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a multiplayer, multi-team, orbital mechanics utilizing, custom space ship flying/fighting game with lasers!
a multiplayer, multi-team, orbital mechanics utilizing, custom space ship flying/fighting game with lasers! Read more
pledged of $5,500,000 goal

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a multiplayer, multi-team, orbital mechanics utilizing, custom space ship flying/fighting game with lasers!

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2 created  |  0 backed

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About this project

Game Overview

(Orbital mechanics utilizing means that ships don't fly like planes or submarines in space; heading independently in any direction they propel themselves. To reach things, the prevailing wind/current for each ship is its' own momentum relative to all major gravitational forces in the solar system.)

(This is intended to be the most brilliant space fighter game ever created.)

(You fight with LASERS!)

Business plan 

This min (I love abbreviating that word:) cost for completion is based on the combined salaries and obvious business costs for running an development company long enough with the crew needed. My plan is simple. If I actually get the insane minimum amount needed to safely ensure this game's creation, by an independent company - I'm going to hire a head hunter to hunt me a  technical Director, who can go over the game idea and break down the business needs, including hardware, and software needed, as well as the likely number of man hours in each field needed for each stage of completion. (The number of likely artist hours, programmer hours, etc.) From there I'll have him calculate the best number of employees in each field per stage to meet the quotas necessary cohesively, quickly, and cheaply, including the oversight to keep everyone else on track. Considering total cost and time, wiggle room, will be used to manage quality, while keeping an acceptable amount of spare cash for unexpected expenses. I'll then have him help me scour resumes for the best temporary and long term employees, rent a work space for them to share, incentivize them meaningfully based on individual salaries, adjust team sizes, depending on the stage, and cough up money till it's all done, hopefully with the best product for this amount of money within the minimum time. All because the team to do it will be designed and coordinated from the beginning by a great technical director with more than acceptable parameters.

The game will then be digitally released.

My only real contribution will be the money, if funded, and the idea for the game. Which is in my opinion is totally worth trying for.

Game Idea

Hearth is everyone's resource depleted home.

Every ship launches from one of the considerably geographically separate team bases there, and if lucky enough, returns there. There is one element of true consequence on Hearth; Myranium. There is no Myranium left to drill for on Hearth, or it's one orbiting moon Fondoon. (But there are still shallow deposits of Coil on Fondoon, for refueling ships venturing out to compete for Myranium, from any team.)

Neutral satellites orbit the empty space between Hearth and Fondoon, scanning for, and reporting, all soon to be extractable, or sometimes, extraction ready Myranium, whenever detected, throughout the solar system to all bases simultaneously.

While the satellites' lasers vaporize any, in range, potential meteors, and aggressor ships from any base.

(bases, for the most part, defend their own air space, epically, unless a satellite detects something not allowed.)

Myranium (a crucial battery element) quickly deteriorates in its' natural occurring form and no ship could reach most detected sites in time if it were not for Time "Lock" technology.

Time "Lock" enables ships to travel (relative to Hearth time) up to almost the speed of light on their current gravitational course… and compete directly with other ships from other bases, in real time, well beyond the policing range of any of the neutral satellites, for an all too rare and crucial mineral.

Ships can vary in size, and general nature from; area destroying asteroid throwers, to atmospheric in and out of range fighters, to laser dodging space fighters, to driller tanks, to epic deep space laser giants, to anything in between.

Because, all actual ships are just optional configurations, of optional parts, that players create.

All parts have a specific cost, mass,(mass is a huge factor:) utility(s) and... with the exception of heat shields, a superconductive honey comb metal mesh under the surface to rapidly disperse heat evenly across the ship and into space, conduct power, and allow for time locking, along with most other features, which glows gold when hot. If the wire mesh system of a ship retains too much heat, it's rigid but ductile structure becomes compromised and the ship can no longer even conduct power between parts. The ship is dead in the water.

The types of parts are currently; (w/ fun notes on some details that hit on specific ship and battle natures [don’t let the potential complexity scare you, simple ships work, all this means is you have a lot of options for how your ship(s) can function through the solar system])

Cockpits (How many characters are in a ship [there is a set number of pilots for each team that increases only as new classes at your base graduate] determines how many players on the same team can be invited [by the player that created the ship] to control aspects of that ship simultaneously, multiple lasers etc - whenever systems they choose) (So many team players may have multiple or no personal ships) (Cockpit display systems within; independent radar orientation [that aids engine acceleration timing for landing on bodies or that ship in getting within laser or docking range of other ships] screens for lining up lasers and docking ports in the moment, and flying through space, vary as well between cockpits) (though there will always be basic separate visualizations for ship systems management, aiming in the moment, and flying [this will not be an easy game to master, players will be matched with equally proficient players [[as often as possible]] and tried hard) (you can also view your ship and others from team radar through space, within the cockpit) (Team satellites are banned from even existing as a part of ships in Hearth's airspace.)

Structural Pieces (allow for custom part configurations, for potential orientation and staging efficiency [decouplers cost a great deal though and always jettison with the portions they release, because they must vaporize unmanned portions/debris including the decoupler itself])

Engines (there are atmospheric and rocket) (All engines of either class are of the same atmospheric or rocket design concept, they just vary in efficiency, mass, heat generation, and thrust) (getting into space and flying around shouldn’t be too difficult, this is primarily a 3D teams' competition game.)

Myranium and Coil Fuel tanks (vary in size/shape/mass/efficiency but some Myranium tanks of a different design hold less and weigh more because they have a built in system/option for running energy through the tanks raw storage to basically turn the tank into a large unrechargable, unrefillable, hot battery, for a while, before ruining the Myranium inside)

Batteries (here and now, recharge themselves at a slow rate over time, producing heat always, but can also be charged to reenergize faster) (bigger batteries hold much more energy for their mass and cost, and charge faster than individual smaller batteries but a mass of smaller batteries will recharge, in total, faster, all are expensive)

Lasers (all small to medium class lasers cost a significant amount of power just to activate, but have higher precision than the massive laser, neutral satellites, and possibly your ships can have, which are the only ones that can vaporize asteroids… and enemy ships. [they work by a different, less energy efficient, over time, design so they don't overheat their own ship almost instantly) (overly reflective/transparent surfaces, even in Hearth airspace, are banned because they result in escalation/debris.) (Lasers themselves can detect enemy ships in range, while not firing)

Detection Systems (Each team has its own Radar illustration of the solar system dependent on what their team has (in the case of enemy ships, last and lately) detected, shared instantaneously by time lock engines so communication isn't even hindered by relative line of sight) (Radar systems can hugely increase radial detection for a ship, [none are perfect but some are very hard to avoid. Most exceptional of these systems are massive and power costly when on, and your ships radar, when on, makes that ship extremely detectable.]) (Some can, most especially the satellite radar, detect close Coil and Myranium deposits, the satellites couldn’t see while orbiting Hearth, and better detect and give the durability of nearby asteroids.) (Some of the smaller more expensive options can hack an enemy ship you've force docked to yourself])

RCS (allows for reorientation in space, they release Coil, less efficiently and more rapidly, but a large enough set up, on a small enough ship, can allow for rapid adjustments in immediate position, for brilliant relative maneuvering.)

Time "Lock" Engines (the power/size of these engines determines the potential rate of relative warping a ship can manage while generating the least heat [it's hot before and after jumping for a decent amount of relative time] and relative energy costs depend on the mass of the ship, and the relative space/time density it's jumping from. [too great a space time density and no engine can even jump or stay locked]) (Some less efficient models are designed specially to "Space Lock" which warps space around them just enough to make a ship, depending on size and distance, much harder to detect even while not "warping," unless in laser range... but it also causes peripheral laser shots to curve around the ship and even miss potentially.)

Docking ports (ship merging parts vary in size and durability, and types of cables for "auto docking" [team ships just have to be within a certain range of speed, distance, and orientation, relative to each other, and any connection cables can be fired to handle the rest) (Asteroid grappling requires grapples with a piercing option, then regardless if an enemy ship is already connected, you can just grab the asteroid if within range and speed parameters, so you can try and redirect it too, same goes for the/enemy ship[s]!) (so a ship shaped like a missile aimed at an enemy tanker, space locked to get enemy fire to go around it at no greater cost to space lock, (lasers are just photons) could exit space lock in range, load up fluid energy/heat in its mesh, force dock and release radar incapacitation to reboot the other ship as it's own, thus adding the tankers mass/heat distribution system to its own, as well as the ship's laser, coolant and power systems for handling any nearby enemies, before taking it's uneven payload to base… which is why defensive ranged ship formations are so important, so a small fighter narrow to it's target will be a clean target to nearby ally ships 90 degrees to target. [in space you'll often need someone to hear you scream])

Heat shields (inflatable or stable to varying degrees, are incredibly great for insulating heat but retain heat like a rock, unless atmospheric friction sheds the most heat compromised layers from the rest of the insulation)

atmospheric entry control parts ([it's fun not to have to call it reentry] drag flaps can dictate rate and angle of a ship through considerable air friction. Engines and RCS, wont have much to say in such situations) (for moderate atmospheric friction there are drag-shutes of varying strengths and resistances) (during construction the game will let you know largely how a system set up on your ship will function, on the ship, in the likely circumstances)

Atmospheric Parts (wings for sustainable moderate atmospheric resistance control)

Landing gear (for gradually rolling to a stop over a distance or gears to stick a landing)

Drill bits (Myranium deposits vary significantly, but somewhat consistently depending on the planet or moon, in area, depth/quantity, and density/rate of collection, but the right drill can make a world of difference.)

Mobile Coil and Myranium Refineries (the Coil mineral refiners are relatively light, but even the smallest refiners for Myranium are massive and both have to be refined for ship storage. Why carry unrefined Coil? And Myranium wouldn’t even make it back to base for further refining untreated.)

Coolant Systems (vacuum stored coolant tanks re-cool over time in space vacuum and don't require either coolant circulating engines [more tanks means more independent coolant sources to run over the hull in succession, in the case of a circulation system] or an RCS similar spray system for rapidly spray cooling the hull at a loss of coolant [you cant drill for more coolant solution though, any more than you can drill for parts you decouple from your ship or heat shielding shed upon atmospheric entry,  both do up the speed for potentially cooling a ship, but the tanks can just lose and reclaim vacuum status relative to the ship hull.)  (there are also Radial panels which up the dispersal of radial heat released.) (If shot with a laser the panels are receiving more heat than they can disperse and your conductive mesh is so efficient that it doesn’t really matter at all where a ship is hit (only total mass and coolant systems effect that) unless they're hitting atmospheric entry shields… lol or solar panels for a slightly greater energy transfer efficiency)

Additional Energy Replenishing Systems (Coil burning engines for energy and Solar panels [Don’t bring panels to a laser fight, there is a significant max rate and range of absorption on these things])

So closer to the stars (this is a traditional two star solar system) coolant tank systems and solar panels are more efficient, far from the stars Coil energy engines and radial heat panels are ideal.

The "right" ship is hugely determined by where it's going/is, relative to the stars, planet positions, what your team will likely be up against there, who all can control what aspects of it, and what you need it specifically to accomplish. You get cash for cost to enemies, either by destroying their ships or taking a quantity of Myranium significant to their goals.

Players can trade cash on a team but total Myranium is a shared team resource. Bring enough ships into an enemy base's air space, take damage from the base defenses (including any ships their players' have in the area) and deal enough damage to take it out, and you'll have one less enemy team to worry about.

Be the last base standing and YOU WIN.

(This could be set up as multiple long standing independent games separated by rank with players for teams filtering in and out over long periods, with mandatory 15min breaks every 45min [with what players, across time, can control what parts of what ships being dictated by players] [aa max ratio of neutral team players that choose what games to enter (decided by player rank) to handle far off aggressors, whos' ships cant be fully neutralized only overheated to the point that they cant work till they cool, unless vaporized, and a commission on all Myranium managed on Hearth, and reporting back to neutral satellites what ships should be destroyed if ever again in Hearth-Fondoon space) or it might end up isolated games with set teams fighting short term till there's a quick winner. This will be tested out based on logistical functionality and or players' preferences, like the minimum success ranges for; ship manuverability, Myranium procurement, ship piece purchase, and a great many other things.)

God Bless @GodYourMentor (That is God's Son)

Risks and challenges

The big challenge will hopefully just be a lot of programming problem solving but I asked for the amount I did to assure I could hire gifted, seasoned employees at every level.

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