全 9 件のコメント

[–]SluttyVajbitS 5ポイント6ポイント  (3子コメント)

Yesterday r/conspiracy was trending.

Yesterday there was clearly upvote bots upvoting everything. There were multiple posts with over 100 upvotes and fuck all comments.

[–]AgentPao[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

Thankyou for also noticing the voting/commenting on this subreddit

What I saw happen on r/conspiracy yesterday, was that there were a whole load of reposts from a few users trying to make the front page of this subreddit look interesting to outsiders or maybe to push all their little agendas/ favorite posts on outsiders.

So we were flooded was the old stories of Aaron Swartz , Eglin airforce base and internal links to 2 year old stories on this subreddit about pedophiles.

Take a look at what one user was posting


It is all the kind of stuff that people might nod when they see it and upvote but there really was nothing new about them to create new comments.

So I agree there was some orchestrated manipulation in the subreddit itself yesterday but not necessarily of the sort you are thinking

[–]sudo-tleilaxu 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

I would rather see what /r/Orangutan was trying to post in the sub than a bunch of flat earth, reptilians and blatantly racist posts that often get posted to make the sub look like it is infested by a bunch of crazy assholes.

I think that if this sub is in fact trending for real (not like yesterday's "fake" trending) than moderators and other people who genuinely care about this sub should be posting valid, well researched topics that those who are uninitiated and new to the sub need to know so they develop a basic foundation of what is true..

I also do not think it is very constructive to be singling out individual users unless they are trolling and blatantly shilling lies and misinformation.

[–]AgentPao[S] [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I also do not think it is very constructive to be singling out individual users unless they are trolling and blatantly shilling lies and misinformation.

I didn't really single them out at least not by name. Anyway, it is factual and the easiest way to point out what was happening. You think it is a good thing that one user floods the subreddit with 33 posts including quite a few reposts that were obviously going to be easily upvoted and domianate the hot list. I thought it made this subreddit feel like it had not moved on from tired old conspiracies that had already sat on /r/all that even I recognised . Many of those posts had counter arguments or elaborations when originally posted but produced bland discussion as reposts.

"Flood the airwaves" is just another form of censorship and a way for authorities to hide undesirable content. I generally think it is not a terrible thing for people to see every day conspiracy as it never matches the rhetoric of this subreddits detractors. But someone posting a "best of" is nice too.

The main thing that this this example shows is that the positive energy of this forum for upvoting good content can also be used to bury content. So a bit of cynicism and questioning is healthy too.

[–]Denmark1976 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)


Reddit, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Google are already rigging the access to "controversial" issues in relation to the 9-11 Attack, US Intelligence Community, Military Industrial Complex, US Warfare, Financial Sector, Mega Corporations, Key Figureheads and Politics.

  • 1 Example: Some of the articles and research done just a few years ago, after Mr. Snowden made his startling revelations about the US Intelligence Community blatantly illegally spying on all US citizens and the methods they use, has either gone completely missing or has been buried under mountains of government friendly data and lies. The search logarithms, offered by certain private companies, has been modified to "disappear" the "controversial" data.

  • 2 Example: If you search the internet for 9-11 related material, you are much more likely to find scientifically inaccurate material, deliberate misleading material or material planted by the US Intelligence Community, than you are finding useful material for further study. This is especially true if you are unfamiliar with the subject at hand, you simply will end up with a "The Arabs did it in corporation with the evil Reptilians using Alien Weapons" which of cause will scare away any sane person. Sometimes you see the Reddit moderator team blatantly censor new 9-11 articles by rigging the votes, only to allow a blatantly misleading wave articles and posts to flood the r/conspiracy forum.

  • 3 Example: If you post anything on Reddit about the crushing inequality, corporate crimes, financial crimes, financial rigging (LIBOR, FOREX, gold, silver, interest rates) your comments section will be crushed by waves of paid government Shills & Pundits (or smart computer logarithms). If your post made it to the front page, they will immediately remove it and sometimes ban your account. Most "controversial" posts will die a silent death due to rigging of the voting mechanics (their favorite method).

[–]FORKinmyDICK [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

People are just fucking literally laughing at this sub in the comments. Suck the dick of your oppressors more.

[–]AutoModerator[M] -3ポイント-2ポイント  (2子コメント)

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I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

[–]Denmark1976 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

AutoModerator Death Knell

  • This post got the "death kneel AutoModerator" message! This post will disappear from the front page within minutes or hours, because it doesn't receive any more (or little more) votes and comments (85% likelihood).

  • Do not blame the Moderator, he is (properly) merely a foot soldier in the grand scheme of things, waging the war on behalf of his Masters and Patrons. Maybe he will get a medal!!!

  • Posts critical of a mega corporation or some other mega sized business entity are routinely "removed", "rigged" or "Scrubbed" away from the front page, especially from r/news and r/worldnews. The same goes for any post critical of the US Intelligence Community, US Military Industrial Complex, the US based Financial Sector and the US Political Leadership. Any serious post about 9-11 will get hammered immediately.

Most of us on the r/conspiracy forum knows about these activities, they are designed to mislead the public. Every time we post about this particular subject, one among many heavily censored subjects, they disappear rather quickly from the front page. Reddit is nothing more than a Corporate Owned Mass Media platform controlled by the Fascist US government. No Need to pretend otherwise.