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OpenBazaar Testnet

by · 19 minutes ago

Opening the DMG on a Mac

Not an egregious issue, but Mac users take aesthetics like this seriously.

Ihre Papiere, bitte!

Seems simple enough.

Sorry, not sorry, for your loss.

You've been warned. But still expect r/bitcoin to be hit with complaints of people losing money.

Wow, Such Character

That long string of indecipherable letters is my address. Good luck printing that on a business card.


These are all testnet items not actually for sale. So don't take this too seriously.

Setting Up Shop

Of course I'm not going to have 18+ content if I'm selling CP. (LAW ENFORCEMENT PRO-TIP: I'm not.)

Creating an Item

Terms and conditions apply.


A quick search for CP yields results.

Become a Mod

It takes two clicks to become a mod. That's it. Anyone can do it.

The Most Egregious Blunder

You get to set the moderator for your own store to settle dispute. No seriously. Stop laughing. Just select a moderator that you work in collusion with to win disputes every time. Or why not just set up another OB account and be my own moderator?

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