woman fired from her job for literal thought-crime (self.Drama)
BestOfOutrageCultureResident Beta Cuck[M] が 投稿
Because I was too lazy to make an effort.TIL r/Hookertalk is hilariously a real thing, oh and r/Socialism and r/Anarchism are brigading the shit out of it. There's even a change.org petition. (self.Drama)
Joan_Wayne_Gacy が 投稿