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submitted by Endorsed Contributortits_out_forTheBoys
I need multiculturalism because a bunch of globalists told me that my culture is inferior and needs to be enriched.
I need illegal immigration because the only way to make my country better is to allow infinity third world people to invade it and exploit its welfare system.
I need affirmative action because I think that ending racial discrimination at the work place can only be achieved by using racial quotas to determine who gets the job.
I need political correctness because I don't want to live in a society that tells the truth because it might hurt my feelings.
I need open borders because I refuse to live in a country that actually believes it has the right to preserve itself or protect its citizens from external threats since that would be racist.
I need diversity because living in a homogeneous community that shares the same culture, identity, and heritage would ultimately lead to another mass-lampshading of innocent Jews.
I need white privilege because I don't want to lose my invisible knapsack of magical rights and privileges that makes me totally untouchable in any given situation.
I need Black Lives Matter because it is the only way I can constantly be reminded that black lives only matter when white people take them.
I need gun control because I would feel a lot safer if law-abiding citizens were disarmed so that weapons can only be available for people who illegally obtain them.
I need racial equality because anyone who acknowledges white genocide obviously deserves to be labeled an evil white supremacist.
I need Communism because I seriously feel like I shouldn't have to work as hard as the next person and I want free everything.
I need LGBT because I would be totally unaware of how bigoted I am if disgusting and perverted people didn't constantly shove their abnormal lifestyles down my throat.
I need Sharia law because I would feel a lot safer knowing that at any moment I could be tortured, maimed, or killed for violating laws made by a Middle Eastern cult during the Stone Age.
I need the Holocaust because it makes it a lot easier for me to trust the Jews if I can believe their story about 6 million innocent people getting turned into soap and lampshades while totally ignoring the fact that Communist Jews slaughtered over 60 million Europeans during the Bolshevik Revolution.
I need hate speech laws because anyone who would dare use the truth to refute an argument should be punished or imprisoned.
I need Internet censorship because we shouldn't have to worry about getting our feelings hurt by mean words on Twitter.
I need SJWs because they teach me that my feelings are more important than facts.
I need white guilt because the only way we can have peace in this world is if white people are shamed into thinking they're a cancer to humanity.
all 52 comments
[–]submitted_5_days_ago 7 points8 points9 points  (5 children)
Apart jokes, what do you suggest as a prescriptive strategy?
Or are we already doomed? It's clear they're winning.
[–]Battle-Scars 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
They're not beating me. insulate your self as much as possible from the bullshit, surround yourself with people you trust and enjoy.
[–]Endorsed Contributortits_out_forTheBoys[S] 5 points6 points7 points  (1 child)
Waking people up and spreading the truth is my strategy. It's not easy though because most people don't wanna listen to this stuff. It's like a Pavlovian conditioned response.
[–]submitted_5_days_ago 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
The fact is if I were the architect I would expect some parts of the system to "wake up and collude" in order to gain control.
And I'm just a guy from the internet. Higher level of thinking will expect more complex and critic events.
Seems not much can be done practically.
But still, they're just humans otherwise they won't need to implement those tactics. They still play in the same system.
[–]squirrelcuisine 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
They arent winning anywhere but on the internet. I see more redpill men across the boardroom table from me than I see neckbeards.
Sorry, but the situation isnt that dire.
[–]phaseonx11 7 points8 points9 points  (0 children)
TRP is becoming increasingly racist
[–]Endorsed Contributorfluviant 24 points25 points26 points  (5 children)
I knew TRP would head into this territory someday. Great post. This sort of attitude and mentality is spreading like wildfire. The emperor has no clothes.
[–]Endorsed Contributoradam-l 6 points7 points8 points  (2 children)
Locking TRP into right-wing politics cuts it off from what left-wing thought has to offer to its mission, which is strategies for the benefit of men.
Don't ever lose from your perspective that one of the first and bravest people to bring the feminist (and, generally, female) hypocrisy to light was Esther Vilar, whose book The Manipulated Man is sidelined, and she is a fucking Marxist.
[–]Endorsed Contributortits_out_forTheBoys[S] 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
The right and the left both serve the same masters. This isn't "right wing politics," it's realism.
[–]RedEyesBlueShades 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
The problem with left-winged thought, and this is an unfortunate reality of it, is that it is seldom coherent. Meaning it's the left's responsibility to push boundaries, but there are so many boundaries to push that the result is often a cacophony of noisy gibberish. This is certainly the case today.
[–]1MillionTinyHorses 7 points8 points9 points  (0 children)
It's been fun while it lasted.
[–]kappy_the_kike 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
white nationalism is the elephant in the room the jews dont want to acknowledge
[–]keepyourkeys 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
I need debt based currency brought to me by the privately owned federal reserve because without debt based corruption, my country's currency might hold value across time.
[–]Endorsed ContributorVasiliyZaitzev 10 points11 points12 points  (1 child)
I need white privilege because I don't want to lose my invisible knapsack of magical rights and privileges that makes me totally untouchable in any given situation.
"White Privilege" is a 100 IQ and a 50-50 shot of having both your parents. Everything else is just whining by people who can't get their shit together and need to blame someone else for their own lack of success.
Winners WIN, losers whine.
[–]systemshock869 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
Prob a 60-40 chance at getting a triple digit IQ, too.
[–]1v1mebruh 9 points10 points11 points  (0 children)
preaching to the choir man
[–]JimiJons 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
This is a post with incendiary opinions on everything except sexual strategy. What a high-quality, grade-A contribution. Ironically, each complaint shares uncanny similarity with the bitching and crying a feminist would make about something she determines to be "unfair."
I need you to keep posting this trash because it has nothing to do with how to be a man and everything to do with you attempting to piss your idiotic political beliefs all over TRP. I see your endorsement was well-earned.
[–]eddiae 8 points9 points10 points  (4 children)
this is nice and all but we shouldnt make this sub into /pol, i sense that sluthate/white supremacists/refugees/"thejewsdidthis" is creeping here, whether those opinions are justified or not we should keep trp about sexual strategy there are adequate subs for those subjects.
[–]danjs 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
He frequents Stormfront, don't be surprised.
[–]eddiae 1 point2 points3 points  (1 child)
you shouldnt joke about the massacre of 60 billion people, here go masturbate to this https://www.youtube.co/watch?v=hBlbLgl5WDs77 and stop shitposting.
[–]Endorsed Contributortits_out_forTheBoys[S] 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
60 billion? That sounds accurate
[–]Endorsed ContributorVasiliyZaitzev 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
[–]0xdada 4 points5 points6 points  (3 children)
Why can't we admire how fucking epic a population of like 14m people, as in the top %10 being less than 1.5m people - have done for themselves.
If you want to kill a movement, paint it as anti-Semitic. Even though I like tits_out's posts, I'm going to call bullshit on the jew baiting thing. It's butthurt acknowledgement that you've lost, and it draws unnecessary heat to TRP. I am all about anti-globalism and against cultural marxism, and even for some aspects of tribalism.
When it all comes down, the jewish people are still going to be here, and they are still going to help their friends. Whether you want them as allies or enemies is your call.
[–]TheRedThrowAwayPill -2 points-1 points0 points  (2 children)
I think he's yelling about how Roman Catholics & evangelicals give them deference in their world view and have been doing so since WWII. White privilege? That definitely is it right there.
[–]0xdada 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
If I misunderstood, I would be willing to let it go. It's funny, I've never lost sleep over being a racist, misogynist, homo/transphobic shirtlord, but messing with the tribe has historically been poor judgment.
Jews don't control the world, on a per capita basis they just influence it a lot. ;)
[–]Endorsed Contributortits_out_forTheBoys[S] 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
I'm not yelling, you just don't like what I'm saying because the truth hurts your feelings
[–]bakerizer 5 points6 points7 points  (4 children)
Cultural marxism is a phrase made up by people who want to defend capitalism and tradition at the same time. In truth, this is the fault of capitalism. There was a demand for degeneracy and it was supplied. Not a socialist, just a realist.
[–]bewegungmachtschlank 4 points5 points6 points  (2 children)
I agree. There's no such thing as cultural marxism. All of these things are largely the result of the people in power trying to maximise their wealth. For example, large scale immigration isn't some conspiracy to dilute the white race or whatever. Immigration boosts demand, lowers wages, and is a convenient scapegoat for worsening labour conditions and so on. Follow the money.
[–]RedEyesBlueShades 2 points3 points4 points  (1 child)
Follow the money.
This right here.
It's really that simple... if it was more profitable to have a "closed" society, we'd have one. If it was more profitable to make everything at home, Made in Chine would not be a thing. If women only contributed 10% to the total economy, they would still not be allowed to vote.
[–]JimiJons 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Well, sex is a commodity after all.
[–]iLLprincipLeS 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Cultural marxism was made with the intention of giving the masses the fake impression that there can be socialism in capitalism without nationalism.
[–]submitted_5_days_ago 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
If I could only make hundreds of million of my useless innocent people get killed by an evil dictator I would conquer the world.
[–]Ochreata 1 point2 points3 points  (4 children)
I need the Holocaust because it makes it a lot easier for me to trust the Jews if I can believe their story about 6 million innocent people getting turned into soap and lampshades while totally ignoring the fact that Communist Jews slaughtered over 60 million Europeans during the Bolshevik Revolution.
Strictly speaking, it was about 60 million over the course of the Jewish Communist experiment, about 20 million by the time WWII rolled around. Only then did the German's put down the Jewish Bolshevik attempted takeover and defy the laws of physics by gassing and burning them at speeds still impossible today.
Only a year ago I was downvoted for mention the holohoax here..great to see the truth becoming more widely understood. Good post.
[–]iLLprincipLeS 5 points6 points7 points  (3 children)
Let's say there were actually 6 million dead jewish persons. Fine. But then, you never hear about:
7.5mil dead Germans.
2.6mil dead Indians.
6mil dead Polish.
3mil dead Japanese.
400k dead Italians.
500k dead Romanians.
800k dead Greeks.
600k dead Hungarians.
Why? Is a jewish life more valuable than all the other non-jewish?
Also, you never hear about world war 1 : http://i.imgur.com/K62na0P.png
[–]ILoveSunflowers 2 points3 points4 points  (1 child)
Because it's the manner in which they were killed. Jews were dehumanized, and then systematically rounded up and executed, for being Jewish. Not like the above who died as combatants or collateral damage. They were targeted by their ethnicity. That's the reason the Jewish numbers are enshrined. It was an active genocide.
[–]iLLprincipLeS 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
I see. So it's a historical fetishization of the way they died. The others, the combatants, those were just human carcasses that don't matter anymore, bet they even enjoyed dying in a war started not by them.
[–]keepyourkeys -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
World War II was objectively a genocide for the white race. So was WWI.
[–]yavnik -1 points0 points1 point  (6 children)
I need Red Pill because I want to rationalize blaming everything on the Jews
[–]Endorsed Contributortits_out_forTheBoys[S] 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
From the Israeli press:
They boast about this stuff likes it a good thing.
[–]keepyourkeys 2 points3 points4 points  (1 child)
I need the internet because saying "The 6 largest media companies in America are jewish owned" is not inherently an anti-Semitic statement. It's just reporting the facts.
If anything this reflects positively on the acumen of Jewish people. I'll never understand how people take it negatively.
[–]iLLprincipLeS 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
wooo, the big jewish conspiracy.

Actually, it's more simple: they just exploit the many faults of the animal called human. Many would do the same if they'd be born in a privileged capitalizing tribe like the zionists.
So, there is no point into wasting time blaming them, it won't affect in any way their power. Instead, everyone that wants to be more than a little slave consumer, should observe and learn so he might have a chance to live and not only.. survive.
[–][deleted]  (1 child)
    [–]michael_wilkins 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
    I need cultural marxism because for us to have any hope beyond a doomed species on a doomed rock we need to leave our animal roots behind and look to the stars as one.
    [–]jdot21 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
    I really hope this way of thinking starts to spread into the mainstream. If shit stays the same, I'd hate to see what the west is gonna be like in 10 years.
    [–]McLarenX 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
    Edit: if the mods delete this comment, please demand a detailed public explanation.
    Bravo on revealing the globalist lies. The holocaust hoax will be difficult for people to swallow. I would simply like to provide two facts that may spark some independent research:
    • since the 4 million number of "executions" at Auschwitz provided by the Soviets was debunked and adjusted to a figure of, at most, 1.5 million, why hasn't that 6 million number also been reduced?
    • if two million Jews were added to the worldwide census estimations between 2011 and 2015 by a simple change of parameters, isn't it fair to say that Jewish population statistics are, at best, a crap shoot and at worst artificially manipulated?
    I implore you to seek out the facts. Nothing I stated above is remotely antisemitic, simply a few population figures to spark skepticism in an inquiring mind.
    [–]1MillionTinyHorses 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
    I need a beer, to cope with having to live in this cultural paradigm.
    [–]TheRedThrowAwayPill -3 points-2 points-1 points  (0 children)
    Since when do we have sharia law in America???
    The closest you ever got was Pamela Geller complaining about the Jews err I mean Muslims. And that was it.
    Edit: downvoting your butt hurtness isn't changing the fact there are no pro Muslim laws or regulations happening anywhere. If anything the right wing was whipped into a fury to push anti-Muslim laws & regulations like it was khristallnaght. Geez stfu already ya bunch of pansies
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