全 4 件のコメント

[–]AzipodJust Following Orders [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

The NKVD kept detailed records of the activities of their blocking detachments. Generally their job was to stop, reorganize and reform retreating and panicked troops. The vast majority of the men they detained were returned to their units- only a tithe were arrested, assigned to shtrafbats or executed.

The image of NKVD thugs machine-gunning retreating troops is fabricated bullshit. More Soviet soldiers are shot in that scene then were executed by the NKVD in the entire Stalingrad front in a month and a half of actual combat operations.

Also the barrier troops requirement of Order 227 was withdrawn after 3 months - most field commanders weren't complying with the order fully because they rightfully viewed holding their most reliable troops back as blocking units to be a huge waste of manpower.

[–]MaxRavenclawIn reality, most tank battles took place at ranges over 2km![S] [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Yup, even the Wikiedia article says it:

According with NKO (Peoples Commissar of the Defense) order No. 227, between August 1st and October 15th, statistics for blocking detachments on Stalingrad Front included: detained – 15,649 men, arrested - 244, executed - 278, sent to penal companies -218, sent to penal battalions - 42, sent back to their units and distribution points - 14,833 men

[–]somenbjornAxis would have won if it wasn't for reality. [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Well first of all enforcing Order 227 is not the work of the Commissar but the work of the NKVD in the form of the Special departments and the blocking detachments. (IIRC the Blocking Detachments are Army but commanded by the NKVD but I might be mistaken)

Please see Awesome Reddit post by /u/Georgy_K_Zhukov for a good overview of what Blocking Detachments really was.

Ill equipped and ill-trained , sure they used those at Stalingrad, but not during the point shown in the films. That would be the levied Workers Militas before the army proper had time to set up shop, that would be much much earlier in the fighting.

True that the Germans had nearly broken through, because the Soviets were only interested in drawing in more and more German units to be encircled.

[–]MaxRavenclawIn reality, most tank battles took place at ranges over 2km![S] [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

So, how would you alter the statement to make it historically accurate?