Welcome to worstof
It's not all roses and sunshine here on reddit. Sometimes shitty things are said and sometimes shitty people say them. When you see the bad side of reddit, post it here.
Add context when necessary. If the comment you're linking is not the first comment in a chain, add "?context=x" to the URL, where "x" is the number of previous comments necessary to reveal appropriate context.
Don't submit links to user pages, static links only.
Do not post links if you are directly involved. Try to remain as neutral as possible.
If you are making a text post about /r/worstof, do so by tagging it as [META].
Click here or here for examples of good /r/worstof posts.
Your title should accurately describe the content. Posts with incorrect, misleading, or overly inflammatory titles will be removed.
All posts and comments are subject to removal at a moderator's discretion.
The official reddit rules and reddiquette will be followed. Assholes often post here or are posted about; don't be an asshole back.
To further emphasize the above: personal insults are strictly forbidden and may result in a ban.
/r/worstof is not your personal army or your personal downvote brigade. Any "call-to-arms" type posts will be removed.
If you're just looking to point out a jerk, go to /r/assholes instead. Submissions here should be either funny or ridiculously horrible; your run-of-the-mill asshole doesn't cut it.
Post in /r/SubredditDrama for general drama.
Post in /r/ffsreddit to discuss reddit's less desirable qualities. No "DAE hate when..." posts.
No posts from circlejerk subreddits. If it involves SRS, MensRights, TheRedPill, or any other meta circlejerk related subreddit, it doesn't belong here. For example, black people hate from /r/coontown is not acceptable.