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File (hide): 1456403571594.jpeg (86.33 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1-7dFTcINi9oBVG3rPV7XEbA.jpeg)
ID: 988001 (1) No.87441>>87446 >>87453 [Watch Thread]
>Despite lax standards for sexual morality, pedophilia is still regarded as monstrously predatory for reasons which should be apparent. Radical feminist Alison Rapp has a very unique perspective on the issue. She argues not only for the legalization of child pornography, but also for more lax consent laws between children and adults.
ID: 04314d (2) No.87443>>87444
>making me click twice to get to the medium piece
And besides, she's just saying there's nothing wrong with watching CP, what's wrong with that? :^)

ID: 6e1df4 (1) No.87444>>87454
GG+ is knighting for her so fucking hard

ID: c64b0c (2) No.87446>>87448
>>87441 (OP)
So why aren't people sending this shit to Nintendo?

ID: 04314d (2) No.87448>>87457
File (hide): 1456447509036.jpeg (95.76 KB, 933x792, 311:264, nintendo dindu nuffin.jpeg)
because it has nothing to do with Nintendo

ID: c95ebe (1) No.87449>>87456
File (hide): 1456447615659.png (53.82 KB, 644x493, 644:493, CHILDPORNANIMATED.png)
Guess who else defends this crap. Not surprised here.

ID: 7a6704 (2) No.87453
>>87441 (OP)
I have something to say as a pedo (with no crimes committed of course), I advocate for virtual content but I am certainly not conflicted about her statements, that is, I DON'T agree with her, is not even that easy, I mean, legalize possession? production too? AoC is a delicate matter, mostly because a very low percentage of minors would be actually capable of consent, if at all.

ID: 81a07e (2) No.87454>>87455
>GG+ is knighting for her so fucking hard
Please provide proof.

ID: 7a6704 (2) No.87455

ID: 3d396f (3) No.87456
Is OtterFag Chris-Chan's long lost twin brother?

ID: c64b0c (2) No.87457
Doesn't matter what some shitass reddit says, we should be blowing up Nintendo's emails about this.

ID: 81a07e (2) No.87476
File (hide): 1456610895146.jpg (400.19 KB, 1524x1974, 254:329, Notafalseflag.jpg)

ID: 649a74 (1) No.87483>>87494
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
aint nuffin wrong with this

ID: 24fbe2 (1) No.87486
File (hide): 1456650647581-0.jpg (203.64 KB, 2036x815, 2036:815, NintendoKidReviewers1.jpg)
File (hide): 1456650647958-1.jpg (70.32 KB, 565x328, 565:328, Play-Nintendo-The-Parent-K….jpg)
File (hide): 1456650647958-2.jpg (741.65 KB, 1600x1582, 800:791, nesfamily_large.jpg)

ID: c3639b (1) No.87489>>87491 >>87506
You just hate her because she's a woman. If it was a man endorsing CP, you gamergators would be behind him 100%

ID: 340a09 (2) No.87490>>87498
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Found this old Nintendo promo from her. Minis the kid interviewing.

ID: 66cf8a (1) No.87491>>87506

ID: be9cea (1) No.87494>>87496
That creepy stare is going to haunt me

ID: 3d396f (3) No.87496
File (hide): 1456686494979.png (460.58 KB, 776x435, 776:435, Screenshot (139).png)

ID: e79b81 (2) No.87497
Lads memes of this one and green pepes

ID: 8da3a1 (4) No.87498
File (hide): 1456689129571.jpg (127.46 KB, 1440x365, 288:73, IMG_20160228_124314.jpg)

ID: 440c72 (1) No.87506
So much for famiry friendry.

ID: 8da3a1 (4) No.87507
File (hide): 1456699871189.png (32.53 KB, 806x337, 806:337, kucksinaction11.png)
{"readyState":4,"responseText":"<html>\r\n<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"white\">\r\n<center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>\r\n<hr><center>nginx/1.8.0</center>\r\n</body>\r\n</html>\r\n","status":404,"statusText":"Not Found"}

ID: 8da3a1 (4) No.87509
you could've just linked to his timeline https://twitter.com/SHG_Nackt

ID: e79b81 (2) No.87520
File (hide): 1456722404883.jpg (120.54 KB, 524x474, 262:237, 1453484980220-1.jpg)
she shows the signs lads the nose knows

ID: 340a09 (2) No.87523
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Shit just hit the fan… Thesis for child porno laws, everyone!! Fuckkk.

ID: 706b23 (3) No.87538>>87539 >>87541
File (hide): 1456783763140.png (49.48 KB, 592x401, 592:401, enron the cuck.png)
Reminder: Eron is still an SJW feminist.

ID: 7e792b (1) No.87539>>87544 >>87555
Meh who cares he was never important

ID: 3d396f (3) No.87541>>87544 >>87555
Eron is a Victim, not a Leader.

ID: 706b23 (3) No.87544
Be sure to donate them shekels!
whoa…. mind blown…. He is a total damsel in distress.

ID: 706b23 (3) No.87555
Be sure to donate them shekels!
whoa…. mind blown…. He is a total damsel in distress.

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