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[–]AzipodJust Following Orders [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

The NKVD kept detailed records of the activities of their blocking detachments. Generally their job was to stop, reorganize and reform retreating and panicked troops. The vast majority of the men they detained were returned to their units- only a tithe were arrested, assigned to shtrafbats or executed.

The image of NKVD thugs machine-gunning retreating troops is fabricated bullshit. More Soviet soldiers are shot in that scene then were executed by the NKVD in the entire Stalingrad front in a month and a half of actual combat operations.

Also the barrier troops requirement of Order 227 was withdrawn after 3 months - most field commanders weren't complying with the order fully because they rightfully viewed holding their most reliable troops back as blocking units to be a huge waste of manpower.